Page 46 of Fate's Crossing

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The way Wade’s hands stopped moving mid-task and his chin slowly lifted made Nico think of his own reaction whenever guys used to come sniffing around his sisters. It also made him consider his next words carefully as he took stock of the man’s sheer size and power. Simply put, if he didn’t want to give up the information, there’s no way in hell Nico could force him.

“I just want to make sure she’s locked up tight for the night, that’s all.”

“Mm-hmm.” Wade stowed the clean glass on a shelf and grabbed another from the drying rack. “Didn’t think to try calling?”

“I did. No luck.”

Wade considered that. Without saying a word, he reached into his jeans pocket and pulled out his own phone, dialing what Nico assumed was Lexie’s number and holding it up to his ear with a frown. When she didn’t pick up, he clicked off without leaving a message.

“Tell you what,” he said, sliding his cell back into his pocket. “After closing, I’ll go by and check on her.”

“Or I could save you the trouble and do it right now.”

Wade leaned both arms on the bar. “Look man, no offense, but I don’t know you. And I sure as shit am not giving out Lexie’s address to some random. We clear?”

“You know I’m a cop, right? I can just run her name through a database and get it that way.”

“So go do that then,” Wade said, unbothered.

Shit. Nico didn’t want to waste the time it would take to go down that road when the information he needed was right here.

“You know, I wish I could be pissed about this, but honestly, I’m glad she’s got someone looking out for her.”

Wade smirked. “Have a good night, Lieutenant.”

“Hi, Nico!” An exuberant redhead with hoop earrings and a friendly smile came up behind Wade and rested her elbows on the bar.

“Hi . . .”

“I’m Vikki,” she said.

A pause while Nico tried to dredge her face out of his memory bank. “I’m sorry, Vikki, have we met?”

“Not officially,” she laughed. “But word travels fast around here. You’re already a household name. Isn’t that right, Wade?”

Wade only grunted, going back to polishing glasses.

“So, what brings you in tonight? Lexie’s not here.”

“I know. I was actually just asking Wade for her address to go see her, but apparently, that’s not going to happen.”

“Why not?” She looked between them, clearly wondering what she’d missed. Then it clicked. “Oh, Wadey.” She tsked. “You are such a sweetheart, but you really have no idea how to read women, do you?” To Nico, she added, “I think she would love to see you. She lives a few miles out of town. Just follow the main road south until you see a turn for Shepherd’s Road. Her place is another five or six miles from there. Red mailbox on the left. You can miss it, so pay attention.”

“Jesus Christ, Vikki!” Wade exclaimed. “How do you even know that?”

“She had me over for coffee last week.”

Wade was annoyed, but the damage was done. Instead of chastising her further, he turned a pointed finger on Nico. “Alright, listen. We’ll be closing in a couple hours. The second that sign is turned, I’m calling Lexie again. I don’t get an answer, I’m in my truck and hunting your ass down. Got it?”

“Relax, big man.” Nico backed away, smiling. “Thanks a lot,” he said to Vikki, throwing a cheeky wink her way for good measure.

Once outside, he pulled out his phone and tried Lexie one more time. “Hey, it’s Nico,” he told her voice mail. “I’m coming to see you. I hope that’s okay.”

Lexie felt herself slipping into oblivion and did absolutely nothing to stop it. Why would she? The warm water, the lavender, the rose petals she’d sprung for just because she could—all of it was amazing. Every inch of her body, from her aching feet to her tense shoulders, softened, relaxing into the bubbles until there was nothing else. No psycho killer. No Kyle. No decisions to be made about Nico and all the things she’d love to do to him behind closed doors, and have him do to her. There was just this moment, this bliss, this perfect, beautiful, magical—

The sound of knuckles rapping on wood made her stomach flip over and her eyes spring open.

Who the hell?

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