Page 5 of His Jersey Girl

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“Enough!” Angel’s voice froze everyone but me in place as I reached her limp form.




Am I dead?

The thought didn’t worry me, though it probably should’ve. I was lying in the dark, so anything was possible. If my memory was to be trusted, I’d just seen a god, so the darkness might be the afterlife.

If I had to guess which god has appeared to usher me into the great beyond, I’d say it was Ares. The man from my memories had a dark warrior look about him and muscles that couldn’t possibly be found on a mere mortal. I would’ve asked him so many questions, but Zoe’s pillow knocked me from the mortal plane before I got any of them out.

Yikes! What would my obituary say? Killed by pillow fight was a unique way to die. If I could talk to whoever would have to write it, I would tell them they should really lean into the humor of the situation. I mean who wants a boring obituary?


My head pounded. Hmm. If this was Heaven, where could I register a complaint? I’m pretty sure I was promised the removal of pain once my soul left my body. Instead, my head and butt really hurt. Maybe I wasn’t dead?

“Are you ok, princess?” A deep voice rumbled from somewhere near me and goosebumps raced over my skin at the sexy tone.

Oh, what a great idea for a story. I snuggled down into the warmth surrounding me to plot it out. A princess struck down by treachery and swept up by the god Ares to be pampered and cherished in his temple on Mt. Olympus.

But if the man I’d seen was Ares, then maybe I wasn’t in Heaven but rather the Elysian Fields. I didn’t know if all pain was supposed to be taken away there. But if I worshiped Greek gods then I’d have to give up Christmas and no way would I take Zeus and lightning over Santa and presents.

“Open your eyes for me, princess. Let me know if you're okay.”

Open my eyes? Is that why it was so dark? I giggled. The sound hurt my head and I groaned. I guess I wasn’t dead. But if I was only sleeping, why was a sexy voice talking to me? I pried my eyes open hoping and dreading that the sexy voice belonged to my mystery god.

Through the fuzzy barrier of my lashes, I stared into eyes like the deepest pools of midnight. Concern was written into the small lines at their edges. The god from earlier was so close to me I had to be dreaming. I reached my hand up and traced along his strong jaw trying to memorize the feel of his skin. His lips were soft and full. Rugged instead of handsome.

Why had someone, somewhere in the pages of history changed the definition of masculine beauty to be something softer? I wanted to use that word to describe the perfection holding me close in my dream. He was simply panty-melting hot. Everything a male should be. Rough and powerful in the way I imagined Roman gladiators once were. Olive complexion with his black hair shaved close to his head, he was … beautiful.

“Come on, talk to me. I need to know if you are okay.”

“Are you a god?” Not exactly eloquent, but it was a legitimate question. Maybe his answer would help me figure out where I was.

His chuckle was as sexy as his voice. “No. I’m just Gabriel.”

An archangel was holding me? Wow! Maybe I was on my way to Heaven and that was why my head still hurt. Did we have to go through the pearly gates before the pain would vanish?

Dang, I wouldn’t get to finish my latest story. Maybe one of my friends would pass on what I’d written to someone and they would finish it. Not that I would have to worry about that when I was living in the clouds playing a harp. I’d never tried to play an instrument but how hard could it be?

I could figure those things out later. Right this second, I was admiring my personal transport to Heaven. Were all angels this good-looking? Because I’m pretty sure you couldn’t get much hotter than Gabriel.

“And behold, you will be silent and unable to speak.” I’m not sure why that bit of the Bible popped into my mind, but it was fitting. I mean what do you say to an archangel? He looked confused so I continued. “It’s what you said to the priest Zechariah in Luke. I don’t remember the exact passage. Not that I’m super religious, but I guess that must be okay with the big guy if he sent an archangel to take me to Heaven. I did lots of research on angels for one of my books once and that is why I know that quote. Though you probably said it in another language at the time, or maybe you were misquoted. I hear that happens a lot even now with recording devices and computers.”

His eyes softened and filled with humor. “I’m not an archangel, princess. Just a man. Will you tell me your name?”

“Alyssa.” Wait, if he wasn’t an archangel and didn’t know my name, what was happening? I looked past his beautiful face and saw my friends looking down on me with worry.

Oh no! I was lying on the floor of the playroom with my head in a gorgeous stranger's lap after he saw me get knocked out with a pillow!

I closed my eyes, praying to die of embarrassment.

Nope, still not possible.

Damn it!

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