Page 11 of Conquered

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A full minute passed. “Just stole a car with my brother. Things didn’t go so well. We crashed.”

“Fuck, dude. What happened?”

“He died. This time, I was the driver, the guy pushing me into doing over a hundred miles per hour and I loved it. The speed. The air rushing in. The danger. It was fantastic until that split second before we both knew the crash was about to happen.”

I had no idea why he would be sharing this information other than he needed to get it off his chest. I knew that feeling far too well, so much so I sucked in my breath. We sat quietly for a few minutes, sipping on our beers and pretending to watch whatever shit was on the television. “I’m sorry, dude. We’ve all lost someone close to us.”

“My guess is not that way. I was considered a murderer in town, including by my own family. There’s not a day that goes by I don’t regret my actions,” he said a few minutes later.

“Shit happens, bud.” Who didn’t have an ugly secret in their closet? I wasn’t the kind of man to comfort anyone else since I reveled in bad things happening.

“Yeah, but not to my family.”

“That’s why you don’t talk much to your parents any longer,” I said quietly.

He nodded, shelling a few peanuts and popping them into his mouth. “It’s not like they want to see me any longer anyway. It was good to get the hell out of town, start fresh.”

“So, about a hot woman. You dating anyone?” he asked, obviously trying to shift away from doom and gloom.

I could tell how bothered he was by sharing the truth with me. “Not currently and I have no plans on it. You?”

“Thinking about asking Josie Barker out.”

“You could get fired. Is it worth the risk?”

“She’s graduating and you must imagine driving your cock into her tight pussy. Remember, I don’t like to follow rules.” He gave me a sly look. “Besides, we only live once. Right?”

He had a point, but I wasn’t interested in any romantic involvement, no matter how young or sexy. Even if I was, I was the kind of man who could destroy an innocent flower.

Yeah, I was one bad man, my blood tainted. It was something I’d promised myself I’d remember.


Although I wasn’t the kind of guy to follow rules either. A smile crossed my face.

I was a bad, bad man.



“Shit. Shit. Shit.”

I tried the ignition again, slamming my hand on the dashboard. I was late, far too much so to even think about going to the interview now. But I had a terrible feeling if I didn’t, I wouldn’t get another chance. Oh, what was wrong with me? I’d lost track of time in studying for the second to last exam, running around like a chicken with its head cut off as I tried to make myself look presentable, professional.

And older than my twenty-two years.

It was already getting dark, more so given the horrific storm that had drenched the city in the last few hours. And given my car wouldn’t start, I was certain I’d blown it.

I was furious and determined, grimacing as I glared out the windshield at the steadily falling rain. While not a torrential downfall, if I looked under the hood to see if the belt had slipped again, there’d be no way I could hold my umbrella.

And I’d taken the time to style my hair, putting on some makeup, which was also a rarity. Even the cute black pencil skirt and white silk blouse were perfectly adult, professional yet not too frilly. Complete with my new black heels, I thought I looked the part of an assistant to a bestselling author.

Even if Easton Saint had yet to put words on paper. Or so the ad in the college newspaper had mentioned.

Wanted: Summer intern—ghostwriting/research assistant position available. Must have qualified knowledge of the English language, be adept at creative writing and prefer the macabre. I plan on starting and finishing a novel in three months. You will live, eat, and breathe the work alongside me and nothing else.

I’d been intrigued by the writing possibilities and experience alone but sticking the word ‘macabre’ into the wanted ad had me, hook, line, and sinker. Fine. I could explain why I was wet and perhaps my diligence at arriving to the interview fashionably late instead of bagging it would impress the staunch professor.

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