Page 1 of His Jersey Girl

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Margaret’s stomach felt like there were a hundred mice having a dance party inside it. The house was quiet, and there was no reason anyone should suspect what she planned. She silently crept down the hallway and hoped the insanely loud beat of her heart wouldn’t give her away.

If her Daddy found out what she was doing, she would be in so much trouble. She couldn’t worry about that now. If she found what she was looking for, the spanking he would give her would be worth it. She approached the door of the office, opening it slowly. The files in the desk drawer would tell her everything she needed to know.

“Oh, my god! Are you working on your new book?” Grace squealed next to my ear.

I jumped as if a high-voltage wire had shocked me. Everything went flying, including my lucky pen. Not wanting to lose the purple fine-line, gel-ink perfection, I lunged after it. Unfortunately, coordination when startled is not a skill I possess, so I went sprawling to the floor. Embarrassment rushed over my face like a heat wave, and I groaned.

Thank god colorful foam mats covered the floor of the Little’s Playroom at the Dragon’s Tale. As it was, my knees stung, my hands ached, and soon my head would hurt because I was banging it against the floor in mortification. Seriously, when was I going to learn to be more observant or at least not get stupid scared every time someone talked to me when I was writing?

I kept my eyes closed, not ready yet to face my friend. A couple deep breaths and I would find the courage.

No really. I would.

Any moment now.

If I was living in one of my stories, this would be the moment where the sweet and tender Daddy would rush over to see if his Little girl was okay. He would scoop her up off the floor, cuddle her in his lap, and whisper tender, comforting words. His strong hands would run all over her body, checking to make sure there were no bumps and bruises that needed to be attended to.

“Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you. Are you okay?”

I mean, define okay. It’s actually a very vague word and completely overused in my opinion. I was mortified and had almost peed in my panties, but I would probably survive. Ok, I’d definitely survive since dying of embarrassment wasn’t a real thing or I wouldn’t have lived to be twenty-three.

Not wanting to hurt my friend’s feelings, I mumbled, “I’m fine.”

The word ‘fine’ isn’t as misused as ‘okay’, though I’ve been told by men it is. ‘Fine’ suggests that while a person isn’t perfectly happy, they accept their current state. Personally, I thought it was a grand word to tell someone without being rude that they have done something wrong and should alter their behavior accordingly. I opened my eyes and immediately closed them again. Grace wasn’t alone.

Of course she wasn’t. That would be too easy. The entire LJG crew was with her, which honestly, I should have expected. As a founding member of the Little Jersey Girls crew, I’d received an invite to tonight’s playdate. But I’d forgotten all about it when I’d gotten wrapped up in my writing.

How had I missed all of my friends coming out of the elevator? The five women are never quiet when they're together, which is something I love and hate about them. I also love their warm hearts and kind personalities. So why was I sitting there pretending they couldn’t see me if I couldn’t see them?

I cracked open one eye. “Can we rewind time and pretend I didn’t just totally embarrass myself?”

The five girls giggled. We were all wearing the black sparkly tulle skirts that marked us as LJGs, but that was where the similarities between us ended. Zoe, our fearless leader, had a rainbow of sparkly braids that ran down her back and pulled her ebony hair away from her face. She was always in bright primary colors with a hint of sparkle. The glitter queen of the group was Julia who sometimes had so many sequins on her outfits the flashing lights could blind you.

Her complete opposite was Chantou, who loved everything soft and flowy. I often thought she was born in the wrong time period because she would have made a wonderful flower child. Grace and Lucia dressed similarly in ruffles and classic little-girl style, but that was probably because they were roommates and Grace often shopped for and dressed Lucia for the club. Me? I didn’t really have a style, at least not one I could afford.

None of us were what you would call rolling in it. We all worked our asses off at the casino, barely making ends meet. But lucky for us this club was owned by Angel.

No seriously, Angel was not only his name, but his personality. He’d met us at different times and in return for helping out now and then at events, he’d given us memberships to this amazing place pulled right out of a Little’s imagination. The Dragon’s Tail was an exclusive kink club that took up several floors of an office complex. If you didn’t know it existed, you would never find it on your own.

Julia clapped her hands in response to my question. “Okay! Let’s do that!”

I was so confused. My friends nodded and laughed and started making funny noises as they slowly backed away. I smiled as I finally realized what they were up to—giving me a re-do. These girls were the best!

I jumped up from the floor and found my pen and purple notebook. I sat myself back down at the table and moved the pen as if I was writing.

They stopped pretending to be rewinding and skipped toward me with huge smiles on their faces. Grace cleared her throat and leaned over. “Oh my god! Alyssa, are you working on your new book?”

With deliberate calm, I placed my pen down on the paper and smiled up. Using my very best posh voice I said, “Why yes Grace, I am. How good of you to stop by.”

Zoe snorted and that set us off into a round of giggles. I looked around. When I’d first come in, I’d been the only one in the very large room. Most nights I was the first one in the doors other than the staff. If I were being honest, I spent more time at the club then at home. The Dragon’s Tail was only a few blocks walk from my work and then only a few more blocks to my crappy apartment.

My roommates were jerks who seemed to be obsessed with making me miserable, so I avoided the apartment as much as possible. Unfortunately, my job didn’t pay well enough to afford my own place so living with them was my only option. Well, it was my only option because I spent every free moment I had writing instead of looking for somewhere else to live. Since I only had to deal with my roommates when I went there to sleep, it wasn’t unbearable.

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