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“For me?”

“Yes, Josie.”

Victor is dead serious.

He did this?

Did he organize the fireworks? For me?

Last night he held me as I cried, and tonight he has planned fireworks just for me. I know I promised myself not to open my heart up after my messy separation from Kevin, but I have the sudden realization that it is far too late for promises now.

I’ve been falling for Victor Penmayne.

This entire time.

For this entire fake relationship.

It’s not a lie.

I have been hurtling toward him this entire time.

I can’t deny it anymore. I can’t try to wave it away. It has happened. The proof is real - I am going crazy for this man.

And these damn fireworks aren’t helping.

“You really did all this for me?” I ask him, my voice barely a whisper.

“Yes, Josie. I really did them for you. Everything I’ve done since I met you has been for you.”

I take a step toward him.

“It’s... too much... Victor...”

“Nothing is too much when it comes to you, Josie. Nothing.”

And then it’s too late.

I’m kissing him again.



I cannot resist this man – or his kisses - any longer. He’s just too kind. He’s just too thoughtful. Too handsome. Too much the perfect man.

He’s just too... beautiful.

That’s it. Beautiful. That’s the best way I can describe him, both inside and out.

And so I kiss him as the literal fireworks explode above our heads and as metaphorical fireworks explode in my heart. And I know it’s not the smartest thing to do – allowing yourself to fully open up to a famous actor playboy with a bank account the amount of a small country. I know it’s really fucking stupid for a small town barista to do.

But how can I not when it is Victor we are talking about? He is the man who organized these fireworks just for me. He is the man who held me tight and without a single complaint as I cried. He is the only man who has ever actually listened to me ramble and rant about my problems and didn’t say a word.

He is beautiful.

I feel a connection to him – something that’s beyond his looks and his fame and his wealth. I feel like we have something more. He is not the man the media and his reputation make him out to be.

With me, he is someone else.

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