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Chapter 21

“This place is concrete above,” I pointed at the ceiling, “and there. Concrete walls, steel door – not a hope it’ll blow down.” At Jaz’s crestfallen expression I rummaged for something heartening. “If a tree fell on us, maybe, just maybe, a wall might crumble.”

But I doubted it. More likely we’d drown if this place was near a river or the guards would forget to come back and feed us. There were two locking mechanisms on the door and one of them was a bar they lowered on the outside. The hatch was an inch thick, slid to one side, and had some fastening on the outside that I couldn’t get to. I’d looked at shifting that on a few nights.

“I didn’t really think it was likely.” Jaz went to our little collection of bottles and food and picked up two of the bottles.

To pick even the pickable lock I needed metal. The only metal in the room was wiring and it was screwed away behind thick plastic plates. I needed metal to pry off the plates to get the metal. I’d have risked getting electrocuted if it was possible.

I needed a fairy godmother, or a greedy cleaning lady with a conscience. My friends were true friends. We’d do anything for each other, including coming in guns blazing if they knew I was here. No one fucked with Randall, Glass, Jurgen, or me. Even if Jurgen was only a few years shy of fifty. Except they were fucking with me.

I heaved out a sigh and went to help filling up bottles. Five bottles, so ten liters. If the taps stopped working, we might last a few days before we were desperate enough to drink the toilet water.

I watched her struggle to press the stiff button to keep the water flowing while still holding the bottle in place.

“Give me that.” I took the bottle from her and stuck it under the tap.

At least she was healing well. After a week of treatment, I had no reason to paint her nude body with iodine anymore. Such a pity. Though handling her was torture for my dick and gave me blue balls for ages. Her newborn reluctance to let me kiss her, sit her on my lap, or spank her cute little ass...

An ass that was partly on display what with her kneeling to get some stray apples off the floor. I wrenched my gaze away. Yeah, not being allowed to touch her seemed a suitable penance as well as a test of willpower.

I wanted to be a good man. This was it. Even if I only lived another day or another week, it was worth it.

I’d be convinced of this, until the next time she gave me cheek. Equality just seemed wrong with Jazmine. Whenever she started up the shower, I remembered her behavior when I went all alpha male on her.

But I didn’t have the right to do that. Or the right excuse.

The cyclone hit early the next morning. I’d been through two of these big storms before, what the Americans would call hurricanes, but Jazmine hadn’t. She’d lived too far south in Australia to see them. From her wide eyes and the way she cowered at the far end of the bed when the bigger wind gusts made the building shudder, when the air was filled with so much noise we had to shout, it made me offer to take her in my arms. The relief when she swarmed up the bed to accept was immense.

First time in days. I held her so tightly she squeaked.

“Let go a little, Pieter.”

I chuckled and loosened my grip, but I smelled her skin, I felt those curves that were Jazmine, and I breathed out a slow, happy breath, then I smiled into her hair. That old saying – my heart lightened – had never seemed so real or so right as now.


I almost didn’t care how dark it got when I had her with me.

For hours the rain and wind blasted against the wall. If the window shattered we might get showered by glass. I did the best I could while standing on tiptoe on the bottom rail of the bed. With my fingertips, I wedged one of our two pillows up against the glass in the little concrete alcove. Only a sliver, at either end of the window, wasn’t blocked. If the ceiling light failed, it’d be dark.

I jumped down.

“Will that work?” Jaz said loudly. She eyed the window, then me, while hugging herself. The constant extreme weather beating at this building had dropped the temperature to winter levels.

“It’ll do. If I could shift the bed into the middle I would.” It was bolted down. Though if the worst happened and the wall did get damaged, she could hide under there.

The rain intensified, the hard taps sounding like bullets hitting the glass. There’d been bright green leaves stuck to the outside of the window and the sky was so dark it seemed as if the apocalypse was arriving. Outside something scraped across concrete, smacked into our wall, then slapped rhythmically.

“What’s that?” She sidled closer and I took the opportunity to put my hands on her hips and nestle her into me.

“A palm tree leaf maybe. Or a deck chair. The guards probably laze about sipping piña coladas in the quadrangle on their lunch hour.”

“Hmph. Probably. This is fucking scary.”

“We just need to wait. This is probably the strongest building I’ve ever waited out one of these in.”


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