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God, I hated how cheerful, how condescending, this man acted. Like a demon babysitter risen up from the depths of Hell.

He’d said Pieter. I struggled off Gregor’s lap then pulled down my dress. Sitting on the bed only made me flinch. I stood and pretended nothing had happened. That I hadn’t been spanked and presenting my naked butt to these men when they came through the door.

How many of them had seen what had happened in the other room? Did it matter? They were dirt. Despise them. These men are all pieces of crap. I’m better than them all. I tried my best to look them in the eyes but I couldn’t.

Two guards and Pieter with his head covered.

My muscles tensed.

In front of me was the man I’d been raped by last night. Even if he’d been made to do bothered me. Why had they brought him to me?

They had him wrapped up in chains and leather and handcuffs. Gray shirt. Gray pants. His arm muscles bulged around the straps like he might explode them any minute.

He was big. I’d forgotten how big. He’d been behind me, last night, in the room.

My mind skittered away from even thinking the words for what he’d done.

They were releasing him, all but his handcuffs, and backing out the door.

“You can have him for three hours today. Your client, Miss Jazmine, has asked us to let you two interact.” Gregor shook his finger at us both. “Do not have sex. That is a rule.” As he spoke he went to Pieter and took the bag off his head. Then he went to the door. “I’m leaving you now. Back up to the door hatch so we can take off the cuffs, Pieter. Each time you leave this room, you will do the same procedure. Understand me?”

They were leaving us together. Alone. And it sounded as if they meant to do this regularly.

The door was closed and locked.

I studied Pieter as he did what he’d been told to do and backed up to have the cuffs removed through the hatch.

No sex. Thank god for that. I didn’t know this man, at all. How many times had we spoken alone back in Australia before he’d helped me escape? Four times? I’d never been sure of his reasons for helping me.

If any man could be said to be lion-like, it was Pieter. His head was as substantial as his muscles and his untidy and ragged mop of shoulder-length black hair could’ve been mistaken for a small runaway pet. The gray streaks might mean age, or that he’d suffered extreme stress. Older than me, anyway.

The one fact he’d told me that seemed to tee up – he’d soldiered in South Africa. But on which side of the law?

Trusting him was the last thing I should do. Everyone had hidden agendas – lawyers, neighbors, boyfriends, everyone. He was simply a better risk than being Gregor’s toy.

He looked at me from under his brows while massaging his wrists then he surveyed the room. All without moving from where he stood near the door.

My heart decided to go on high alert and pound away. Beads of sweat popped up on my forehead. Today was going to be hot, but this wasn’t the heat. Pieter made me nervous. I shifted on my feet, shrugged. How did I greet a man who’d done what he’d done to me?

I cleared my throat. “I’d offer you tea and scones but...”

“You okay?”

To the point. Was I? Hell no. Stupidly, tears stung my eyes. I blinked them away, stared at my fascinating floor. “I’m, yeah, okay.”

“You’re not. Dumb question. Come. If you can stand me. Come.” He beckoned me to him.

What? I was baffled.

He looked down. Shook his head. “I know you must be going in circles. Things like this mess with your mind. This is my territory. I’ve seen enough in my life to make this a walk in the park. But you...” He looked at me again from under those thick, gorgeous eyebrows that I was crazy to be admiring. “You need a fokken hug.”

“Uh. No.” I tried to back away and my knees hit the bed.

“No?” His gaze was so searching he probably knew the color of my panties. Wait. I had none on.

I couldn’t sit. I wasn’t going to lie down with him here. My legs started to tremble and I put a hand out to the headboard and missed. Shit.

His sigh was loud enough to make me frown.

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