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As if this day can get any crazier...

It’s Kevin who’s just stepped in. My ex.



“Fuck you, asshole.”

I am direct. Firm. Unswayable.

Fuck. You.

My words linger in the air like venom. I nearly spit them out.

But there’s no response from the person opposite. No aggression.

And that’s because it’s just me. I’m glaring at myself in the mirror. I am learning lines. This screenplay is full of expletives.

The fury in my face immediately dissipates the moment I cease acting. I smirk instead at my reflection in the mirror, satisfied with my forceful line delivery.

Fucking good job, fucker.

I’m holding a thick screenplay, but I don’t need to check it.

Yeah, I’m vain enough to boast that I think I’m pretty damn good at this acting thing. I’ve never had any problems with learning lines in the entirety of my career, even page-long monologues. That side of the craft comes so easily to me - the tricky part is when you’re standing there, in front of an entire crew with multiple massive cameras solely trained on your face, and you have to emote. That’s the tricky part.

And, I must say, I’m pretty damn good at that part too.

I’m standing in my old teenage bedroom at the family mansion. Mother had the maids remove the scantily clad female posters from the walls once I left home, so where once were my fantasy pin-ups are now just bare. The massive bed behind me is unmade - the maids will sort that out later.

Once again, I’m topless. My eyes scroll down my body in the mirror. My veins pop out under the lights in this room. My tattoos ripple across my muscles.

My pocket buzzes. A message on my private phone. Not many people have this number. I give it out very rarely.

I know who it would be before I even reach for it.

Josie Gunn.

I’ve been waiting for this all day. She wouldn’t believe how much I’ve been thinking about her.

I quickly read what she’s sent me. A scanned document of the agreement.

So, she’s actually signed it. Wow.

She actually went ahead with my plan.

Okay, so a fake relationship with this barista. It’s happening.


If we play this well, then the award is in my grasp.

And now she’s going to have to spend time with me. Alone. Hours upon hours.

Will we be able to keep our hands off each other?

I laugh. What am I even thinking? I’ve never fallen for a girl before, and I won’t do so now.

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