Page 95 of Fate's Crossing

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“I can’t promise anything,” he said.

“Neither can I,” she replied in a shaky whisper.

Nico’s hand came up, his thumb tugging lightly on her lower lip, just as he’d done the first time he kissed her.

“You hurt me,” she said.

“I know. I’m so sorry.” Nico closed his eyes, his entire body radiating guilt. “When you asked me about Sara, about what I was running from… Something inside me snapped and I just . . . I can’t . . .”

“Nico.” Lexie took his face in her hands. “I won’t force you to tell me anything before you’re ready, but if you want me, you need to trust me as much as I trust you.” She waited for him to open his eyes and held his stare for a long moment. “You have to let me in.”

Nico’s hand moved lower, grazing her throat, the tip of her breast, before settling his palm on her waist. Lexie savored his touch. Despite herself, she leaned into the wall of his body, let him feel her through the thin fabric of her shirt.

“Okay,” he said.


Nico’s gaze became darker, more intense. She felt the instant hardening of his muscles, the warmth of his hand as it moved possessively over the curve of her bottom. His voice was rough as he said, “I'll tell you everything. I will lay every one of my secrets at your feet. Now, later, it doesn’t matter to me. Just as long as there’s no question in your mind that I want you. And unless you tell me not to, right now, I’m going to take what I want.” He dipped his head to nip her earlobe, growling, “I’m not a perfect man, but I’m nothing like him, Lex. Let me prove it.”

Lexie felt her body respond to his words, the images they conjured in her mind as his tongue tasted the skin of her throat. She should have said no, should have made him wait, made him suffer like any woman worth her salt would have done after finding out the man they’ve been seeing is a liar, but she couldn’t do it.

“Show me,” she purred. “Show me how good it can be.”

“Are you sure?”

“I don’t want to feel scared or angry anymore,” she said. “I just want to feel you. We can deal with the rest tomorrow.”

Nico did not ask a second time. Instead, he took her mouth in a kiss that brought them both to the floor. Lexie felt the wanton throb down below and let out a sound of pure feminine pleasure as he pulled her shirt over her head. He removed his own before using his weight to push her flat onto her back. His mouth crawled the length of her neck, down the center of her chest, leaving fire everywhere it touched. He kissed her ribs, kissed the soft swell of her breast, then took one hardened nipple into the steaming wetness of his mouth. She bucked as his tongue swirled around the sensitive nub, sucking and teasing her into madness. He kneaded her other breast, pinching the tip just hard enough to bring her back into a gratifying arch, then moved his face to the delicate triangle of blue between her hips. He bit at her panties, the sharp snap back on her skin making her gasp as he made the slow journey down her leg—kissing, licking, and biting as he did.

It had never been like this with Kyle. Where Nico appreciated and worshipped, Kyle had ravaged and misprized, using her body as an outlet, a way to work off whatever stress he was feeling at the time. But Nico was a man possessed. He wanted her to feel good, placed her pleasure at the forefront, made her feel things she had never felt before.

A guttural sound came from Nico’s throat as he kissed her again, angling his head to get deeper into her mouth. His pelvis ground into hers, sending such carnal need spiraling through her that she thought she might combust right there and then. Lexie felt the hardness of him through his jeans. She couldn’t wait anymore. She slid her hands between them, unzipped his fly, and dove in, wrapping her fingers around the warm, thick shaft waiting below. Nico stiffened. He licked his lips and took on the tense features of a man barely in control of himself as she touched, stroked, and acquainted herself with his cock.

Lexie liked the feel of him in her palm, and she relished the way he grunted and groaned. Their bodies trembled as anticipation built. A thousand electric tingles sent goosebumps shooting across her skin. In the soft light, Lexie saw dark desire building in Nico’s eyes, like he was a predator, and she was his prey. One of his hands skimmed the length of her sternum, past her belly button, and slipped beneath the thin, moistened fabric of her underwear.

Christ, she was exquisite. Every inch of her. Lithe limbs. Toned flesh. Skin so soft it could drive a man insane just thinking about it. And those eyes . . . Once again, Nico decided he could happily die tomorrow in exchange for a single night with those want-filled sapphires gazing back at him. How the hell he’d gotten so damn lucky, he would never know. The taste of her skin on his tongue, the feel of her full lips moving with his, having the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen writhe and quiver and moan for him—he made a mental note to thank god later, once he’d finished groveling for her forgiveness for being such an unkind prick.

As his hand slid beneath the line of her panties and into her welcoming center, Lexie arched up, brushing her hard, pink nipples against his chest. Skin to skin, Nico stroked and teased her, matching the rhythm of their panting breaths. Her eyes closed. Her mouth opened. Her head lolled to the side.

He brought her to the edge once. Twice. Each time he backed off she made little frustrated sounds of protest and pleasure. On the third crest, he brushed his lips against her ear. “Come for me.”

He watched as she convulsed, shattering into a million pieces under his touch. Her breasts, her skin, her face—all of it was flushed and perfect. Fuck, he couldn’t wait to get inside. While she lay freshly blissed out on the floor, Nico kicked off his shoes and pants. Lexie wriggled out of her underwear and spread her legs wide, welcoming him as he nestled in close and lined up their hips. He pushed in slowly, deeply, feeling her insides still pulsing with little aftershocks around him. Lexie cried out his name, raked her fingernails down his back, and met him thrust for delicious thrust. Enveloped in her warmth, Nico groaned and took her mouth with ravenous hunger. His pace quickened. His blood boiled. She was everything.

When he heard her building to another orgasm, he wrapped his arms around her waist and in one swift movement, pulled her up and fell back on his heels. Lexie held tight, riding him with a sensual roughness that fulfilled every fantasy he’d had of what it would be like to have her like this. Her hair spilled around her shoulders in a cascade of golden waves. She tilted her head back. Her breaths came short and shallow. Nico felt his own release approaching.

Not yet, he ordered himself.

“Oh. Oh. Oh,” she screamed.

Nico gripped her hips. Her body jolted. Her muscles contracted. Leaning back, one arm gripping his neck, the other supporting her from behind, she came with a powerful shudder. With one last thrust, Nico caught up. His body quaked, his arms tightened around her. Ecstasy—savage and intense—racked him to the core.

Out of breath, limbs entangled, they collapsed together and became still. In the endless quiet, Nico couldn’t decide what was better; watching Lexie come alive with such undiluted passion, or knowing—hoping—that this was just the beginning.

Chapter twenty-four

Lexie woke in a daze, unsure of the time or what had disturbed her. The hues of inky blue bathing the familiar walls of her bedroom told of early morning approaching, but before she had the chance to wonder about anything else, warm hands shifted her thighs apart and lifted her legs atop a set of wide shoulders. Her breath caught. Nico’s mouth covered her, hot and hungry and incredible. His tongue swept through her with skill, working her slowly at first, then faster, alternating between gentle sucking and long, luscious strokes until she was convulsing with need. Easing a finger inside, he put pressure on the perfect spot. Lexie arched her back, tangled her hands in his hair, and gripped tight until she felt the wave build and crash.

Explosive, that’s how she would later come to describe the orgasm he gave her that morning. When it was over, and the shudders subsided, he came to lovingly lay his head on her stomach.

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