Page 54 of Blood Moon

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I still needed a location and confirmation that Jones was working with the Vipers. I didn’t want to accuse Vik’s right-hand man without proof.

“Maybe we should head back to the accident site and see if there are any clues?” I suggested, trying to keep Vik from asking about the message that had me distracted.

“Did that email say something about the wreck being involved?” Vik wasn’t that easy to distract after all.

“No, it wasn’t about that. I just figured that if D had been in my car when the truck hit it, maybe there’s some clue as to which direction they took her.” I stood and grabbed my keys, hoping he’d follow me and stop asking questions.

“Fine, but I’m not going to let this go. That email was something important. You’re going to tell me.” Vik was persistent, but I was determined not to tell him about my suspicions without proof.

Chapter 52


I couldn’t tell what had Eli so irritated. He refused to tell me, so we argued. I thought for a moment he was going to hit me to avoid telling me anything. I knew that wouldn’t solve anything, so I decided to find a way around it.

He tried to distract me with the idea of going back to the accident site, but I wasn’t giving in that easily. I would keep prodding until he told me what I wanted to know.

“I just want to know what you saw on the monitor that upset you,” I said again, waiting for him to finally answer.

“It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it. My guys will take care of it,” he responded, avoiding the question.

“You’re lucky I can’t read German. Otherwise, I would know what it said myself. I don’t know why you must be so stubborn. I’m only trying to help,” I growled.

“Look—” he started to reply, but his phone rang. “I have to take this.” He answered the phone and walked toward the kitchen. I could still hear him, but he was far enough away that I couldn’t hear the person who’d called.

“What did you find?” Eli barked into the phone. He waited a moment while he received a report. A grimace tightened his face and he growled. “That’s what I was afraid of.”

He paused again while the other person talked. “No, just observe and report. Send me the location. I’ll take care of the rest. And for the love of your mother, stay hidden. Do not let them catch you spying. I don’t need to lose anyone else tonight. Got it?” He was harsh but the words came out as concerned.

After he hung up, I walked over to him. “Care to share?”

He shrugged and walked back to the computer set up. He punched some keys and the screens changed again. Eli appeared to have gone back to whatever had annoyed him before.

“Are you seriously not going to tell me anything? I thought we were past this. Do you really not trust me at all?” It was hard to keep the hurt out of my voice. I knew that our truce was tenuous, but I thought we were past the worst of the mistrust.

“Look, one of my guys saw something suspicious and he’s checking it out. Once I have proof, I’ll share it with you. Until then, I don’t want to start shit where there’s no cause.” Eli looked up from the keyboard and looked at me. I could have sworn there was a tear in the corner of his eye.

“So I was right,” I muttered, turning away from him.

Why would Jones betray me like this? What had I possibly done to turn him against me? How did I not see it sooner? Was I too trusting of him?

“Damn you, Jones. You son of a bitch. After everything I did for you.” I growled to myself, not caring that Eli could hear everything I had just said.

“Wait, you knew? Why didn’t you say anything?” Eli asked, still staring at me.

“I didn’t know for sure, but I do now. He was the only other person who had my security system codes to the cabin. And he was only one of two besides me who knew about the cabin at all. Now will you tell me what your guy found?” I asked, taking a seat on the couch. I suddenly felt drained.

“I can, if you can get your guys at the precinct to give me access to the cameras around the city,” Eli said with a wink. Great, we’ve turned to blackmail as a way of communication. At this point, I didn’t care as long as we were communicating.

I made the call, and within minutes, Eli had police clearance without the use of my gift. I was shocked that his idea worked. But I guess when you can follow the idea of “ask and ye shall receive” literally because of compulsion, it shouldn’t be that surprising.

“Okay, your access is in the works. Now tell me what you have on Jones,” I growled.

“He’s at one of my warehouses right now on the docks with a group of masked thugs. They’ve broken in and are stealing crates of supplies. Things they’ll need to make Powder.” Eli looked at me to gauge my reaction.

“That son of a bitch. Well, I guess now we know that we were right about someone being in on it. And about the Powder being connected.” I paced the floor, trying to figure out what I could do to help Eli with this part. I got a text from my police contact. “You should have access now.”

Once he was tapped into the cams, he could see everything he needed to search for the Vipers and Jones. We needed to keep tabs on them if we were going to find Delilah and bring her home safely.

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