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“They will be returned.” He stroked his chin, and she’d swear his nostrils flared as he looked up and down her body. “You’re wondering how I fit in you, no?”

“Of course I’m not.” Stop blushing.

“Hmmm. I want you to look up mauleon sex. If you have nothing in that palace of yours, come to me, and I will find you a textbook.”

That wrong-footed her. “You want me to search for mauleon porn at the palace? Just tell me.”

He tilted his head, downturned his mouth, as if considering it. “No. It’s facts I want you to read, not porn. Do the work yourself.”


Everything—his attitude, his words—ran together in her mind, combining into a minor rage.

Calli shunted aside her annoyance by saying in her mind a small litany that Mister Fenton had advised for stress and clearing the mind of clutter.

The world will wait. Serenity is the armor of the wise.

One. Two. Three.

She heaved in a slow breath, let it out, and her head lost that prickling tension.

“Next time I see you I’ll have better information on how the rebellion is going. It should be mostly finished within the next day.”

Drake shifted on the chair, which of course shifted all of his bulk—muscles and cock. She tried not to admire what lay before her. He was a perfect specimen of hazardous masculinity. There should be a sign on him: Touch at your own risk.

“Go back to your palace and wait. People expect you to be there. I will set guards around it and I have men I can trust in the palace guards. Watch the city. Learn some porn.”

His wink was impudent, but she forced down any returning anger.

How did she say farewell to this mauleon when he’d fucked her brains out, essentially? This was surreal.

“Well. Goodbye.” Calli blinked. “You’re not... likely to have given me any diseases?” Oh, the blush after that heated her face badly. “I mean, I have none but mauleons—”

His growl unnerved her more than anything he’d done. “Take care with your words.”

She whirled to leave, was halfway to the door when he spoke.

“My men will guard you as you go through the city. There’s a cloak with a hood, and your boots and more waiting for you. Wear them all. You’re not to leave the palace again unless I say it is safe.”

He’d given her orders. This was getting to be a habit.

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