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He’d stopped pretending. Hah. I’d thought that funny for all of twenty seconds. Then the little whip had uncurled in his hand like an obedient snake.

The first hit had been a revelation. Many of the subsequent hits hadn’t been as bad because he’d varied the power, but enough of them, definitely enough. I suppose it might have been a plan to stretch this out so Gregor was happy. I still hated him.

Pieter came to my front and flicked out the whip so it tapped my stomach. “It’s done.”

“Fuck.” I gasped then closed my eyes. “Thank god.” My sniffling might be blatant weakness but so had been the shrieking and the pleas for him to stop. “Then you can let me go.”

A sound made me open my eyes. He was before me, one step away.

“No. Now I get to fuck you.”

Somehow, despite the others watching, he’d given me the best orgasms of my life. The only ones with a man. That they’d come simultaneously with pain was mind-bending.

I’d wavered in and out of a strange state where nothing existed but him manipulating me, doing whatever he wanted to my body. He’d made me his puppet. The intensity of that sheer dominance as well as the fiery throb and bite of the instruments he’d used had sent me reeling. Nothing had mattered except what he did.

Now he’d ceased, I could recognize it for what it was – devastating and damn scary. Every time my back pulsed with fire, I was reminded of that.

With Gregor, I knew what he was – pure evil. Pieter had sneaked in and taken over when I thought he was on my side. I’d been ready to bear whatever pain he dished out. But not this, and he still wasn’t letting me go.

“You hurt me so much. They won’t mind if we don’t...fuck.” I hated how small and desperate my voice sounded.

The speaker buzzed and I flinched, but no one spoke.

“Shh. Stop talking. It’s not worth the risk.”

“You’re talking!”

“I think they like it if I threaten you. Don’t you?” He yelled the last words.

After a second came, “Agreed. We are finding this quite amusing. Keep going.”

I flicked my gaze, as if to look over my shoulder. I’d almost convinced myself we weren’t really being watched.

Pieter grabbed my chin, crowded in. “Here. Me. I’m the one fucking you.”

I stared back, wondering who he truly was inside. Those brown eyes concealed something far more sinister than the average man. All my boyfriends had been wimps compared to him. He dwarfed them in height and muscle but also in something I’d always run a mile from – that me, Tarzan, you, Jane attitude.

I tried to shake loose his hold on my mouth but he only narrowed his eyes. “What are you thinking?”

“Nothing.” That I’d been right to run from men like this.

He scared me. Yet something about how he held my face was so personal that whenever I relaxed the slightest I felt my sense of danger slipping away. And that was dangerous in itself. I resisted.

“Ja, the things I would do to you, meisie,” he murmured. “’Meisie’ means girl, in case you wonder.”

I squirmed, the teensiest amount.

It wasn’t the Afrikaans word for girl that was making me wonder. He’d already done more than was sane. What else did he want to do to me?

This wasn’t just Gregor’s game anymore.

My nipples were rubbing on his chest sending crazy, hot signals to my sex. The ache between my legs intensified, intermingling with the throb from the whip marks. The aftermath of the pain was...distracting. Strangely sexual.

I wrenched my mind back on track and prayed he had no idea how his punishment was affecting me. Scary Tarzan, remember?

One of his fingers played with the corner of my mouth. “Ready?”

Lips parted, I breathed slower, entranced by his eyes.

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