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Why do I want to hurt myself? Is this job some kind of self-inflicted punishment I’ve made myself endure for leaving a toxic marriage?

“That’s it,” I mumble to myself. “Maybe I should go with Victor’s insane offer.”



The Penmayne family mansion rises above me like a Gothic cathedral towering above a city. Or like a Medieval castle lording over its feudal estate.

I have heard about this place – who from my town hasn’t - but I have never dared step inside its famous fortifications. You literally physically can’t just go and step inside – the Penmayne mansion on the outskirts of Crystal River is an imposing complex boarded by incredibly high walls and a private army of security guards armed to the teeth. No one is ever allowed inside except on strict orders from either Waylen or Alda Penmayne.

But here I am... standing outside the main gates of this place I have only heard gossip about. Some wild assumptions exist about what goes on behind these walls, and I’m scared of finding out how true those assumptions might be.

But it’s too late now - I’m going to ring the security buzzer to be let inside.

“Purpose of your visit?” the detached, low voice of a security guard echoes menacingly from the intercom.

I lean toward it apprehensively. I am intimidated by everything here, to say the least.

“I’m Josie Gunn. I’m here to see Victor. He’s asked me to come visit today. I have a note from him if that helps...”

There is no reply. Instead, the gates slowly part open.

I guess that means I’m not going to get shot.

With high levels of trepidation, I gradually make my way inside the compound. There’s a long path that follows the road up to the main building of the mansion. I’m assuming that’s where Victor will see me.

I got a knock on my door yesterday evening after I arrived back home from my shift at The Oak. I opened my apartment door to some big burly security guard in a black suit and a black tinted limo parked behind him. I asked him who he was and who he worked for, although I could take a pretty accurate guess. Instead of answering me, he was stoically silent as he handed me a folded letter with Victor’s handwriting contained inside. The man left immediately, and I was left standing at my doorway with the piece of fancy embroidered paper clutched in my hand and a sense of dread occupying my mind.

I decided to read it then and there. Curiosity’s going to be the death of me.

On the top of the letter was the Penmayne family crest, and then Victor’s scrawl...


Meet me at my family's mansion.

Noon. Tomorrow.

We can discuss the offer. You can give me your answer.

Victor P.

That was it. That was all he gave me. Just a note inviting me to the scariest place in Crystal River.

And now I’m here, somehow, standing in front of the main door to the Penmayne mansion.

What the hell am I doing?

I glance around at the immaculate grounds. I spot a few guards patrolling and some gardeners tending to flowers. I see a maid cleaning a window above.

It’s a whole other world in here.

Finally, the main door opens, but instead of Victor strolling out to meet me, some young butler appears and scans me up and down with inquisitive eyes.

“Um, hello.”

I try a little wave. The butler is clearly not impressed by my efforts.

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