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He smiled.

Everything flipped. Though I wanted away from here and them and their dirty voyeurism. Right now, here, I wanted him in me. And I wanted to be me, myself, I. And I wanted to be his. I wasn’t sure they were compatible. If I was his, there might be nothing left of me.

Was this what I had been missing all my life?

“I can see you thinking. Don’t.”

Since forever, I’d shunned skin on skin. Yet in this moment it drew me, like a dewdrop of good among the horror. I leaned forward and kissed him once, chastely, with my bound lips, like a princess bestowing an honor.

His snarl and the roughness of his answer took me by surprise. He grasped both sides of my ass and hoisted me up to the level of his cock, shoving me back into the creaking hold of the ropes. I could feel the tip center at my entrance. At the first savage thrust, I yelped. Soreness reawakened. My legs were forced apart.

His flesh slapped against mine in that dirty nasty rhythm of sex. Each time he withdrew, his cock almost pulled out, and in that split second when he moved to re-enter me, I wanted to wrench him into me harder. His bites on my neck, migrated downward and he bit my engorged breasts, leaving an exquisite path of pain, of possession, of teeth marks.

Stunned by his onslaught, I didn’t try to wrap my legs around him, though my heels bumped on his butt with each thrust.

I was going to have bruises on my bruises. He rode me hard, fucking me until I seemed one second away from coming. His own screaming grunt erupted as I felt his cock swell and cum fill me. I’d never heard a lover cry out. Though I hadn’t come, I was panting as hard as Pieter. He rested his forehead in my hair. With my arms secured, I couldn’t hug him, but his arms wrapped around me. When I hissed he muttered a sorry and moved his arms. At the sorry, I smiled. My thoughts wandered in that hazy zone of the well fucked, marveling that I had brought him to this.

When he pulled out, his cum dripped down my leg.

“Now you,” he gasped, his breath warming my ear. “I’m going to suck your clit until –”

A hum arrived at the same time as a new set of lights flickered on.

“Step away, Mister Pieter. Time for me to assess your performance and have a little talk with Jazmine.”

Our gazes met. The coldness of this surreal little world crashed in. As did terror. It wasn’t possible for me to forget what Gregor had done last time.

Chapter 10

Whatever protection I still drew from Pieter’s presence evaporated once he was restrained and towed aside. I knew why he couldn’t fight back, yet I was disappointed. Stupid. He wasn’t superhuman. The clutch of fear on my heart was unhinging me.

When the first sound of the speaker had died and we looked at each other, I’d glimpsed something unknown in Pieter’s eyes. A worm of fear perhaps, or doubt, or anger. One moment he was all powerful, the next he was mute and a victim like me.

I strained to see the movements at the door from the corner of my eye.

Gregor walked over with precise strides, stick resting on his shoulder like a soldier’s rifle. If ever a man could be called a shark, it would be him. He probably drank blood and ate the livers of his victims.

The gag was still in my mouth. Nothing more had been removed. I was cocooned here in the middle of the room, my arms strapped to my sides, surrounded by men who didn’t much care if I lived or died. The chains above me clinked.

My nemesis paced around me, his stick tapping on his leg or resting on my skin when he stopped to examine a spot. I sucked in pain-laden breaths. My eyes watered. Poking made the throbs from the whip marks turn vividly hot.

“Ahh. He has done well. I had thought perhaps I’d have reasons to hit you but no. The client is happy. I am happy. You are lucky, you know?” He undid the gag and pulled it down. “I would have made you bleed much more than this.”

Thank god. I sagged.

“And such wonderful fucking too.” His voice rose up at the end in that weird, amazed tone he used. “Next time, whatever can we get him to do that will be better? Hmm?”

He raised his eyebrows and leaned down to kiss my cheek.

My shudder was small but I’m sure he saw it. How could Pieter do worse than this and not maim me?

The march back to my room was an exercise in staggering into walls as Gregor decided to pull me along by a leash. Without sight, I made errors. Though I sobbed after a few of the bumps, I managed to mostly be silent. Being naked was nothing in comparison.

I sat on the bed shivering, hugging myself.

The room temperature would be hot enough to keep a python happy but I was cold. Gregor hadn’t stayed to apply ointment. For that I was grateful. When I finally wriggled around, ever so cautiously, to lie on my side, still naked, I fell into sleep.

Every five minutes...

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