Page 64 of Fate's Crossing

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He was not a violent man, not really. Sure, growing up in Eastie had been rough, and he’d been in enough scuffles as a teen to learn to hold his own. And, yeah, he didn’t exactly have a desk job. But he’d never, ever gone out of his way to seek a fight. Attacking a civilian like that? If anyone had the gall to report him, he could kiss his career goodbye. Just like that, everything he’d worked for, gone. Maybe that’s what he deserved.

Replaying the events in his mind, he could pinpoint the exact moment he’d lost control. It wasn’t just about Lexie being disrespected. He could have handled that—assholes will be assholes—but Garrett’s sheer contempt for Lexie’s right to live a free and happy life, the way he knew he could get away with the things he was threatening, that’s what drove Nico over the edge.

He’d been the one who snapped, not Garrett. He’d snapped because he cared about Lexie, plain and simple. And it was because he cared about her that he now felt all kinds of guilt over what he’d just done. Garrett was obviously reckless, dangerous, and uninhibited when it came to how far he pushed things with the law. His friend, the chief, had made sure of that. By taking matters into his own hands, Nico had possibly just made things worse. Unless Kyle was found guilty of murdering Isabelle Moss, then it wouldn’t matter. He’d be in prison.

Which brought to mind the other problem. Nico had arrested enough suspects in his career to recognize the subtle signs of guilt. It didn’t matter if a person was pleading clean hands, pleading mercy, or feeling as justified in their actions as a shady politician preaching “we’re all in this together” while they robbed the people blind, the look in their eyes was always the same. Haunted. Whether it be fear, regret, or just the knowledge of their secret, they all lacked the innocence of someone who hadn’t stained their soul in an unforgivable way. And Garrett didn’t fit the profile. He was a drunk, a wife beater, and an all-around asshole, but as much as Nico hated to admit it, even to himself, he didn’t believe he was a killer.

Unfortunately, gut feelings didn’t factor into a police investigation, so here he would remain, innocent until proven guilty—if they could prove he was guilty.

Tired of thinking about it, Nico pulled his cell phone from his pocket and dialed Lexie.

“Hey, it’s me,” he said to her voice mail. “We picked up Kyle. He’s in lockup, probably be here a while.” Pausing to consider his next words, he finished with a simple, “I thought you’d want to know.”

He disconnected, then stood and aimed himself in the direction of the nearest coffee pot, bumping into Frank halfway up the hall.

“Hey, kid. Nice work,” he said, indicating their newest guest seated behind bars.

Nico followed his gaze and winced at his handy work, making a mental note to throw a wet cloth and some band aids into the holding cell so Garrett could at least clean himself up. “Yeah.”

Frank frowned. “What is it?”

“I don’t know,” Nico said quietly. “Something isn’t adding up. He didn’t even try to hide or leave town.”

“Like a guilty person might?” Frank surmised.

Nico gave him a look, letting the silence speak for itself.

“He was there the night she was killed, and he failed to come forward,” Frank reminded him. “That’s one helluva red flag, boss.”

“Maybe he panicked.”

“And maybe he killed her.” Frank tilted his head. “Why are you defending him all of a sudden.”

“I’m not,” Nico replied firmly. “I’m just trying to think objectively.”

“Well, objectively speaking, that little prick deserved to trip over a barstool, so don’t beat yourself up over it.”

“Seth told you.”

It wasn’t a question, but Frank answered it anyway. “Yep.”

“The chief is gonna chew my ass over this.”

Frank smiled again. “Yep.”

“Hey,” Nico stopped him before he sauntered away. “Why didn’t you tell me he was Lexie’s husband that first night he tried to pick a fight with me?”

Frank’s grin was all cheek. “You didn’t ask.”

Nico shook his head at his retreating back.


Chapter fifteen

“Kyle was arrested two days ago,” Annie huffed out between pants. “And you’re telling me you haven’t spoken to Nico since?”

Jogging along beside her, Lexie savored the feel of the dirt beneath her sneakers, the crisp, pre-dawn air filling her lungs. It had been weeks since they’d done this, and she hadn’t realized how much she’d needed it.

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