Page 107 of Conquered

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Groaning, I realized I wasn’t entirely certain where the hell I was going. Tears continued to slip from my eyes no matter how hard I’d tried to wipe them away. Within seconds, I was close to sobbing. It was ridiculous really. It wasn’t like Easton and I were committed to each other. He was allowed to fuck anyone he wanted.

If I really believed that, why did the thought of him being with anyone else bother me so much? I turned a corner, heading out of the area where quaint shops and restaurants ruled the few blocks. I was pretty certain I’d gone around the block three times in my horrible fog. The first thing I’d done was turn off my phone. I had a feeling Josie would try to contact me, certainly Easton, when he realized I’d disobeyed him.

I wanted to laugh. Maybe it was time to go back home, even though I wasn’t certain what I had to return to. I wasn’t a sheep farmer. I was a writer. An author. A horrible sounding moan left my throat and I almost ran off the road. After jerking the wheel, I checked the rearview mirror to ensure I wasn’t being followed by the police, or worse, had almost killed someone.

No, but there was a vehicle following closely behind. Had it been there before?

I gripped the steering wheel with both hands, hating the fact I was close to being lost. Maybe I was just on edge given the horrible conversation with Josie. Noticing a turn up just ahead, I waited until the last minute, saying a silent prayer I didn’t blow out a tire before jerking to the right. When I didn’t see the vehicle, I took a deep breath.

Then the car made the turn and my hackles were raised. What the hell was I supposed to do? I wasn’t certain where I was or where I was going. What I did know was I couldn’t allow my pride to get in the way.

Or my sadness.

I turned on my phone, gasping for air as I noticed the car speeding up behind me. I scanned the road, praying that I’d recognize something. Anything.

When I heard a beep indicating a voicemail after my phone had fully turned on, I jerked it into my hand. It was from Easton. My hand shaking, I struggled with trying to keep the car straight while listening to the message.

“Little fawn. You’re in danger. Call me. Things aren’t always as they seem. Please trust me.”

Things aren’t always as they seem.

Trust. Could I dare trust him or even myself at this point?

I took another turn.

The car followed.

Then another.

The sedan was right there directly behind me, alternately speeding up then slowing down, trying to terrorize me. I scanned the area, trying to catch my breath and find my courage. I was in an obviously rougher part of town, the broken-door cars and boarded-up buildings a dead giveaway. Why did I have the feeling that whoever was following me was trying to disorient me?

When I heard what sounded like an engine revving, I looked into the rearview mirror once again. The driver was getting closer. I strained to try to make out who was in the driver’s seat but after the last turn, the sun was now blinding. Easton. Jesus. I had little choice but to trust the man I was falling in love with. Even if it killed me.

Yet before I was able to hit redial, my phone rang. Without looking, I answered it, ready to crawl into the safety of his arms.


“No. It’s Josie. I tried to call you. I wanted to warn you.”

“You’ve already done enough, you bitch. Just stay out of my life.”

“No!” she yelled. “No, you need to listen to me. You’re in danger. I have something horrible to tell you.”



I had no clue where I was headed except that I was determined to find Sara. No matter what it took or who I had to kill in order to find out. Fuck the Feds. Fuck the senator. I protected what was mine.

And she was mine.

If she thought for a minute I was going to let her go, she had another thing coming. I laughed bitterly as I scanned from right to left continuously. It had been what, two minutes since I’d tried her phone. That was long enough. At least being in the car, I was hands free, hitting a button that had her phone number already programmed.

I was so enraged I was seeing spots in front of my eyes but as the phone connected, I was rewarded by a ring. Then a second. I was so fucking elated I smacked my hand on the steering wheel. At least that meant she was alive. Another two rings. Fuck. I’d need to leave another message.

“What the hell are you doing, honey?” I asked the question out loud as if doing so would matter.

When I was certain her voicemail would come on, hearing the frightened yet angry voice instead raised more than my hackles.

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