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He chuckled. “Just because I caught you at it?”

“No,” she answered truthfully. “Because I hate lies. It’s why Sassi was out there.”

“Lies? Whose lies? Wait, no. I want the whole story in one go. The bot will tell me the story, if I ask it? I’d rather hear it from you. Since you’re not too ill to talk, you can start now.”

His under-the-brow look reminded her of his predisposition toward punishment.

“Begin.” He almost smiled.

How had she ended up here? She did not have to tell him. She did not.

She drew a breath and began. “I was worried you were lying to me.”

One eyebrow rose higher.

May an Overwatch sat blast me now. What would he think when she mentioned what the potion was for?

One of his punishments was in her future. Would she sit still for it was the question?

A faint stirring below, a mild rising excitement said she would. A stranger feeling came to her, that she was glad he’d found out. Lies would always come out in the end.

By the time she’d told the story, finishing with her swallowing the potion, the doctor was being let in by the guards. Drake pressed his hand over hers. He inhaled roughly through his nose while staring at the far wall.

“Get well first then we will discuss this further.” He looked down at her.

“Okay.” What else could she say? That she was awful at lying?

Lies were okay in politics, he’d said. Consort was a pretty word for partner on the throne. The throne was tangled up in politics, always had been—even she knew that.

Calli firmed her jaw.

Just because he’d made love to her, that did not mean she had to regard this mauleon as anything but another cog in the political machinery and a temporary bed partner.

This had been forced on her by circumstances.

Even if she did want him in her bed.

And... in her.

That last time had been amazing. If not for her stomachache, she’d have sent away the doctor and made extensive use of this mauleon.

“Good morning, Your Highness.” The doctor bowed to her from the bedroom door. A female doctor, thank the stars.

That day, Drake decided to stay with her, and ended up making her do exactly what the doctor had said to do—eat boring food, drink water, and stay in bed as much as possible.

She’d thought he would lecture her, instead he gave her more information about the rebellion. It was over. Vass had not been caught and most thought he’d fled to a neighboring kingdom, or the Autocracy of Zotney. None of those were likely to give him an army, so it seemed the situation was stabilizing.

“We found some disturbing sites left over from your brothers’ reign, places where General Vass was in charge.” Drake frowned at her from the armchair he’d dragged over to her bed. Papers were strewn about the floor beside him, a sword and a pistol hung over the back. Calli wasn’t sure she liked having her rooms redecorated in Male War décor.

Still, he was the perfect bedside helper.

“So he’s gone but left something bad. Tell me more.”

“Not yet. It’s one of those things that could upset your stomach.”

What? “Something gory? Not involving children?”


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