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“Sit there. On the bag.”

Her elegance as she sat and folded her legs under her was the natural movement of a young woman. I approved wholeheartedly, especially when she winced as her derriere touched her legs.

“Now, before we eat our gourmet canned soup and bread.” Tomorrow we could sort out more complicated food. There were long-life milk sachets packed away some bloody where. “You are going to strip off that dress and say I am sorry, sir, for being bad today. Then I am going to cane you for that mistake.”

The whine in her throat and her pleading eyes wound up the tension in me. The thought of doing this to her had kept me hard most of the afternoon.


“Pieter –” she blurted.

“An extra two strikes for that.”

“May I –” She swallowed and shut her eyes. “Ask a question, Sir.”

“No. Undress now and say the words, or I will add more strikes.”

Her head bowed then with it still low, she pulled off her dress over her head then dropped it to one side. She rattled out the words. “I’m sorry sir, for being bad.”

Not terribly heartfelt, but a start. I’m getting into your head, girl.

Oh yes. At last. Pretty woman with a bright blue bra and panties set. I reached down and took first one breast then the other in hand, weighing them. Jaz had nice full breasts and there was nothing I would change about her, nothing. Her dark hair swayed across her face.

“Put your head up. I want to see you.”

I used the cane to make her raise her head. There were the tears again, lining her eyelids. Would she ever run out of those? I hoped not. A woman crying was one of the sexiest things in creation.

“Scoop your tits out of your bra and hold them up to me.”

She did it without hesitation, even if her expression seemed set in stone. I made sure to keep eye contact as I took both nipples in finger and thumb and squeezed them. The abrupt flutter of her eyes and the parting of her lips could hardly be missed except by a blind man. I let go and pulled her up by her upper arms, then treated each nipple to a good long suck. She may have stayed silent but her hips swayed toward me.

Enough with her pleasure.

“Go to your knees facing away then bend over and put your head to the floor. Though her hands clenched into fists and she did a funny little stomp with one foot, she turned and did as I asked. “Tell me, how many strikes do you think you’ve earned?”

Her reply was muffled yet distinct. “None.”

I laughed silently. “I can see you’ve not played this game before. That means I add extra. Especially for that foot stomp.”

I had a try at shifting her panties down with the cane but it wasn’t made for this work. Besides, hands-on was far better. I stood then wriggled her panties down to that exquisite spot where her ass ended and her thighs began – a sweet and cute woman’s bottom with a few small red and blue spots from earlier but nothing much in the way of marks, yet.

I couldn’t cane her every day, but today was number one on the calendar of the training of Jazmine. Though, really, I’d begun at the house. She’d taken to being my submissive from the day I first fucked her.

The rattan cane was nice and whippy. I set out a warning. “Move from your place and I add more.”

The first whack was the beginning of a concerto in cane major. This wasn’t for her, this was for me and the warm-up was near nonexistent. A few taps and I began. Each strike left a welt, and some of the welts would leave bruises. Her little cries and squirms only drove me onward. I counted to fifteen and she hadn’t moved her knees. Impressive.

Jazmine was a smart woman. She was either in subspace from a few hits in or very determined not to earn more blows from the cane.

I went to the front and lowered myself to one knee. “Meisie?”

Her subdued “Mmm,” with her head turned to the side and her lowered eyelids, said subspace.

By her hair, I pulled her up off her knees then I shoved down my shorts. “Open your mouth.” Sliding into her mouth along her tongue then feeling the soft bump at the back, god damn. I half-closed my eyes and shunted in and out accompanied by her hums and gasps as she sucked in more air past my cock.

After making her ass red, I was close, fast. “Stay there.” Having pulled out and released her hair, I walked to her other end and assessed her. Red, red butt up in the air, perfect, and a beautiful wet cunt. This was going to hurt her when I thrust in all the way. Good.

If there was one thing I’d yearned to do today, apart from punish her, it was fuck her properly. I kneeled and probed for her entrance, hearing a small moan when I hit the spot between her pussy lips and entered her to the depth of an inch or two. My next thrust cruised in all the way. Caught in that amazing moment, sunk balls deep inside her, and revved up by her high-pitched squeak, I pushed to seat myself in her pussy. Her moisture slicked my balls. She let out a little grunt and I bent over and kissed her neck.

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