Page 87 of Conquered

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Somehow, I managed to wiggle just enough under him to cause friction, the sensations tearing through me like tiny pricks of sparks from a firecracker. I usually adored the taste of him, but on this night, he was simply scrumptious. I clenched my eyes shut, trying to absorb what was happening.

He’d lost all control. I had as well. We were two primal animals and within seconds, I was ready to tear off his clothes. With my hands free, I slid them over his shoulders, taking my time to finger and tug on his thick locks of hair.

He was hard, so much so the pressure between my legs continued to build. Being lost in him was fabulous.

As he rolled the rough pads of his fingers down my arm, another series of shivers coursed through me. The way he used his thumb to strum my jawline reminded me of the way a musician would lovingly caress his instrument. Perhaps that’s all I was, the man’s instrument and nothing else.

I was torn between wanting to drive him away, furious he’d snuck up on me, and a longing that was starting to get out of control.

He was dominating my tongue as he’d done before, pushing my limits in an entirely different way. I could swear he was already intoxicated, not on liquor but on my fragrance. He needed me as much as I needed him, and it was crazy to think about. Even more ridiculous to experience.

Yet the lightheadedness remained, the wild thumping of my heart.

When he broke the kiss, he cocked his head. Every move he made sent another shock into my system, his body warm, pulsing into my system. I sucked in a mouthful of oxygen.

“You will obey me.”

His words were dark, tossing a round of gasoline onto the fire. I couldn’t move, couldn’t think about anything except this man was everything I’d ever wanted.

And nothing I should be able to stand.


“Yes, you will, my little fawn. As of the moment, there is no turning back. This isn’t just about you belonging to me. This is about the rest of your life.”

It was a confining statement, a portent of the kind of submission he required. I was breathless from the round of passion, unable to find the strength to shove him aside.

But I didn’t need to.

He crawled off me seconds later, rising to his feet and moving around to the back of the couch. I was stunned, remaining where I was, staring up at the ceiling. Was he leaving me this way, my needs pushed back into a padlocked box? That would be just like him to do since I’d done it him before.

Panting, I dragged the tip of my tongue across my bottom lip, trying to keep from begging him to return. It wasn’t me, and it wasn’t very ladylike. Shifting, I returned my feet to the floor, trying my best to stare at the screen, although I couldn’t care less at this point who got killed and how bloody the scene was.

Then the bastard had the nerve to place down a carton of ice cream with two spoons and a bucket, in red and white, of popcorn. I could smell the butter. And of course, it wasn’t just any ice cream picked up at the local Eagle Country Markets. Oh, no. It was fancy-dancy gourmet chocolate with added real fudge and brownies.

Utter triple decadence.

After his magnificent attempt at extending an olive branch, I was almost hyperventilating I was so excited. I immediately grabbed a spoon, popping open the lid to the frothy goodness while grabbing a handful of popcorn with the other. I shoved the kernels into my mouth before digging the huge spoon into the carton of perfection.

Somehow, I couldn’t chew and swallow the popcorn fast enough.

I even closed my eyes, purring before opening my mouth wide, taking the entire bite. It was slightly melted, the perfect temperature, and I was certain I’d just died and gone to heaven. I shifted and squealed like some kid eating her first chocolate-covered cherry. I’d honestly never tasted anything so good.

As I dug in again, I sensed he was watching me like a hawk.

Or like a stalker cornering his prey.

I should be embarrassed but he had no idea what he was missing and I wasn’t entirely certain I was going to share it with him.

After a third and fourth bite, I started to feel a tiny bit shameful and placed the spoon on the lid, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. His eyes remained on me, burning into mine.

A few seconds, I heard him issuing a deep sigh. A cold shiver kissed every inch of my skin, rippling my heart with flutters and sputters. It was an electrified feeling, so much so I was fearful I’d lose my ability to breathe all over again.

“Come here.”

The two words weren’t a request. He was commanding me to come closer. I sucked in my bottom lip and did nothing more than shake my head denying him.

His sigh was heavier, the man expelling the weight of the world. “If I need to ask you again, little fawn, you won’t like the way I do it.”

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