Page 14 of Conquered

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Once I was on my knees, he seemed to be inspecting me again, folding his arms as he cocked his head from one side to the other. He walked all the way around me with his arms folded.

“I’m going to explain the rules to you. Then we’ll handle the necessary discipline for being late.”

When I jerked up my head, starting to object, he threw out his arm and a single finger.

“Obedience is the key here,” he growled, the sound like smooth velvet being brushed across my skin.

“Yes, sir.”

“Lower your gaze and place your arms behind your head.” His voice was dark and demanding, connecting with something inside I couldn’t understand.

My willingness to comply.

This was crazy but kind of sexy, something I certainly couldn’t tell my friends about. When my face was lowered, my hands touching the back of my head, he exhaled.

He was still right in front of me, his aftershave of fresh cut timber and exotic spices easily able to make me swoon. I had no clue what he was going to do but found my nipples hardening the closer he came. Hold on. Was the bulge between his legs even thicker?

Before I’d obeyed his somewhat ridiculous command, an unusual wave of desire had hit me from just glancing into his eyes. With his sandy hair, wisps falling into his eyes, and his whiskey-colored eyes, one would think he’d appear like the epitome of an all-American male. But everything about him screamed of danger.

And seduction.

As he caressed the side of my face, his gaze offered more approval. “Yes, you are quite lovely. How old are you?”

“You can’t ask that.”

“I can do anything I want. This is my house and I paid for your services.”

I was utterly confused. Did this mean I’d gotten the job? “I’m, um. Twenty-two. How old are you?”

He seemed amused that I’d dare ask him a question. “Old enough. Remember, only speak when spoken to.”

I wanted to argue with him that he had spoken to me. Instead, I concentrated on the colorful dragon artwork once again, trying to keep my breathing as even as possible. The image of the stunning piece of art lingered in my mind as his closeness sent several rounds of electricity into my system.

He took several deep breaths before lifting my chin with his index finger, peering down at me as if I was his prey for the evening. Everything about him screamed of danger and seduction, but instead of becoming determined to run away, I was pulled into a sweet vacuum of need.

For a few seconds, neither one of us made a single sound, the shimmer in his eyes all I could concentrate on. I’d buckled easily under the pressure, acting as if I could be controlled. Whoa. Hold on. This was about a job interview. Right?

I was about ready to clear my throat, clarifying my existence when he rubbed his knuckles down the side of my face. “You can be a very good girl. I’m pleased. Now, we need to handle the issue of your tardiness, a serious infraction.” He concentrated his gentle efforts on my jawline, still studying me as if unsure what to do with me.

“Um. I’m sorry but?—”

As he’d done before, he stopped my excuse in mid-sentence, placing his index finger over both of my lips. “Shush. You are truly perfect in every way, exactly what I need and what I ordered.”


I was strangled by all the words I wanted to say, fighting the good girl inside of me. Everything about the man was intoxicating, which was by far the most dangerous aspect of the moment. It was obvious he’d mistaken me for someone else, but try as I might, I couldn’t break the seductive spell.

Why? Because I simply didn’t want to.

No matter how dangerous or illicit this was.

I suddenly had no voice, which wasn’t like me in the least. “What punishment?” I finally managed, breaking the hypnotic spell.

The professor took a deep breath before answering. “You don’t like following the rules. That could become a problem I’ll need to correct. However, I’ll answer your question. I do things the old-fashioned way, which I find much more effective.” His strong fingers gripped my jaw, his expression now turning stern. “Disobedience requires exacting punishment. I’m going to spank you.”

“Excuse me?” There was no way I’d heard him correctly. Women weren’t spanked any longer just like children weren’t. Right? “You aren’t serious.”

The flash in his eyes was full of heat and longing, so much so my heart was driven into my throat.

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