Page 94 of Conquered

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“Sara Adams. Oh, my goodness. Of course. You’re in my English class. Wait a minute. You’re working with Easton. Aren’t you? I think he said you were his intern. Is that right?”

“Yes, I am. How do you know him?”

He gave me a funny look. “Because we’re colleagues.”

“Well, duh. He’s not here right now. He had a meeting of some kind.”

His smile was genuine. “That’s fine. I was just going to drop these off at the door when I didn’t see his car, which he usually parks outside that big garage of his. I know he’s excited to write a bestseller. I’m sorry to just drop by. He left these in my car the other night when we grabbed a beer. I kept forgetting about them.”

I glanced at the two books as he handed them to me and laughed. “How to write a horror bestseller in sixty days?”

He laughed with me. “It was always his dream to pen a bestseller. You should read some of his earlier stories. Hopefully, you can keep him on track. The man is always busy. Anyway, I need to run. My girl is expecting me. Are you coming to graduation?”

“I think so. Thanks for dropping them by.”

“Of course. Good luck. He can be a tough guy but a good egg all the way around. I’ll see you tonight if you decide to come.”

“I know. I’m excited to continue working with him.”

“Just don’t let him bite.” His grin remaining, he raced down the stairs and I waited until he’d slipped in his vehicle before closing the front door.

At least I felt a bit better after the phone call. I glanced at the books, deciding to keep them for myself at this point. I took them upstairs, remembering my wine was still in the kitchen. Another rumble of thunder kept the anxiety high. I moved to the computer, googling Dylan Roxford.

It took only a couple of seconds to find an article on his death. It was the one Josie had mentioned as well. Shit. He’d gone to the university. Was it possible? I couldn’t stand the thought.

Backing away, I refused to fall into the quagmire of being led down a stray path. I’d ask the question about where he’d gone after the diner the night of Zane’s death and if he had a logical response, then I was going to put it behind me.

No. I refused to buy into either warning. At least completely. It was silly to think he was some random killer. Why would he do that? I’d known he’d been furious with Zane, but Easton had managed to put all three jerks in their places. Why risk all he had to kill the man after being seen with him? Nope. I did not buy the story in the least. I shoved it aside, glancing at my phone before pressing print on what little I’d been working on. As the papers emptied into the holder, I stared at my phone.

When I heard another noise, I moved toward the office door, holding my breath. As I noticed Easton coming in through the front door, packages in his arms, I felt so much relief that without thinking, I flew down the stairs. He’d barely placed the packages onto the hardwood floor before I flung myself at him.

“Whoa,” he huffed, immediately tensing. “What’s wrong? What happened?”

“Nothing. You’re home. You’re really home.”

He pushed me away, shaking his head slowly. “Not good enough, baby. Talk to me. I know something happened.”

“Just a call.”

“What do you mean a call?”

“A guy. At least I think it was a man. He said things.”

“What things?”

I was exasperated, beads of perspiration trickling down my face. “I could swear I was being watched. Then this guy called. He said I should watch the news.”

“You have no idea who it was?”

“No, the voice was disguised. It could have been a man or a woman for all I knew. But he told me to watch the news. I did…” I was still haunted by what I’d seen, the images of seeing Zane in the diner then knowing he was dead was… horrible.

Even worse, a part of me was glad he was gone. What in God’s name did that make me?

Easton rose to his full height, finally closing the door behind him. “Tell me what you saw on television.”

I was so sick inside, so nervous that I was ready to vomit. I looked away, fighting all the fear inside of me, the what-ifs about whether the man I was falling hard for was capable of doing heinous things. What would I do if that was the truth?

I had no idea.

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