Page 36 of Wolf Moon

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“Yeah, you’re human. But you don’t have to be. Little brother, you have choices. There are options. I’m not recommending anything, just explaining. If I were you, I would talk it over with your girl before you make any rash decisions, though. That is, if she still wants to be your girl.”

The elevator doors open and Dec walks off, hitting the penthouse button as he exits. It’s apparent he wants to send me back up to talk to Garnet. I want to, but I’m scared. And what options is he talking about? I’m human, what else could I be?

I consider his words as the elevator moves back up to the penthouse. As the doors open, realization dawns. My brother just offered to turn me.


I want to chase after James and punch him for making Red cry again. Tears fall as soon as he’s out of the room. I know that her pain is worse than what we’re able to feel along the bond. I wish she’d share more with me. I can take it and she won’t have to hurt so badly.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way unless she wants to share it. I’m so annoyed with James that I nearly miss Orym comforting Red. Ryland and I exchange a glance and he nods toward the hall. I follow him out, wondering what he has on his mind.

“What’s up?” I ask, trying to calm my nerves at this situation and how it’s unfolding.

“We have to get her out of here. Being this close to James is hurting her, especially since he won’t really talk to her.” Ryland rubs the back of his neck as he talks. We both know that putting physical space between James and Red will cause her more pain but will also help her to move on.

“I agree. But I think we should kick his ass before we go. He’s being stupid,” I offer. Ryland nods, agreeing with me. For a moment, I think he’s going to approve of my idea.

“As much as I’d like to, that’s not the answer. We have to let James figure this out on his own. It’s not up to us to force him into something that he may not want. Maybe in time, the goddess will ease their pain and remove the mate bond. Or he’ll come to his senses and fix things with Red. It’s not up to us,” he explains. I know he’s right, but it doesn’t make my desire for blood any less.

“We should get back to planning our attack against Amber. I don’t like letting him get away with this, but I’ll do what you ask, Alpha.” As much as I hate bowing to anyone, this doesn’t feel like I’m being forced to do what Ryland says. He explains himself and I can see his point. Arguing would only lead to him commanding me to follow orders. I don’t want that, so I’ll concede before it comes to that.

“You know I hate it when you call me that,” he says, punching my shoulder. I laugh and hit him back.

“But it’s your title,” I insist. He’s nothing like Gunnar, not expecting the same utter reverence we were forced to show to our last leader. Honestly, he’s not what I expected when Red announced that they were mated. I guess it just goes to show how first impressions can be completely wrong.

He rolls his eyes and turns back to the room Red is in. “Shut up, you asshole. Let’s get our girl and go home.” I follow him back inside where Orym is still holding Red and rubbing her back.

“Is she feeling any better?” I ask, knowing the answer before Orym shakes his head.


I let Orym comfort me while Ry and Luca leave to talk. I’m sure that Ry wants to get out of here. He’s never been comfortable asking for help, especially from these vampires. I feel like they’re my family, so it doesn’t bother me. I wish that James would talk to me, but I know that it won’t matter. If he is convinced that he’s not good enough to be by my side, there’s nothing I can do to change that.

Ry and Luca come back into the room, and I make a decision. “We should go. James isn’t willing to talk, so there’s no point in us bothering anyone here,” I say, pulling out of Orym’s arms.

“If that’s what you want,” Ry says. I’m shocked that he can keep the smirk off his face.

“As if that’s not what the two of you were in the hall talking about,” Orym chides. I laugh, and they all stare at me. It really wasn’t that funny, but I can’t stop myself. For some reason, the whole thing is hilarious, and laughter keeps bubbling out of me.

It only lasts for a minute before the door opens and everything goes quiet again. James stands in the doorway and all eyes focus on him. “Can we talk?” he asks without stepping into the room.

I start to shake my head, but something in his expression stops me. “Okay. Family, or just us?” I need to know if he’ll say what he wants to in front of the others or not.

“As long as no one is gonna hit me, I’m okay with it being a family talk. Everyone deserves to know what I’m thinking,” he answers.

I stand and walk past him into the living room. I don’t want to have this talk here, but there aren’t many options. I decide that Delilah’s bedroom is not the place to have our heart-to-heart. We risk other people listening or joining our conversation here.

I turn to my wolf mates, raising an eyebrow. “We’re not going to attack him unless he hurts you,” Ry says in his most authoritative alpha voice.

“There you go. Now talk,” I order, taking a seat on the huge couch.

“I’m sorry I hurt you. I meant what I said. You’re safer without me. As a human, anyway,” he starts. My eyes go wide, and I wait for him to continue. “If I were more, then maybe I’d be more helpful.”

“Wait, what exactly are you talking about here?” Luca asks, dropping to the couch beside me and taking my hand.

“Are you saying you want to be a vampire?” Orym interrupts, not letting James answer Luca’s question.

“I don’t know what I want. I just know that I can’t be with you as a human. I’m not strong enough to protect you, or myself. If you want me to come back with you, I have to be more.” His explanation is a little thin, leaving a lot to the imagination.

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