Page 27 of Conquered

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Or at least I liked to tell myself.

The truth was I couldn’t stand them.

That’s why I would never be dragged to prison. I’d prefer to end my own life instead.

As the ping hit my ears, the smile returned. I had three days before a new life began with someone of great interest.

And my cock was aching all over again.

For her.

The woman with the same demonic mind as mine.

I was laughing by the time I entered our company’s main door, certainly not needing to be announced. I was a board member, a stockholder, the CFO, and the man who’d parlayed our fortune into lucrative investments in real estate, art, movie production, and other wise purchases that had kept us in estates, yachts, sports cars, and every other toy bad boys enjoyed.

As I moved down the lengthy hallway, several of the employees watched me. I was the brother who spent the least amount of time in the office, although I had a posh and well-equipped space, an assistant of my own. Still, I was lucky I could handle the financials from the creature comforts of my private space, which I much preferred. Being a loner had its perks.

“Mr. Saint. I need your signatures on a few contracts,” Misty said. My beloved employee kept me informed with every need, while having learned early on what not to bother me with. She was a godsend, her intelligence keeping me on track.

“Then let’s do it.” She trailed behind me as I headed to my office first, laying out the three separate stacks of paper. “What do we have here?”

“An estate purchase in Bali. The weapons contract you were anticipating for the Italians and a new addition to the arts facility your brothers cultivated.”

My brothers were both art lovers, one with piano and violin, the other with dance. The expansive arts facility for underprivileged students had taken off over the last year, becoming one of Chicago’s most talked about facilities. I’d been to two of the swank parties, hobnobbing with the city’s most powerful and influential people.

And I’d been bored to death.

However, as with any family, there were obligations to follow, brotherly love to be shown in the media. Our reputation had soared over the last few months. Awards had been given to our selfless love of the arts.

If only the people knew that we were monsters in disguise they would run far away, praying we wouldn’t hunt them. Another laugh pushed up from my throat. I signed off on the two contracts easily, glancing at the three photographs of the property in Bali. “What in God’s name do we need this for?”

“Creed merely said it was for family vacations.”

Right. It was another location to consider dumping bodies given the ocean was right there on the doorstep. Perhaps I could find the location useful in my determination to finish a book in a short period of time. I could certainly see my prized possession in a bikini.

After signing all three contracts, I noticed the two non-family board members heading into the meeting. I handed Misty the signed contracts, shaking my head. The two members had been selected on purpose. While they’d had some dealings with our father over the years, neither could fully embrace the often precarious position they were in by holding thirty percent of the stock in our firm.

If any of the three brothers were indicted for our various heinous crimes, they’d likely lose their wealthy portfolio and their freedom at the same time. They were mere puppets, fulfilling tasks assigned, but for their obedience, they’d been made very wealthy men. Plus, their presence on the board had allowed for added comfort for our investors.

I’d often studied how the majority of psyches preferred to shove aside the horrible deeds potentially done by someone, preferring to look for the good in them.

I knew the answer. No matter how many pairs of rose-colored glasses were worn or how many layers of armor or masks were placed on creatures of the night like my brothers and me, we were still monsters.

“Thank you, Misty. I do hope you’re going on vacation soon.”

“Yes, sir,” she said. “My husband and I are going to Hawaii in a couple weeks.”

“Good girl. I’ll ensure every aspect of your trip is upgraded.” And I would. She deserved it, especially since her husband had gone through a year of chemo.

Her eyes opened wide and I was certain she was going to cry. “Thank you, sir.”

I moved closer, taking her hands into mine. She was another beautiful creature who hadn’t deserved the hand in life she’d been dealt. Her father had been a drunken, gambling bastard who’d almost strangled her mother to death in front of her.

I’d handled the situation, providing the family with relief from his untimely death. “There is nothing too good for you, Misty. You make my life so much easier.”

She blushed, which was so like her. “Let me know if you need anything. Anything at all.”

I thought about her statement and smiled. “There is one small thing.” I grabbed the notepad sitting on my desk, pulling my favorite pen from my pocket. “I hired a girl to help me with writing my first book. Here is her address. Please send her two dozen roses.”

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