Page 24 of True North

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“Well, honey, I could have told you that. I’ve thought that about Zac since we left his office.” Nico smiled at her, and she just shook her head.

“Listen to this part,” she said. “My father said he hired a private investigator to figure out why I was hiding out from him and who I was with.” Toni started reading verbatim again, from James’s letter. “Imagine my surprise to find out you were living with Mr. Andrews and that you didn’t remember your life or who you were. I researched your doctor’s reports and after receiving all the information, I decided it would be best to leave you where you were, safe and sound, hiding in plain sight. If Zac had known you were alive, I’m afraid of what he would have done to finish the job he started.” Toni gasped. “He just left me there, knowing I couldn’t remember my life. How could he do that to his only daughter?”

Nico pulled her into his arms. “Because he loved you, honey. Your dad and I might not have seen eye to eye on a lot of things, but this I understand. He didn’t want to tell Zac where you were. He knew your life would have been in danger, so he chose to let you go to keep you safe.” Nico kissed the top of her head. He had to hand it to James, he was grateful he didn’t put Toni’s life in danger, trying to get to her. Maybe he wasn’t such a bad guy after all.

“But we lost so much time and now—” Toni didn’t finish her sentence.

“Now, you are still alive baby, here with me, and I’m so thankful to your father for that. I don’t know what I would do if I lost you. Your dad gave up his time with you to keep you safe and I’m so fucking thankful to him, honey.” Toni handed Nico the letter and pulled the rest of the documents from the large envelope. Legal documents and papers for Toni to fill out and instructions on where to go to have a DNA test done to prove she was who she claimed to be. Nico knew that reading James’s letter and seeing that Zac had taken what was rightfully hers lit a spark in Toni he hadn’t seen in a damn long time.

“Tell me what you’re thinking, baby,” he asked.

“I’m thinking my father left me some breadcrumbs and a path to follow to claim my birthright back from a psychopath who probably tried to kill me. I think it’s about time I follow that trail and remind both myself and Zac Bierman exactly who I am. I’m James Bernston’s daughter, his only living blood relative, and according to this will, the rightful heiress to his development company and all its holdings.” Nico smiled at her, loving the fire that was back in her eyes. She might not remember being his Toni, but she was his and she was back.

“I’m thinking it’s time to go home and take back what’s mine,” she barked.


Zac’s cell woke him from his restless sleep, and he searched for it, finding it on his night table. He didn’t bother to look at the caller ID, it was probably his head of security with a problem or the PI he ordered to chase down Toni and that scientist. They were the only two people with permission to contact him at this ungodly hour.

“What?” he barked.

“Hmm, is that the way you greet your ex-girlfriend, Zac?” Toni purred into the other end of the line. How she had gotten his number was beyond him, but he figured she had the same clout and pull her old man had. That would all change for her soon, very soon if he had a say in it.

“Toni, honey, how are you?” he asked, pasting on his fake, caring voice. His PI was unsuccessful in finding them, except for telling Zac that they headed north. If he could just keep her on the line long enough to trace the call, he would be able to send one of his guys to finish the job he started over a year ago. He was done with this little cat-and-mouse game. Zac was starting to feel like the mouse, and he couldn’t let that happen.

“I’m doing well, Zac. Thanks for asking. Listen, I’ve been going through a few papers my dad left behind and I see you are in possession of a few of my things—namely the bed you are probably in right now, my house, and my company. I’m fully aware of my father’s living blood relative clause, and I’ll be taking back what belongs to me. Fair warning,” she hissed.

Zac felt a moment of panic. He paid off that fucking idiot lawyer James employed to keep his damn mouth shut. Zac would make sure Mr. Shields paid for his betrayal, but now he had bigger problems—namely the mouthy little blonde on the other end of the phone.

“It will never hold up in court, baby. I’ll tie up your father’s company, assets, and money for so long that we’ll both be dead and buried before a decision is made about who everything belongs to.” Toni’s laughter filled the phone line and he wanted to reach through and strangle her.

“My, my Zac. I think you’re letting your temper get the best of you. You always did have a problem with controlling your moods, didn’t you? I think you’re forgetting that I know you better than most people. Where is that boy I used to love, Zac?” Toni was using their former friendship against him, trying to play with his emotions, and he wouldn’t allow it. That was a lifetime ago, and he wasn’t that same boy. That young boy was in love with Toni Bernston and the man he was now didn’t have time for foolish notions like love. When Toni rejected him a little over a year ago, turning down his marriage proposal, he tried to pretend his proposition had nothing to do with love, but she saw right through him. He was completely in love with her, always had been, and hearing she just didn’t feel the same way about him nearly destroyed him. He vowed that day he would never let something as silly as feelings or caring for someone else get in the way of what he wanted in life. He decided to take what he wanted, and that was success and building a name for himself and his businesses. He had finally achieved his goals and there was no way he would let Toni take that away from him.

“That boy is dead, Antionette, as you should be. Why couldn’t you just stay dead?” he barked into the phone. Toni’s laughter filled the other end of the line again and he ended the call. She was obviously toying with him, trying to get a rise from him and she had succeeded. He wouldn’t let that happen again. It was time to find her and her troublesome boyfriend and drag them back to the Isle of Palms. When he got done with the two of them, they would both regret toying with him, he’d make sure of it.


They had spent a few extra days back in his hometown at Toni’s insistence. They stayed at a local hotel, even though she wanted to stay at his parents’ house. Toni had called his mother and set up a lunch for the four of them to sit down and discuss things like rational adults, or at least that was how she put it. Nico hated the idea of having to deal with his dad again so soon after storming out of his house like a complete child, but when it came to his father, Nico didn’t think rationally. His mother usually chalked it up to the both of them being cut from the same cloth, as she liked to put it, but he wasn’t so sure. His father was hard-headed and when he set his mind to something, he became an immovable force. Although, when he tried to explain all of that to Toni, she just giggled and nodded, much as his mother usually did.

He agreed to go back home to appease Toni and to announce they were engaged. He owed his mother at least that courtesy, but facing his father again wasn’t something he was looking forward to. Toni promised to make this little side trip worth his time and effort, and God, he was hoping she meant what he thought she did. His little vixen hadn’t let him out of bed in days. After she announced she was in love with him, they couldn’t seem to get enough of each other. Each day pieces of her memory were coming back, and he reveled in every little funny story she remembered from their past year. His Toni was coming back piece by piece and he felt like the luckiest man on earth.

When the afternoon came to sit down with his parents, he was nervous as hell. He wasn’t quite sure why that was, but he knew it had to have something to do with his sexy-as-sin future bride sitting across the table from him looking so hopeful about the outcome of the lunch. Toni and his mother planned every last detail, including his and his father’s favorite meals, prepared especially for them. The women in his life were devious planners and both were up to no good.

“Toni and I wanted you two to give this one last try,” his mother said. It was an order disguised as a request and Nico couldn’t help his smile. “If you decide you both just can’t settle your differences, we will part ways and you won’t have to see each other again.” His mother nodded, seeming satisfied with her speech, but he didn’t miss the sadness in both her and Toni’s eyes. They had everything riding on this lunch and the least he could do was try to put his best foot forward. Plus, the thought of never seeing his father again made his heartache. He might not always see his father’s side of things, but he wanted a relationship with him.

“I’m willing to try, Dad,” Nico stuttered. Toni gifted him with her gorgeous smile, and he felt immediately at ease.

His dad sighed, and for just a minute Nico thought he was going to get up and leave. Instead, he stood and crossed over to where Nico sat. Nico slowly stood, not knowing quite what to expect from his dad. His father pulled him into his arms and hugged him close. Nico exhaled.

“I want to try too, son,” his father whispered. They patted each other’s backs and returned to their seats. Toni and his mom were smiling as though they had won a major victory, and who knew, maybe they just had.

“Wait, that’s it?” Toni asked. She looked confused and Nico chuckled. His girl was thinking he and his father were going to have a long, drawn-out chat about feelings and crap, but it just wasn’t their way. Hell, she should be thrilled with the man hug they shared, that was a giant leap forward in their relationship, but he wouldn’t tell Toni that, not yet at least.

His mother patted Toni’s hand as if trying to soothe her. “Actually, dear, that was quite a lot of sharing for them. They’ll be just fine,” she assured. Toni looked around the small round table as if his family and he had just lost their ever-loving minds, and they all laughed.

“You are one messed up bunch of people,” she whispered, causing them all to laugh harder. Nico stood and crossed to where Toni sat, pulling her up from her seat, and into his arms.

“Thank you for this, baby, all of it. I would have never had a chance to admit I acted poorly the last time I saw my father or that I want him in my life.” Toni looked between Nico and his father and sighed. His dad had started eating salad as if Nico hadn’t just spilled his guts about his feelings, and poor Toni just didn’t seem to get the way things worked between them.

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