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The sudden pinch down there had me stiffening and a single whimper passed my lips.

“I almost feel sorry for you.” His lips pressed on the back of my neck. “But I don’t, and you know why?”

I waited.

“Because I find I like having you quiet and tied up, as my fuck toy. I like,” he added, “saying you’re mine. Even Gregor can’t take that away. Maybe I will like making you come while you’re here in bed too.”

I was barely hearing what he said.

Outside, the rain had started roaring; now it was rattling down like bullets on the roof far overhead. With the storm howling like this, he hadn’t a hope of making me orgasm. I shivered. We might be drowning in a few hours.

Little did I know.

Screaming as I came, with his hand planted on my back, my head stuffed into the mattress, and his fingers up inside me, definitely beat shaking in fear. Was it four times, or five?

Being made to display my pussy while he studied me, my legs spread wide on the bed, made all the other craziness fade to the background. There was method in his madness. Or he just liked looking at my body and making me obey.

I found out, I didn’t care which it was.

The cyclone passed over us. Pieter untied me, though by then the pillowcase bonds were only symbolic. If I was inclined to, I could have shaken them loose. I sat quietly, tired, my arms wrapped over my knees, unsure what would happen next. Pieter seemed content to let me stew.

When the power came back on, late that night, the guards arrived through the slush and torn vegetation. I could hear the water outside as they trod on the sodden pathways. They came and they took him away. We’d said nothing more. Now, I was truly alone.

For a dénouement to our relationship, it was a destructive way to go out. Typical Pieter.

Somehow I both knew I was his forever, and knew I’d never let him near me again, voluntarily. I felt used, abused, overwhelmed, and on the edge of a precipice, at the bottom of which might be paradise or oblivion.

Chapter 23

The bag was dragged off, revealing the outdoors, and flopping my hair across my face. I shook it aside. This was where they’d staked me out when I first arrived. Wet leaves and pieces of branches were underfoot and sticking to my soles. The cyclone had been two days ago and the ground was as mushy as porridge and strewn with rubbish and vegetation. It squished as the guard backed away.

Since they’d left my wrists manacled at my back, and attached me with a chain from my neck to a tall, steel pole cemented into the ground, I wasn’t going far. Pity. But Jaz was here too, and I couldn’t run without her, or with all the guards around me.

After adjusting to the glare, I checked in a circle, counting. Eight guards. Some were loading gear into two trucks that were parked on the one road out. The quadrangle was an open square between the four joined parts of the House and every door I could see was open. Were they evacuating?

I looked up, squinting into the pale, cloud-wreathed sun. The hills overlooking us were that startling New Guinea green. It’d been too long since I’d breathed outside or sun had warmed my skin. Maybe we’d die here. Maybe this was our chance?

I flexed my muscles, discreetly. If they freed me, would I be game to try something? With one weapon in my hand, an automatic, I might. None of the guards near me were armed with more than batons.

My bones told me we weren’t out here to pick daisies.

Jazmine...I had to take her too. She kneeled six yards away, still with a bag on her head. Before her, Gregor sat in a chair and beside him was an elderly man – precisely cut grayed hair, a buttoned light gray shirt, and black pants that looked ready to match the jacket thrown over the back of his chair. Sweat darkened his shirt yet he kept it on? Executive persona, from the attitude. He focused on Jazmine like she was the last woman left on Earth, and the steel in his gaze was more than the appreciation of a good fuck or a victim for his fetishes.

This was the Client. It was a fact delivered to me by smoking meteor.

She had no idea, poor girl. As I tried to move my arms and was brought up short, the chains clinked. I ached to grab her and run.

This day would not end well.

Never give in.

“Glad you could join us, Pieter,” Gregor declared in a joyous tone. He’d say it the same way if announcing we were to be raped by wild pigs. “You are here to witness Miss Jazmine meeting her client. Perhaps we will let you join in the festivities too? Hmm?”

The client shifted on his seat but barely glanced at me. His lips stretched as he looked at Jazmine. “Let her see me now.”

At a click of Gregor’s fingers, a guard strode up and removed the bag. Her black hair tumbled in glossy waves down her back.

Her head came up and I thought she stared at the client. If she recognized him, I couldn’t tell, but her fingers laced into each other as if she needed to shore herself up. Like me she was bound, only her wrists were cuffed in red leather not metal.

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