Page 13 of His Jersey Girl

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While his words were cruel, I couldn’t deny them. Gabriel hadn’t promised me anything and even when we’d been teasing about me becoming his Little, he’d mentioned the same timeframe limitations Seth had. Was I being stupid? Not about the money. But about risking my heart on someone who wasn’t going to stay. I didn’t even know where Gabriel called home.

“This is none of your business.”

“Isn’t it, though? Because you have to get management approval to fraternize with the guests. We get a percentage of any private booking.”

Did we? I didn’t remember reading anything like that, but it had been a long time since I signed my employment agreement. “I told you this isn’t a private booking. He's not paying me anything.”

Seth stalked closer and fear froze my body. He loomed over me and my vision went blurry as tears blinded me. “Let me make this very clear, Alyssa. The only fraternization I’ll allow you with that man is if it is part of a private booking. So if you want to see him again, you will be paying me. One way or another.”

His fingers brushed down my arm and I couldn’t hold back my shiver of revulsion.

He stepped back chuckling like we’d been having the funniest conversation ever. When he walked away, I gasped, finally able to breathe again. Hot tears streamed down my face and my thoughts swirled in chaotic tornados. What was I going to do? The only thing I knew for sure was that I had to leave.





“Some people would consider showing up for a date over an hour early the act of a desperate man.” Rocco’s smirk as sat down at the slot machine next to me made me want to toss my coffee at him.

“And what would you call following around the person with the highest rate of knockouts in the league?” I gave him a look designed to express I wasn’t in the mood for his crap.

The machine I’d chosen to sit at had a perfect view of both the entrance to the spa and the lounge where I was supposed to meet Alyssa. Luckily it wasn’t a popular slot, or someone might have complained I wasn’t dropping money into it. The layout of the casino made sure no matter what you were doing in the building the temptation of gambling was always present.

Luckily gambling had never been one of my vices so the noise and flashing lights were only a small distraction from my real goal: making sure I could see my girl as soon as possible. Claiming her as mine before we’d even gone on our first date might seem insane but from the moment I’d seen her something inside me knew we were meant to be together. Everything between this moment and when I convinced her to come home with me were only obstacles I needed to overcome.

Rocco laughed. “I was actually on my way to see if the feisty concierge was going to the Dragon’s Tail tonight but couldn’t resist stopping and giving you shit.”

Who was he talking about? It had been a long time since my friend had actively sought out someone. Ever since his last bad relationship he’d limited himself to casual hook-ups. “Should I know who you’re talking about?”

“The brat with the rainbow braids from last night. Apparently all the LJGs work at the casino.”

“Good to know your stalking tendencies aren’t limited to just me.”

Movement in the front window of the spa caught my attention. Alyssa was laughing and talking to a woman I recognized from the club last night. It was good she had close friends she not only worked with but that understood who she was. Watching the Littles play last night had fed a part of me that had been dormant for too long. Their carefree joy reminded me that not everything in life had to be so serious.

That was the beauty of being a Daddy Dom. Yes, I loved control and setting boundaries so a Little could thrive and be their best self but what they gave without even knowing it was worth more than gold. The playful spirit and innocent outlook of a Little was like sunlight in a dreary world. They were brave to allow themselves to be so vulnerable for even short periods of time.

With so many friends here, would Alyssa be willing to take a risk? I lived a few hours north, a distance which wasn’t insurmountable, but could make building a relationship complicated. Maybe I should look into getting a house near here. Our flagship gym was near my current house but maybe we could open a location near Atlantic City and I could oversee the setup. Or maybe I should take some time off after this fight and focus on her.

Rocco waved his hand in front of my face. “You haven’t heard a word I’ve been saying, have you?”

I shook my head. “Sorry. Thinking about buying a house at The Shore.”

“You’ve known this woman for less than two days. I think several-hundred-thousand-dollar purchases might be moving a little too quickly. Don’t let her take you for a ride.”

If I hadn’t known his concern came from his own bad experiences, I might have lashed out. “She’s not Susan. Alyssa didn’t ask me for anything. I don’t like the idea of pressuring her to move with me in a few weeks.”

“Fine.” Rocco took a deep breath. “As your friend, I’m happy for you. As your manager, I need to remind you that if you don’t want to get your ass handed to you at the fight you need to stay focused.”

He was right, though for the first time in my career I wasn’t willing to push everything else in my life aside. I would find a way to both train and explore the connection between Alyssa and me. Hopefully my best friend would accept us and not let his own past color how he treated her.

Alyssa rushed out of the front of the spa and the look on her face had me standing before I registered the thought. She looked like she was barely holding back tears and her shoulders were hunched as she walked quickly down the walkway without noticing anything around her. What had happened in the last five minutes to kill her laughter?

“I have to go.” I wove through the slot machines on a path I hoped would catch up with her.

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