Page 114 of Dirty Rival

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“I know, baby. I know you have reasons, and I’d feel the same in your position, but I need you to look at everything I’ve done to earn your trust.” He brushes his lips over mine. “I need you to think about how we feel. That’s real.”

His intercom buzzes. “Your car is waiting and our flight is scheduled for two hours from now.”

“I’ll be right there,” he calls out.

“Flight?” I ask, my heart racing. He’s leaving? “You’re leaving?”

“I have a problem I have to deal with. It can’t wait. I’ll have internet on the plane. You can reach me. We aren’t over, baby, and neither is this conversation. And if you don’t leave now, I will pull your skirt up and fuck you. I will forget this trip and I can’t. Not this trip.” He releases me and steps back. “Go, baby.”

I don’t immediately move.

He arches a brow.


“This doesn’t mean we’re still us.”

“Just tell me you’ll listen when I get back. Alone. Be with me long enough to really hear me.” He steps to me, his hands on my waist. “I don’t know if there was another way to handle what happened in that kitchen, but I swear to you, I meant to protect you. I hate leaving right now. Promise me—”

“I will. I’ll listen.”

He breathes out in relief and cups my face. “I’m not letting you go.” He kisses me and turns me toward the door. “Go, baby, before I don’t let you.”

I don’t want to go but I do. I exit his office, and I know that I’m in a quicksand of my emotions with this man. I know that I’m in dangerous territory with Reid, but I have nothing to go on but what I feel. And I trust this man. I want this man. I’m going to risk everything for this man.

Chapter fifty-six


I’m on my way to the airport for my trip to Montana when one of the investors I met yesterday calls and wants to meet. He has another investor he needs to introduce me to who is leaving town in the morning. I can’t refuse, not with this Grayson deal in play and I change all my plans. By the time, I’m finally through with the meeting, it’s nearly seven at night when I reach the airport and board the private jet. The first thing I do when I’m settled into my seat is dial Carrie. “Hey, are you wherever you’re going?”

I read the question. She wants to know where I’m going, and I don’t want to lie, which is why I don’t offer it up. “Actually, I’m just leaving. One of the investors needed me in a meeting. The good news is we landed more money, and considering how vague I’ve been about this project, we’re looking good.”

“That’s wonderful and the vague thing is good. I don’t want the competition trying to put together a group of investors to beat us on this.”

I love how damn smart she is. “Exactly. Listen, baby, I’m about to take off. I’ll land really late. I won’t call you and risk waking you up. And I’ll be up early. I won’t likely have much of chance to talk tomorrow, but if you need me, call or text.”

“I will. Are you going to make it back for the meeting?”

“I’ll fly back late tomorrow night, in the middle of the night if I have to. Just remember that my silence means nothing, but I am trying to get back to you. Okay?”

“I’m okay. I’m going to listen to you and I’m not thinking of more reasons to doubt you. I did plenty of that on Sunday.”

“I’m working on a way to fix those doubts.”

“What does that mean, Reid?”

“When I get back we have a lot to talk about. No confessions. Don’t read into that. I haven’t done anything to confess. I’ll see you soon.” I disconnect and hope like hell my plan works.

I finally land in Montana, at nine local time, and eleven back home. Once I’m inside the rental car, I dial Royce, “What do you have for me?”

“I’m texting you the address where he’s staying. From what I can tell, he’s sleeping with a woman who inherited a horse ranch from her father, which just happens to set on top of oil. Obviously, he’s after the oil. She’s younger, pretty, and widowed. I’m not sure she understands the implications of the oil beneath her land or just doesn’t care. She’s all about the horses. What else do you need?”

“That’s all.”

“No dirt or ammunition?” Royce asks.

“No. I just need a sit-down with the man. I have what I need from there. I’ll be in touch.” I disconnect, and in a few minutes, I’m inside my shitty hotel, which is all this area had to offer. I’m exhausted, but now that I’m here I decide to find the address for where I’m going tomorrow. The drive is half an hour, and the ranch is gated and locked up. It’ll be open tomorrow for the ranch crew to go in and out and I’ll be here. It’s nearly midnight by the time I grab food and return to my room, crashing in the crappy bed. Tomorrow, I’m going to end this war once and for all.

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