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“It is him?”

She sighed. “Yes. I think maybe you can help me. I and he, we... you know.”

“Uh-huh. Go on. I am getting the idea already. Is that a problem? Dammit, Calli. Should I envy you or not? The anti-mauleoners would likely have your neck and his but, honestly, most people I know much prefer you to Vass, or even to your brothers. Though I’m sorry about them.” A frown came and went.

Drake had been truthful, even if he’d doled out the data in dribs and drabs. All she had to worry about was her insane attraction to him. And whether she wanted to be some sort of arm decoration for him for the rest of her life.

If she could get her mind to function when around him, that’d help.

Spilling all of Drake’s plans and their agreement would be wrong, she thought, sobering up to reality. She must not tell Shree.

“I cannot say much more, though I wish I could. However, I find my attraction to him to be, ummm, excessive and so, is there anything I can get to lessen it?”

“To lessen your attraction? To Drake?” Her eyes seemed enormous and stayed wide open.

“Yes. As in something from the pharmacy here?”

“That would be interesting,” she said carefully. “Hmmm. Most people want aphrodisiacs. I cannot, though, even if there was something. You’d have to issue a royal command to get the pharmacist here to cough up a drug you’ve not been prescribed.”

If Shree knew of the torm she hadn’t mentioned it. “So where else could I try? A naturologist?”

“A witch with a cauldron probably, only we don’t seem to have any on this planet.” Shree frowned. “Sure. Try the naturologist on Pengle Street, it’s close to the lower city and I wouldn’t trust them to cure a cold, but love potions—”

“Anti-love potion,” she pointed out.

“Yes, that. Those they might have.” Then she hugged Calli unexpectedly and gushed, “Take care! I have to go help on the ward or they’ll be chasing me.”

“Thank you,” she said, following her out the door.

“My pleasure. Just next time you’re in bed with him, say hi from me.” She winked.

Calli was still smiling when they parted in the corridor.

An hour and a half later, she’d slipped back into the palace grounds and made her way back to her rooms. Sitting at the desk in her study, she pulled the small bottle from the satin bag they’d placed it in.

The label was rather grand.

Haute Reversal Desire Solution.

Take one spoonful, once daily, until symptoms lessen.

Not to be taken with alcohol or combined with any hormonal supplements.

The naturologist hadn’t been difficult to find and they’d been open on this chaotic day.

The mixture had been concocted for her, specifically, after the woman had taken down a few details about her weight and age. Though skeptical about Calli’s requirement, she’d made the potion.

Once daily. She had a spoon, now to dare to swallow this.

She unstoppered the bottle, laid aside the glass stopper, and poured a dose into the spoon.

Then she swallowed it. The taste made her pull a face and wish she had something sweet to chase it down.

By nightfall, Drake still hadn’t returned, and she was feeling odd in the stomach. Serve her right if she ended up throwing up. How was she to test the potion if he wasn’t here?

Calli went to bed early and watched the flicker of fireworks reflecting off the wall opposite her window. People were celebrating out there. That was nice. The solid stone construction of the palace dulled the sounds and she might’ve risen to look at them from her balcony, but she was feeling odd.

She yawned and drifted off to sleep.

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