Page 50 of Fate's Crossing

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He gave her every opportunity to stop him.

She didn’t.

And as his mouth closed over hers, he knew there would be no going back.

Chapter eleven

The kiss was tender, at first. A soft, sweet goodnight, just as she’d imagined it would be. But when Lexie sighed, parting her lips and timidly touching her tongue to his, something changed. The electricity that had pulsed between them all night crackled, igniting into flame and suddenly Nico wasn’t so gentle. He pressed his body against hers and brought his hands up to tangle in her hair. Hot and hungry, he angled his head, deepening the kiss, taking everything she offered and more.

Lexie clutched his shoulders, bunching her hands in his shirt as burning desire flooded her nervous system. She wound her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. Feverish heat took over as her breasts rubbed against his chest. Her nipples hardened, aching to be touched.

Nico was everywhere. His experienced hands moved down the length of her body in a wild caress that ended at the hem of her sweater, where he regained some control and pulled back. He rested his forehead against hers, fingers wrapped around her hips. Their eyes locked, breath mixing as the frenzy subsided, and once the ringing in her ears fell silent, Lexie could hear crickets chirping through the open window.

Nico stepped back a fraction. “Sorry. I had to do that.”

Lexie felt bereft as the night air seeped between them, extinguishing the heat and slowing her pulse.

“Don’t apologize.” Her hands found their way back to his chest, rested there for a moment before applying the slightest pressure. “You should go.”

“Yeah,” he said. “I should.”

She lifted her eyes and met his gaze. “Is that what you want?”

“Yes,” he said, voice all husky.

She couldn’t help but smile. “Liar.”

His hands slid up underneath her sweater, his warm, calloused palms skimming across the skin of her ribcage. “So are you.”

Her stomach somersaulted. For a few wonderful seconds, he didn’t move, except to touch and stroke and tease. She savored the feel of his muscled body beneath her hands. Then he grasped them in his, brought one up to place a hot kiss in the center of her palm, making her shiver.

“I don’t—”

Nico’s words were cut off by the sound of a cell phone ringing. Hers.

“You’d better get that,” he said, releasing her. “I’ve been warned my life depends on it.”


But he was already strolling away to his car parked in the dark. Once she’d relocked the door, she answered the phone.


“Hey, Lex, sorry to call so late.”

“No problem.” Nico’s headlights illuminated the foyer, and she heard the crunch of his tires on the gravel drive. “Everything okay?”

“Yeah. Just finished closing up. I, uh, wanted to call—you know, to check in.”

Lexie glanced at the clock. “At midnight?”

She heard him exhale on the other end. “Alright, fine. Your cop friend came sniffing around the bar for your address earlier. I told him to piss off, but I guess Vikki couldn’t keep her mouth shut, and I just thought . . .”

The smile that spread across Lexie’s face was pure love. That was so Wade. Sweet, sweet Wade. He’d make a lucky woman very happy someday.

“I appreciate it,” she said. “But I’m fine.”

“You sure?”

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