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“Ja.” I’d known, really, all along. In my gut. It still hurt. We surged forward. “I want to sit her down and lecture her and then...” Do something nastier that I should really be ashamed of thinking, outside of Gregor’s little dungeon. I wiped at my mouth.

“What? You sound as pissed as me. Lecture her?” He chuckled. “Sure. We’re going to have to think hard about what to do with her.”

I checked his expression. I’d never thought Glass would kill to protect business interests, but there was so much riding on this. “You can’t kill her.”

We drove to the next intersection and zoomed along a quiet street behind some warehouses, then up behind a tall office building, where there was an entry to a deserted car park. Glass cruised past that, stopping alongside a section where there was only sidewalk and the flat walls of the office buildings rising up to both sides. At around seven in the morning, no one was at work.

“No CCTV here,” he murmured. “And no, we won’t kill her, as long as you have an alternative, because there’s no way I’d trust her enough to let her go, not after this.” He regarded me steadily, like I was a magician about to pull a rabbit out of my ass.

The way he said that made the possibilities obvious and after we’d just rescued her from Gregor it was ironic. I drawled out, “No killing. Which doesn’t leave a lot of options. You keep her somewhere. Someone else keeps her, or I do. Which are you thinking?”

“That you’re a kinky devious bastard with the hots for her. That you want her. Wrong?” He cocked his eyebrow.

I shook my head. “I never thought I’d ever think of doing this.”

“Sometimes fate takes a hand in our lives and we have to do what she asks us to.”

“Philosophy à la Glass?”


“She won’t like my plan. But I will.” I nodded to myself. “Are you still having trouble with petty thieves taking fuel and supplies on Rakenest Island?”

“I am.”

“Let me be your solution for a month. Me, her, whatever I need for a month out there. I’ll make them rue the day they stole from you. I’ll make her wish she hadn’t run.” I ran through things in my head: pluses, minuses, how she might react. “You need to follow my lead when I talk to her.”

In the mirror I spotted a white taxi overtaking us and it came to a stop just ahead.


I hadn’t been quite the model citizen for years, but with my hand on the door handle, I said the words that severed my connection to the good, the sane, and the law-abiding world forever. “Let’s do this.”

I flung open the door, jumped down and strode to the taxi, then opened her door. About the same time, Glass arrived on the opposite side. She was sitting forward, saying something to the driver. The moment she recognized me, the exact second those pretty green eyes focused, I registered it like a hit from a missile.

Baby, you’ve done bad, bad things. Seemed like Jazmine discipline was my number one addiction. I was looking forward to this so much I could’ve jerked off to it. My choice of words gave me pause.

Not hunting, discipline, because she was mine, by rights.

Her loud intake of breath warned me. When she didn’t actually scream, I guessed she wasn’t sure of our intentions.

If I could avoid panicking her, I would. Play it by ear.

I spoke quietly, ducking my head to address the driver. “Could you step out for a minute, please, I need to talk to her.”

“Yes, sir.” The man looked nervous but Glass had said he was a relative of the guard.

As he exited, I slipped in and sat beside her.

As long as I wasn’t arrested, I was making this happen.

“Don’t scream, Jaz. We’re not here to grab you.” Except we were. “Just to talk. You know what you’re doing is going to hurt me. Why are you doing this?”


Her hands fidgeted in her lap and she looked from me to Glass, who’d slid in on the other side. So I put my hand over her small one and squeezed. Her perfume teased me, reminding me of her sexuality, her femaleness. As if I needed more reminding than the upper curves of her breasts where her bra pushed them above the dress’s neckline.

My new possession. My submissive girl, only she didn’t know that yet. What could I do to a woman who was utterly mine? For a dirty creepy sadist like me, the world was wide open. It was unsettling, in a way, yet such a fucking jolt to the system.

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