Page 78 of Conquered

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Oh, what had I done in pushing him away? Was there a point? I was shocked he’d allowed me space, although there was no doubt the famished beast was ready to lunge any time, a wolf licking his chops as the raging hunger continued to increase.

Maybe that had added fuel to the fire, keeping us ahead of schedule. I dragged my tongue across my lower lip, wondering what he was doing. He’d suddenly shut down everything, saying he had a couple of phone calls to make, waiting until I’d gathered up my things, just staring at me like he had so many times.

Who wouldn’t like to indulge in a fun and frivolous evening, only I wanted to do so with him. What did that make me? A fanatic? A glutton for punishment? I wasn’t certain at this point. Heck, other than focusing on writing, my mind was a fuzzy, furry ball, incapable of putting two and two together.

In truth, dear God, I wanted him to take me like some wild animal. It might be insane but that’s how I felt. That’s what I needed more than anything. Good old-fashioned rough and tumble sex.

Now I bit my lip to keep from moaning out loud.

Easton and I had worked long into the night every night, doing our best to stay extremely professional. I’d noticed he’d seemed preoccupied at least a portion of the time, every few hours staring off into space or making phone calls behind closed doors.

He’d seemed like a man possessed, constantly watching me, and there was no doubt what he was thinking.

The clock was ticking until time ran out.

His lack of concentration hadn’t stopped us from producing thousands of words. In truth, I’d never typed so fast or been able to be so creative in my life. What made me giddy was that he’d been open to every single one of my suggestions.

We were writing a book together. Us. Two people.

He was brilliant at crafting scenes and together, we’d pored over how-to books to ensure accuracy. The story wasn’t nearly as macabre as I’d believed it would be. The fact that upon my suggestion we were adding a love story into the tangled web thrilled me even more. It was my goal to create the good and bad in the killer, our hero a man everyone saw as a pillar of society. While underneath, when he was very much alone in his big house with his expensive cigars, he was suffering in silence.

I’d hoped to discover all those dark secrets I knew Easton held close to his chest, but he wasn’t describing himself but a combination of monsters we’d both read about. However, our hero was very unique, a man who adored woman and pets, even owning two Golden Retrievers.

And he loved a single woman with all his heart, obsessed with her. He’d already stalked her, and we were only thirty thousand words into the piece. The passages felt good. They felt freeing and I was in my element, every muscle tingling from excitement.

Writing was exactly what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.

I stared down at my laptop screen, groaning when it faded to black. I’d owned the once pristine computer for over six years. It had gotten me through my last years of high school and all four years of college. Now I only prayed it would get me through the next couple of weeks until I was given my first paycheck.

I’d been awake half the night before, my fingers flying as they’d done before writing the first sensual scene. It had been a challenge from the brilliant man, pushing me as he so adored doing. I’d taken on the challenge with verve, envisioning the two of us. I also knew he was taunting me, reminding me that I belonged to him.

My God. Maybe I had not only accepted what he’d said but was relishing the thought of being his.

His lover.

His obsession.

His possession.

When my phone rang, I was hopeful it was my amazing co-author. Seeing Josie’s number, I bit my lip, scowling. She’d called twice and I’d ignored both, uncertain what I wanted to say to her. Especially since her last message had been pushy.

And I wasn’t in the mood to be pushed at this point.

However, she wouldn’t stop until she got what she wanted.

“Howdy, girl. Sorry I haven’t returned your calls, but I’ve been really busy. Happily so.”

Josie sighed in her usual exaggerated way. “You’re a bitch. You know that?”

We both laughed and I was grateful she hadn’t launched into me. “Yes, proudly so. What’s up?”

“Since you’re intent on ignoring your besties, I thought I’d remind you about graduation tomorrow night?”

“Ah, shit. I forgot all about it.”

“Yeah, well, given you are some big honor student, you can’t.”

“I’ll be there.” I thought. I hadn’t discussed going with my employer, but I still suspected he’d need to as current faculty.

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