Page 7 of His Jersey Girl

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As he walked away, I couldn’t help wondering how Daddy Gabriel got a butt that tight.

“Alyssa, you need to wake up.” Lucia’s soft voice broke through my dreams.

“Don’t wanna.” I wanted to stay wrapped up in Daddy Gabriel’s arms while he held me safe up in the clouds.

“I know, chica, but if Seth finds you sleeping on the couch in the break room you know he’ll fire you.”

“Fine,” I grumbled, sitting up. I looked at the clock and winced. It was less than thirty minutes to the morning meeting, and I’d probably gotten less than four hours of sleep.

“Why are you sleeping on the couch here and why is your rolling trunk parked in the corner?”

The LJGs had helped me pick out the sparkly rolling tote last month when my stuff had started disappearing from my apartment so there was no use in denying it was mine. “Remember how when I left last night, I said it was the best night ever?”

Lucia giggled. “Because the giant Daddy said he wanted to see you again.”

“Yeah well. I jinxed myself.”

“Oh no what happened?”

“I got home and my apartment was swarming with police. They busted my roommates dealing drugs. I was lucky they didn’t think I was involved and let me get my trunk after opening and searching it.” I’d had to beg for even that much. The memory of them pawing through my clothes and stuffies sent a shiver down my spine. “Then the landlord made it very clear he would be changing the locks and to not bother coming back.”

“Why didn’t you call one of us?”

“My phone was dead. So I came here. I must have fallen asleep while it was charging.” I gestured to my phone still plugged into the wall.

“You’re lucky I was the first one in.”

“Yeah, lucky.” I technically was, though it didn’t feel like it.

My boss at the casino’s spa hated me and Lucia because we refused to do any ‘off the menu’ work, so he was always looking for ways to make our lives miserable. Everyone knew some massage parlors were just fronts for prostitution, but I’d thought getting a job at the casino would mean not having to deal with shady stuff. Guess that was naive.

The only reason Seth hadn’t fired the two of us yet was Uncle Angel. As someone who brought in lots of high rollers, he was considered a VIP. He’d made it very clear to people way above Seth’s head that we were his favorites. No one wanted to make him mad. The owner of the Dragon’s Tail had scary, mysterious connections so if Seth wanted us gone, he had to make us quit or have a legal reason to fire us.

“You can stay at my place until you find something,” Lucia offered.

The idea of squeezing into her and Grace’s tiny apartment wasn’t appealing, but homeless beggars couldn’t be picky and that was what I was. The other girls lived far enough away I would need a car if I stayed with them. Since I didn’t even have a license, it was impossible.

Staying with them would have to work for a few days. It would mean taking time off from writing to search for a place. Why did things like this always happen at the worst possible times?

“Thanks.” I gave her a hug that probably lasted too long, needing the comfort of her touch.

It wasn’t long before the other women we worked with filtered into the room followed by our boss Seth. He was impeccably dressed, from his polished leather shoes to his perfectly tailored dark-navy suit. If I didn’t know what a jerk he was I’d be tempted to call him handsome.

I always thought he overdressed for his job as manager. His crisp white dress shirt and burgundy silk tie were camouflage to hide the ugliness inside. The man had a matching pocket square that ridiculously peeked out from his suit jacket as if he had any sophistication or polish.

Any thought of him being a nice guy disappeared the minute he opened his mouth. He handed out our schedules for the day with his usual disdain. The man was over-the-top charming with customers. Since we were just staff, he didn’t bother even trying. Every word out of his mouth to me was filled with disgust and condescension.

“Alyssa, your first client today is a VIP.” Seth was looking at me like I’d rolled in dog poo.

I looked down at my list and saw there was barely any information listed for the booking. A two-hour Ashiatsu session was rare, but not unheard of. I preferred my repeat customers because I knew their bodies and what they expected.

“There isn’t a name or much of a medical history listed.” Because of Seth’s feelings toward me I rarely got VIP bookings. It sucked because my customer satisfaction scores were the highest on the staff and the crazy big tips that often went with those could have helped me move months ago. Why was he giving me this one?

“Do you know the big MMA event that is happening next month?” Seth smirked.

My stomach dropped and I nodded, though I didn’t really. There were always big events going on somewhere in the casino. Keeping track of them might be in Zoe’s job description but it wasn’t in mine. Was Seth trying to set me up with a customer who would be dangerous?

“One of the headlining fighters hurt his back. Since you have all those fancy certifications his manager insisted on you.”

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