Page 43 of Fate's Crossing

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Nico waited.

“They’re not bad people,” Seth finally said. “Not all of them, anyway. They keep to themselves and most of them have no interest in causing trouble. Just want to be left alone. But there are some . . .”

“Like Logan?”



“His name is Logan Hayes.”

“Wait—as in—”

“My brother.”

“Seriously?” Nico gawked. “The possible suspect we’re about to shake down is your brother?”

Seth’s face hardened. “We share blood. That’s all.”

Nico sat back, contemplating. “That’s why he’ll talk to you and no one else.”

“Maybe. Maybe not. I haven’t seen him in years.”

Why not?

The question danced on the tip of Nico’s tongue—along with several others—but he decided not to ask. Not yet.

After another few minutes of rough terrain and barely-there tracks carved out in the brush, Nico broke the awkward silence. “You weren’t kidding about them liking their privacy.”

“We’re almost there.”

As if on cue, the dense mass of trees gave way to a clearing. Seth slowed to a stop with plenty of room between them and a cluster of moisture-laden log cabins, each one puffing white smoke from its chimney. The rusted Chevy they were searching for was parked out front of one. On closer inspection, Nico noticed a dark, red-tinged liquid smeared on the tailgate. No sign of any other vehicles. No people. And no sunlight. Even the lack of canopy above couldn’t compete with the thick layer of cloud that seemed to envelope the whole mountain in it’s cold embrace.

Frank stirred, sitting up with a groan. “What’d I miss?” As he took in the new surroundings, he let loose an astonished breath. “Jesus, how long was I out? Where the hell are we?”

“Not in Kansas anymore.” Nico searched for any sign of life. It was a whole other world up here, and he had a bad feeling about it.

“Just keep your hands where they can see them,” Seth said, opening his door and stepping out.

Nico chewed his lip. “Right.”

The three of them exited the cruiser with deliberate slowness. Seth took the lead, Frank and Nico taking flank positions on the off chance that their hosts were indeed—as West had put it—less than welcoming.

“Mercy Cove Police Department!” Seth called out, voice echoing through the seemingly deserted space.

“Well, this is eerie as fuck,” Frank grumbled.

“Where are they?” Nico asked.

Seth raised his hands away from his sides, moving steadily forward. “They’re here.”

Somewhere in the distance, a gun cocked, the sound distinct and loud in the silence. Both Nico and Frank’s hands flew to their hip holsters.

“No! Don’t,” Seth warned.

“Are you out of your mind?” Nico hissed.

“They’re not going to shoot us. They’re just showing us who’s boss.”

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