Page 39 of His Jersey Girl

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The roar of the crowd was a deafening combination of cheers, shouts, and the occasional boo mixed and combined to create a symphony of raw emotion. The ring itself was a stark contrast to the lively crowd. Enclosed by the familiar chain-link fence, it stood as a battleground, its surface scuffed and stained from the matches that had occurred earlier in the night. A battlefield where my Daddy was fighting for his title.

Sitting ringside with Angel and the LJGs was a level of excitement I wasn’t sure I ever wanted to experience again. Every seat in the house was filled, spectators on the edge of their seats, eyes glued to the fighters as they moved with a combination of grace and ferocity. There were only a few minutes left in the match, but my heart felt like it was going to pound out of my chest. I’d thought I’d been prepared by watching Gabriel spar all week. But to compare the two would be like comparing a goldfish to a feral shark.

I wasn’t the only one to think the match between Gabriel "The Destroyer" Lanzo and Collin “Bain” Thompson was brutal. The commentators and fans were all riled up by the relentlessness of the dirty tricks Bain kept trying. Gabriel was apparently winning, but throughout the match, Bain had tried everything from illegal eye pokes to grabbing Gabriel’s shorts. That didn’t include the absolutely vile things coming out of his mouth.

“And here we are, folks, with only two minutes left on the clock!” The announcer's voice boomed through the arena. “Oh there we go! Thompson tried a headbut but Lazo dodged it. Is there any dirty trick Thompson won’t try? Everyone thought Bain would secure the title but by my money the Destroyer is going to take the belt into retirement with him.”

Gabriel moved with the precision and power that had earned him his nickname. Bain threw a desperate punch, but Gabriel dodged it effortlessly, responding with a powerful right hook that sent blood splashing across the floor and Bain stumbling backward. The crowd roared in approval.

“Thompson taken down by a beautiful right hook! Lanzo going in for the takedown!”

“Get him, Gabriel!” My throat was raw from screaming but I couldn’t hold back. My Daddy didn’t give Bain a moment to recover. He swept Bain’s legs out from under him, sending him crashing to the mat. Bain tried to scramble away, but Gabriel was already on him, locking his arms around his throat and wrapping his legs around his chest. Bain's face turned red as he struggled, but Gabriel’s grip was unbreakable.

“Lanzo has him in a rear-naked choke! This could be it!”

Excitement roared through the crowd like a title wave, and I jumped up onto my seat screaming with excitement.

Bain thrashed, trying to break free, but Gabriel held firm. Seconds felt like hours as I watched, my breath caught in my throat. Finally, Bain’s hand slapped the mat twice.

“He taps out! Thompson taps out! Gabriel 'The Destroyer' Lanzo retains his championship title!” The announcer's voice was nearly drowned out by the deafening roar of the crowd.

I jumped up and down, almost falling off the chair, cheering as relief and pride washed over me. The referee raised Gabriel’s hand in victory, and the belt was brought out. He did it! My Daddy wasn’t just my champion, he was the heavyweight MMA champion of the world!

“He won!” Zoe squealed into my ear as she pulled me down off the chair and gave me a hug strong enough to strangle me.

“I know!”

Angel's eyes seemed to twinkle under the stage’s lights. “Rocco booked one of the upper floors for a celebration tonight. I hope all you ladies are going to be there.”

All the rest of the LJGs cheered, but Zoe rolled her eyes. “I guess I can put up with Rocks for Brains to support my girl.”

I ignored my friend because I had a feeling it was a matter of the Little protesting too much, but I wasn’t going to dive into that drama.

This night was about my Daddy, who was standing in the middle of the Octagon holding the gold belt above his head. Gabriel’s eyes seemed to search the crowd until they found me. I laughed as he gestured for me and pointed to the spot next to him.

He wanted me to go into the cage? What the hell, you only live once right? I had to practically crawl over people to get to the door, my heart soaring with joy at his victory. I ran to him jumping into his arms. Gabriel lifted me effortlessly and swung me around in a circle as the crowd continued to cheer.

"I love you so much, princess!" he shouted over the noise, his face beaming with joy.

"I love you too, Daddy," I replied, my voice full of emotion. "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

He set me down gently, and we stood there laughing as the other LJGs dove past security and joined us in the celebration. With friends like these and a perfect forever Daddy, a Little girl like me had everything she needed to be happy for the rest of her life.


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