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Was he saying they meant to kill me...after? At the end? Fuck this. My heart knocked hard and fast. But, he’d clicked his fingers. His harsh sigh and the whoosh of a stick being drawn back made me drop to my knees.

Make it last? If I made myself not scream, would that get it over with quicker? Or slower? Which did I want? That was the question. Such an evil, evil question. Was that why he’d told me? To make me agonize over impossible decisions? I was sure he didn’t do it out of goodness.

Did I have the courage to not scream if I was hurt badly?

Images slipped into my head of me bleeding, writhing, of my hands cut off. God. I shuddered and swallowed acrid bile.

“Stay kneeling. Put your palms on the floor.”

I did so.

What were they going to do?

Last time, I’d been in here, I’d shaken. I was wondering why I wasn’t shaking, feeling separated from myself, eerily unemotional, when it began. My arms shook, then my legs until, like a cartoon character, even my teeth chattered.

After fiddling with my wrist cuffs, he picked me up with his arm slid between my legs and supporting my weight. My palms stayed on the floor while he turned me like I was the dial of a clock, set on the wrong time.

The pressure of his forearm there, on my most intimate place, was casually invasive. I’d been demoted to the level of a piece of furniture.

He put me down. With his palms, he pushed my thighs a little farther apart.

“There. Now we can see you properly.” His stick he laid across the back of my neck, pressing me down. “Stay there unless someone tells you to get up. If you’re wondering why the concrete, it’s so we can hose it off afterward. Sometimes the girls get a little...messy. Your friend will be here soon. You might want to relax. He’s a big man.”

I heard his footsteps then the close of the door. Subtle tugs confirmed he’d locked my cuffs to some anchor point on the floor.

Kneeling there on the hard floor made my knees ache. I shifted my weight from one knee to the other, afraid to budge more than a few inches from where he’d left me.

The door creaked open, clicked shut, and there were more footsteps – shuffling ones and firm ones, then the mutter of low voices.

I was all too aware of my vulnerability and of how the dress had ridden up my back when Gregor had moved me. Whoever was at the door behind me could see everything. I shuffled my legs together and concentrated on sucking air through the mouth holes. It was dark in here, but not as dark or terrible as whoever was out there, or what might be about to happen to me.

I don’t want to hurt. Please, let it be fast.

A speaker squealed as someone turned it on. “Testing, testing. Okay, you can hear me?”

Someone in the room answered yes.

“Good.” This time, despite the overriding buzz of the speaker, I recognized the voice. That was Him again. Who was in the room with me? “Pieter. Our client says one rule only today. Make it last. You can do what you want to this woman, as long as you fuck her, but no permanent damage. This is our little trial run to see if you are...suitable. Make it entertaining.”

The words spun through, like dry leaves tossed by a silent wind. I could hear them repeating, the vowels, the consonants, the assembled sounds, but not understand. Those words couldn’t be about me. They just couldn’t.

Couldn’t. Couldn’t. Uh-uh.

Pieter though? Him? He was the only man who’d shown any kindness toward me since my abduction. The last time I’d seen him had been after my recapture and he was being beaten. He was alive and they were going to make him...fuck me.

Why? Was he in on this? Had he always been? Had it been a lie? Not that I hadn’t lied to him. But I’d needed to. Maybe he’d found out.

The pressure in me built. In my attempt to not make a noise, one sound escaped my throat. I bit back the terrified half-swallow, half-squeak. I wanted to be little, to be so small they wouldn’t see me. I wanted to hide in this bag and never, ever, be seen by them.

Behind me, metal clinked.

“No. No, no,” I whispered, clawing into the floor with my nails. “Go away.”

They didn’t. Of course.

Chapter 4

The speaker fell silent.

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