Page 19 of Blood Moon

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She took a few minutes to process what she’d learned as I pulled up to the valet station at Starlight. Her eyes opened wider when she realized where we were.

“You got reservations at Starlight last minute? How? Do you know the owner?” Delilah asked me accusingly.

I nodded. “I do, actually.”

“Wait, you own it, don’t you?” She accused me as if I had lied to her about it.

“I do. That makes it easier to get a last-minute reservation. You should have heard Mary’s shock when I called to get a table for two. I’m sure you’ll be the talk of the town tomorrow.” I laughed. I hoped that knowing people would be talking about her wouldn’t make her regret agreeing to dinner.

“Then we should definitely give them something to talk about,” she said as I escorted her to the door. She seemed excited by the prospect of being the center of the local gossip. Once we were inside, Delilah waited until she saw Mary walking up to seat us, then leaned into me and pressed her lips to mine.

I was caught off guard and my usual composure was gone. I groaned and pulled her close, deepening the kiss. I only stopped when I heard Mary clear her throat. Well, that’s one way to make sure everyone knows we were here.

“Fantastic to see you sir, and your lady friend. I have your usual table ready. Please follow me.” Mary kept her expression neutral, though I could hear that her heart beat faster with anticipation. She would spend the rest of the night telling anyone who would listen about the boss’s indiscretion.

Once we were seated, Mary handed us menus and walked away. Our server took drink orders and left us alone.

“This place is amazing,” Delilah gushed.

“Thank you. I’m hoping to elevate Midnight to these standards with your help,” I replied, watching her cheeks turn pink.

Chapter 17


I wondered if Delilah would be surprised when she saw me walk up to Midnight to pick her up. Since I’d already sent her flowers, I brought a box of fancy chocolates. I had hoped that she would agree to go to dinner with me even though I had scared her. I knew that I had taken things too far, but I couldn’t stop myself once Vik showed up. I needed to make up for it. I needed to get to know her. Dinner would be the start of that.

I knew there was a chance she wouldn’t go with me. That was why I had sent the flowers early and called a few times before I showed up. She seemed intrigued by me, so I was hopeful she would go out with me. Unless Vik had already claimed her.

He had always been able to get under my skin, no matter how hard I tried to ignore him. Vik was the reason I’d gone into half of the business ventures I’d attempted in the past thirty years or so. I wanted so badly to take him down. So far, I was about half way there. I’d beaten him in several areas locally, and was working on the international market. But if he held the majority of the blood supply, there was no way I’d ever truly beat him.

There had to be a way to fix things with him. There was no point in all the fighting. It seemed silly to keep going after each other instead of simply competing the way we used to. Everything changed when Kat died. Vik couldn’t let go, instead insisting that it was my fault or Shawn’s. It didn’t matter that neither of us had set the explosives, she shouldn’t have been there. I agreed with him on that one.

Maybe Delilah would have some ideas on how we could manage a truce. It was worth a shot. I was so sick of constantly feeling like I had to go after him. Even if I couldn’t beat him, there should have been enough of the city for us to live comfortably. It wasn’t like the competition always had to be deadly.

I’d gotten lost in my random thoughts of war and peace. I caught myself walking past Midnight, not realizing because it was so dark inside. The bar should still be open. This is strange. I tried the door, but it was locked. Maxwell. That dick had closed down because he knew I was coming.

Oh well, I knew where Delilah lived. I’d just walk there and pick her up. I turned the corner and walked up to the building that had been listed on her credit report. I knew that I was borderline stalking her, but I couldn’t help myself. There was something about this girl that was pulling me to her, and it wasn’t just to get back at Maxwell.

I walked up to the door just as a dark-haired guy was leaving. He held the door for me to enter. “Thanks, man.”

He nodded, barely giving me a second glance, “No problem.” I would have to talk to Delilah about the lax security in her building. It wasn’t safe for the residents to let just anyone in without knowing where they were going or who they were. I could have been a serial killer for all this guy knew.

I walked up the stairs to the apartment and knocked. What if she gets upset that I was this forward about our date? I shrugged the worry off. I would explain that I’d found out where she lived because I wanted to apologize in person. No big deal.

I knocked on the door, but there was no answer. I tried again, and the neighbor to the left opened her door. “Delilah moved out. I don’t know where she went, but if you need some company, I’m available.” The woman was wearing a barely there red negligee and a matching see-through robe with red high heels.

“Thank you for the offer, but I’ll have to pass.” I raced out of the building without giving the woman another thought.

She moved out? Damn you, Vik. This had to be him. I guess I should be flattered that he remembered how tech savvy I am, but I was more pissed that he’d ruined my plans. I’d show that bastard. I stormed down the stairs and out the door. The rage was taking over, and I hoped that I didn’t do anything too crazy. I vaguely remembered sending a text before everything went black.

Once the rage took over, I only caught bits of what I’d done, like flashes of a dream. My body was moving on its own and I had no idea what I was doing. All I knew was that I was on a mission to ruin Vik. Flashes of bright light, broken glass. The smell of alcohol and busted cinder blocks assaulted me. I didn’t feel any pain. Just as I caught the scent of blood, someone was pulling me away. I tried to fight, but must have been drugged.

I woke up hours later in my own bed, filthy and groggy, but alone. The images came in waves as I showered and went back to bed. Maybe I would figure out what I had done tomorrow. This day had been enough of a shit show for now. With any luck, the team would have good news in the morning.

My last conscious thought before I passed out was of Delilah. I hated that our date had been taken from me. I vowed that I would get even. No matter what.

Chapter 18

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