Page 8 of Love is Rage

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Then she remembered her mother’s dying words.

Be a lion, Elena.

Pedro ripped away her top, exposing her breasts. Her eyes went to the lion pendant. And she decided to fucking roar.

The second his hands went to her breasts, pressing his lips on them, she struck.

Like the pig he was, he screeched. A hand went to his neck, and he jumped off her. But not before his other hand entangled in her hair, dragging her to the floor.

Over and over he kicked her. The carpet burned her face as she desperately tried to crawl away. She made herself small, trying to hide from his beating as much as possible. It didn’t work. On the floor, she was exposed. By the time he stopped, she felt like a wrecking ball had hit her. There wasn’t a part of her that didn’t ache.

He lifted her from the floor by pulling her hair.

“You stupid bitch. I will fucking break you. And when I find your bastardo, I will break her too.”

She spat in his face. “You will never find her.”

There were two things she knew about Viking: he hated her more than anyone in this world, and he would give his life for his child.

Pedro wrapped his hands around her throat and started to squeeze. The last thing on her mind before darkness clouded her vision was that her daughter was safe.

This time, fate was on her side, because she had made it so.


When Elena woke up, she was chained to a wall in the basement. Her clothes were gone, and she lay on a floor of filth. Pain wracked her body and she winced when she felt her split lip.

She crawled back against the wall, trying to hide from the men who were standing before her—Pedro and Toni, her former bodyguard. Toni’s eyes roamed over her body just as Pedro’s had, and it felt like a punch to the gut. She had known the big man wasn’t fond of her, but through all these years he had escorted her, he had never shown any disrespect. Somehow, his being here was more of a betrayal than Pedro’s treatment of her.

Pedro grabbed her ankle and pulled her close. She fought him every inch of the way, but she was no match against him.

“You filthy pig!” she spat.

He grabbed her breast and squeezed, hard. Elena refused to yell, refused to shed a single tear, no matter how much it hurt. Her tears were not meant for him.

Toni grabbed her wrists, holding her down, while Pedro took his place between her legs.

Panic blurred her vision, and she looked past him to the ceiling. Her mind couldn’t process what was happening. It refused to accept it.

I have promised him.

No other than you, Vik. No other.

Pedro pinched a nipple to the point of almost unbearable pain, and then his hand went lower. He jammed a finger inside her, making her want to throw up.

“That’s right, bitch,” he snarled, his breath hot on her ear. “This is only the beginning. I’m not just gonna give you my cock, I’m going to make you beg for it. When I find little Vicky, I’m gonna fuck her too. Unless you keep me happy, right?”

“No… no...”

He kept on saying monstrous things of what he was going to do to her little girl, all the while feeling her up from the inside, breaching her, hurting her. Then, finally, he pulled his finger out.

It was all she could do not to vomit. She refused to. Spewing all over his expensive loafers would show him her distress. It would make her look weak. She didn’t have time for weak.

He got back on his feet, and Toni let go of the hold he had on her arms. Her body was defeated, rendered completely defenseless, at his mercy, but her mind was still as strong as a vault, refusing to crack or break. And inside her belly, the flame of hatred grew from tiny sparks into a full-blown inferno.

Pedro smoothed his hair and looked down on her.

“Tomorrow, you will call Vicky and get her to come here. If you don’t, Toni is going to fuck you. Then the rest of my men. Every fucking day. You hear me? Every single day they will use you up until there’s nothing left. You have twenty-four hours to decide.”

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