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“...turn around when I tell you to and stand there. Now.”

That command had me paralyzed. I was torn. I needed to get away from Pieter and I craved staying. I wanted him to make me do...things.

It was the stupidest desire ever.

Where he’d planted his palm on my back and where he’d bitten seemed hot as brands, reminding me of how easily he could handle me.

That was such a turn-on, but wasn’t me. I was smart, independent. If a previous boyfriend had tried this, I’d have laughed, I’d have kicked their balls up into their teeth. Not that they would’ve dared try. Pieter...was different.

When he’d let my hair go, I’d bowed my head again. Now I was stuck here in limbo, knowing he wanted me to turn and face him and knowing if I did, it would be a huge mistake. Every other time, I’d been tied up. I had excuses. It had been forced.

I couldn’t just obey him. Male dominance was ridiculous.

“If you don’t move by the count of three, I’m going to turn you over my knee on that bed and spank you.”

“Pieter...” I stalled, feeling like I was being strangled.

The worst part – I knew he’d do this and like it. That was so hot.


I raised my head, teeth clamped on my bottom lip. Even thinking about deciding what to do was scrambling my brain.


And he’d be seeing my indecision. Probably thought it amusing.


Crap. Spanked? He could do that if he wanted to even if I fought. I swung and found myself confronted by this huge man, who occupied more space then he should be allowed to. Air, I needed air.

My throat worked. I needed to tell him I wanted him out of my face. “I...”


He whacked his hands onto the wall either side of my head then looked down at me. “Hmm?”

For a few seconds, his gaze moved lower, to my breasts. With his body so up close, my brain wasn’t functioning. I was supposed to answer –

“Forgotten what you were going to say?” His mouth curved up, barely.

It was fearsome what I saw promised in that tiny gesture. Was that supposed to be a smile or was he about to pounce?

I blinked, not sure if I was breathing. I was the utter focus of his attention.

What he’d done in the other room was him. He liked hurting me, liked fucking me and tying me up. That knowledge riveted me to this wall. There was fear and there was fear.

He could hurt me, badly, if he wanted to. I didn’t think he would, but he could.

A little bit of fear was a whole lot of thrill.

As he shifted infinitesimally nearer, I squirmed up the wall, trying to merge with the white tiles. A quarter inch, an inch? His body heat and his scent was a living force. This was the man who’d napalmed my ass. Any closer and I’d be lost.

“You didn’t run.”

I glanced to the side. “I um...” Run? Good idea.

With his whole hand, he gripped my jaw, as if he wanted to be sure I stayed put, then he dragged me back to the middle. Past a few dangling locks of hair lurked his clear brown eyes.

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