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“Sir, why aren’t you calling me meisie?”

“Because you haven’t earned it. When I call you that again, you’ll know you’ve earned it and that I’m happy with you. Also, you are never to call me Pieter again. Sir will do.” He caught my chin. “Understand?”

Fuck this. My perception of him, me, the world, seemed to stutter. Never, ever to call him Pieter again? It was as if the color orange had been outlawed. That he dared, that he could do this. It rattled me as much as, or more than, any of the humiliating things he’d already done. It was a nail in the coffin of my old life.

“Why do you look so stunned? Hmm?”

He’d seen that? Crap.

“I...” I swallowed.

“Say it. Or do I need to spank you?”

Wetness, instant wetness. I wanted to squirm on the spot. The threat of spanking had caused that. What had he done to me?

His eyes narrowed.

“I don’t know why exactly, but it bothers me. I like calling you Pieter. Please?”

“No. I asked if you understood.”

Oh. He had. “Yes, Sir. I do.”

“Fantastic.” He patted my head then kept caressing me while studying me as if to see how it affected me.

I tried to shut down my reaction. I was ashamed, turned on, and absolutely confused. To my consternation, I felt a building ache in my pussy. After a while, I gave in and shut my eyes again. As his hand ran over me, I lowered my head, relishing the sensations and drifting into his touch.

I wanted this Sir, so much, but not the one who punished. I wanted to be free but I also wanted to be with him. I’d been willing to kill him. So stupid. If I’d succeeded, would I have been able to move even? I could see myself standing over his body forever, like some pet that had lost its master, fading away to nothing.

“I’ll be good, Sir,” I whispered.

“Mmm. That’s what I need to hear. Come here, little bitch.”

Then he dragged me back onto the bed, shifted my legs apart, and entered me, ever so slowly, with his eyes on mine.

It was a quiet fuck, more like making love than his normal, but it reaffirmed who was who in this relationship. I didn’t get to come but that familiar feeling of being used because I was his and available, and maybe even loved, was welcome.

Chapter 36

We waited at the jetty as Glass took the seaplane around in a big circle. The sea was a little choppy and spray drifted off the tops of the waves outside the sheltered bay. Even the few seagulls that had made it to our island looked windblown, with their feathers ruffling in the gusts. Sand spattered against my legs. Any rougher and we’d be waiting for this oncoming storm to die away before leaving.

I had Jazmine kneeling by my side. It was cooler than normal and her dress fluttered in the breeze. I could even see goose bumps on her arms, but I kept her kneeling as much as possible now. All part of the constant reinforcement of what I needed her to do, to think, to be.

The roar of the plane intensified as it cruised toward us. Glass steered in to a few meters out, then cut the engine. The pilot’s door swung open and he jumped down into the water. “Got much to take back?”


His progress through the sea slowed as he studied Jazmine. He popped up his brows. “You seem to have her well in hand. I find that strangely attractive.”

I nodded. “It is. Man after my own heart.”

“Yeah. If I find a girl like this, you can train her for me.”

Half serious? I wasn’t sure.

“Come, girl. Let’s load the gear.”

The weeks that had followed my sadistic blowout had been useful in asserting my dominance. The rifle was out in plain view on top of the boxes but I had no doubt she’d avoid going near it.

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