Page 9 of Blood Lost

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I noticed several sets of eyes watching me. I forced my body to change direction, heading to the bar instead of the stage. Vik told me about his conversation with the bartender, so I knew better than to start asking questions. I needed to get her alone to find out what had happened. I ordered a drink and pulled out my phone. There had to be a place in this bar where I could take Delilah to talk in private. Making sure that my back was toward the wall while I stayed close to the register behind the bar, I pulled up the app on my phone to access the spyware installed in my prosthetic. Within minutes, I had disabled the security system and had access to view all the camera angles in the building.

While I was working, Delilah had left the stage. I scanned the crowd but couldn’t find her. We’d come too close to lose her now. I checked the video feeds and located her near the ladies’ room. She seemed to be alone, so I headed that way. I spotted her just as she slipped out the back door into the alley. What is she doing? I didn’t stop to think about it for long, instinctively following her out the door. Darkness enveloped me like an old friend, and my eyes took a moment to adjust. When I spotted her again, she was in an embrace with someone next to the dumpster. It seemed odd, so I moved closer to check it out.

I managed to sneak up right behind her before she realized anyone was there. She turned to face me, blood streaming down her chin. Vik was right; she’s been turned. Her eyes looked strange, though I couldn’t quite place where I’d seen that look before. I didn’t have a chance to react before she jumped on me, wrapping her arms around my shoulders and her legs around my waist. My arms went around her automatically. Delilah bent her head and captured my lips with hers. The blood on her mouth tasted strange, but I didn’t want to stop kissing her. I could feel her racing heartbeat that matched mine. She laughed against my lips and ground herself against my dick that was now standing at attention. I wanted her so badly but needed to make sure she was okay. I tried to pull back from her to talk, but she pressed herself closer. Her tongue waged war with mine, working me into a frenzy.

My mind was swimming. I thought this was a bad idea, but Delilah slid down my body and unfastened my jeans. Her mouth claimed me in a way that reminded me of our first kiss. That thought brought me back to the present. I grabbed her hands to stop her from finishing her mission to free my erection. I forced her to break contact and look at me.

Her eyes were glazed over, and I knew instantly that something was wrong. “Delilah? Can you understand me?”

She giggled and nodded, refusing to speak.

“Do you know who I am?”

She laughed louder as she shook her head. Delilah had no idea who I was but threw herself at me. This was a problem. I quickly zipped my pants and pulled out my phone. It took Vik less than a single ring to answer.

“Did you find her?” His voice sounded desperate, matching my feelings.

“Yes, but there’s a problem. She doesn’t know who I am. I think she’s been drugged.” I wanted to throw her over my shoulder and take her with us. If Vik suggested it, I just might.

“So she’s being kept against her will?” I could tell he was struggling to process my discovery.

“I’m not sure. She seemed fine until she fed on a human in the alley. The blood tasted off. I think somehow the person was drugged.” I didn’t want to give him a play-by-play of what had just happened. “We need to do something because she’s not herself.”

“Do you think we can take her home with us? I’ll get the car.” A sigh of relief left my lips as Vik agreed with my idea that she should come with us.

“Hurry, I’ll bring her around to the side of the building.” She was too high to fight me. Besides, she was still trying to seduce me. “Delilah? Would you like to go for a ride with me?” I knew it was ridiculous to ask, but I would feel better if she agreed.

She growled at me, and for a moment, I was afraid she’d say no. “Mine.” Delilah grabbed my arm hard and pulled me to her for another kiss. My heart sang at her claim. Nothing would make me happier than to make her remember everything. Vik pulled up, and I steered her into the back seat beside me. Delilah seemed unaware of what was happening, but she had claimed me. I justified kidnapping her because she admitted we were supposed to be together.

Chapter 11


When the hot blonde guy interrupted my feeding, I couldn’t stop myself from attacking him. I had wanted to fight but ended up kissing him instead. I had no idea who he was, or did I? There was something familiar about his kisses. I wished that I could remember who I used to be. I felt like everything I was doing was out of character but had nothing to base it on. Declan would probably be pissed when he found out that I left with another guy. I would deal with that tomorrow. Something was wrong with me. My head was spinning, and I felt woozy. If I concentrated hard enough, I could remember that the feeling hit me after I’d bitten the human.

I hadn’t planned to leave with another guy. I was planning to seduce Declan, not someone else. I opened my mouth to ask about calling Dec but couldn’t quite form the words. What had made me claim this new guy? Why would I think he was mine? Did I know him from before? That was the only thing that made sense. How else would he know my name? Oh, no. He’s not safe with me. I’m a vampire. What happens when the blood lust hits again, and I bite him? I started to freak out and grabbed the door handle. The dark-haired hottie that was driving us noticed. “Delilah, you don’t want to do that while the car is moving. It’s okay. You’re safe here with us.” His voice was soothing and familiar too. Maybe I did know them. Since I couldn’t form words, I leaned back against the seat and closed my eyes.

“Vik, do you think she’s going to be okay?” I heard the guy sitting next to me ask. So dark-haired hottie was Vik. I hoped that I would remember that when I could talk again.

“I don’t know, Eli. She seems disoriented. I thought she was going to jump out of the car. The only time I’ve seen someone this messed up was when they’d used Powder.” I had no idea what Powder was, but it didn’t sound good. At least now I had names for both guys. It would make explaining the situation to Declan easier. I hoped that Vik and Eli were decent people. And I hoped that I didn’t kill either of them. I wanted to ask how they knew me, but I couldn’t talk.

I couldn’t figure out exactly what had happened at the club. Declan had to step away to take a phone call. After that, the human man walked up and started talking to me. He had offered me a taste of his blood then led me into the alley. It seemed strange to me, but Declan had been taking care of my every need, so I figured he’d arranged it. I assumed that Dec hadn’t wanted to leave me alone since I still couldn’t remember much.

I leaned there against the back of the car seat, running through the few things I did remember. Wait. My eyes shot open, and I sat forward to look into the rearview mirror. I knew those eyes. I turned to the man sitting next to me and stared at him in disbelief. I knew his eyes as well. How? I had dreamed of both of them. More than that, I had dreamed of being intimate with both of them at different times. Oh, no. This could be bad. I opened my mouth to speak, “I...need...Declan.” I managed to croak, my voice no more than a harsh whisper.

“Is Declan the man you were at the club with?” Eli grabbed my arms to hold me up as I slumped back again. I tried to speak but couldn’t get words out again. I nodded. “Has he been taking care of you?” The concern in his voice almost broke me. I nodded again, feeling the tears spilling from my eyes.

“Do you think we should call him?” Vik asked from the driver’s seat. Eli looked concerned, and I nodded again. I desperately wanted Dec to come and make all of this make sense. He could bring Steph, and she could fix me. I wasn’t a fan of being high the first time I had tried it in high school, and this wasn’t much different. Wait—I remembered something. Maybe this situation wasn’t as bad as I’d thought. I still couldn’t form coherent sentences, but at least I was remembering.

“I don’t know. I think we need to get her sobered up and find out if she really does remember us first.” Eli glanced at me sideways as he spoke, as if he was concerned that I would get upset. I wasn’t happy that they didn’t want to call Declan for me, but until I could talk, I couldn’t do anything about it. I also didn’t have Dec’s number. I wondered if he knew these two guys. A sense of dread washed over me at the prospect that these were his enemies and my life was in danger now.

I stared out the window as the car flew through the city. The buildings zipped past so quickly that my head spun even more. I tried to focus on Eli inside the car again, but everything went black, and I slumped over onto his lap.

When I opened my eyes again, I was lying in a massive bed with the softest blanket over me. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, looking around the room. “This isn’t home. Where am I?” My words came out as a whisper, and panic crept in the back of my brain. I pushed the blanket off me, wincing at the pain the movement caused. How much did I have to drink last night? My head throbbed when I sat up, and I noticed that I was no longer wearing the dress I’d so carefully picked out to drive Declan crazy. I was wearing an oversized Metallica t-shirt and a pair of boxer briefs. Someone had changed me, or had I done it myself?

The sudden urge to pee came over me, and I jumped out of bed. I didn’t care whose clothes I was wearing; I refused to wet myself. I stumbled to the door and cracked it open to find a hallway. Since there were two other doors in the room, I figured a bathroom was attached. I tiptoed across the floor and opened the next door to find a deluxe bathroom. After relieving myself, I decided to check out the closet before finding out who I had gone home with. I wanted to be wearing more than underwear and a t-shirt in case I had to fight or run.

The closet was huge. It was larger than my room growing up. Uncle Vinny had tried, but he just wasn’t good at worrying about our home. The bar and his shady deals were his priority. Wait, that was another memory. I had an uncle. I wonder why I don’t remember my parents. I found men’s clothes on one side of the closet, similar to what I woke up in. On the other, women’s clothes that looked like they were my size. I found a set of drawers with bras and panties in them, then grabbed a pair of jeans and a sweater. It was unreal that everything fit perfectly and seemed to be what I liked. I wondered if I’d been here before. Something about this place gave me major deja vu vibes.

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