Page 17 of True North

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“Toni,” he warned. She sighed and took her hand from his.

“I worked for my father’s company before I had my accident.” He hated that she felt unsure about sharing that part of herself with him. He wished she knew she could share just about anything with him, and it wouldn’t change how he felt about her.

“Go on,” he prompted.

“Well, I had no idea what was going on with the environmental issues that surrounded his development deals. Dad told me he had things handled and that I should concentrate my skills on finding buyers for his projects once he had them under construction. I have a real estate license and I was the lead for sales on the island under his development company. It was his way of monopolizing the market, using me in-house. I coordinated group sales and hired other realty companies to sell off large blocks of his condominiums. If I had known he was hurting the environment, cutting corners to lower his bottom line, I would have never been a part of his company.” Toni shot Nico a guilty look and he wanted to laugh. He would have never guessed his girl would ever be a part of anything shady, she was just too good—too pure.

“Baby, I have no doubt you would never be involved in hurting anyone, that’s just not who you are.” Nico linked their hands again and pulled hers up to gently kiss her knuckles.

“I wonder what my father would think of us being together now?” she asked.

Nico coughed out his laugh. “I’m pretty sure he’d roll over in his grave if he knew you were falling into my bed every night.”

“He never had a funeral,” she whispered. “No memorial service—nothing.” Toni looked so lost again, he wished there was something he could do. James hadn’t been gone long, but enough time had passed for someone to plan his services. Besides, if Nico had to guess, Zac wasn’t going to put much thought or effort into planning anything for his ex-business associate.

“How about we do something when we get back to the island?” he offered. Toni gifted him with her smile, and he felt his heart flutter. She was so fucking beautiful. He wasn’t sure what he had done to deserve another chance with her, but he’d take whatever good fortune was smiling on him.

“I’d like that,” she said. “I’ll make a few calls while we’re in Boston to get the ball rolling. Zac gave me the number to my father’s attorney. I’ll call him first, and maybe he can help me with the arrangements. I don’t have much money to pay for anything elaborate,” she said.

“I’m sure whatever you come up with will be great, baby,” Nico offered.

“So, what are we going to do about your parents?” she asked, changing the subject. He wasn’t quite sure how to answer her question. He wished they were going for a visit under better circumstances, but he was going to use their situation to make the most of strengthening his relationship with both of his parents.

“I don’t know, honey, but I think it’s time to let my father and mother meet the real me,” Nico said. He had never told his parents about his hopes and dreams, knowing they would probably shoot them down. His dreams and desires didn’t align with his parents, and that usually didn’t sit well with them.

“Well, I’m pretty sure they’re going to love you, Nico. I mean, what’s not to love?” She chanced a look over at him and for a split second he hoped she was admitting she felt the same way about him, but he didn’t want to get his hopes up. Toni didn’t remember him, and he needed to keep that in mind. He had a lot of work in front of him to get her to remember the life they shared. He’d help her get there no matter how long it took, and one day he’d hear her say those three little words to him again.


Nico pulled down a lane that was lined with big, white houses; one grander than the next. The trees that ran along the street reminded her they were no longer in their beach town. The chilly temperatures that hit her body when he helped her from his car were her second clue.

“It’s freezing here.” She shivered and he pulled his jacket from the backseat and wrapped it around her body. He was always doing things like that for her; taking care of her every need even before she knew what she needed.

“Yeah, sorry, baby. I forgot about the temperature change. We can run out and pick you up a few things while we’re here.” Nico pulled their bags from the trunk and allowed Toni to take his arm. She was grateful to him for not leaving her in the lurch. Honestly, she was nervous as hell to meet his parents, but she wasn’t sure quite why. She was worried they might judge her for jumping into bed with a virtual stranger, but Nico wasn’t technically that for her. The whole situation was so complicated and confusing that it sometimes made her head swim just thinking about it.

“If you feel uncomfortable for any reason, just say the word and we can find a hotel to stay at,” he offered. She nodded; thankful he was so thoughtful.

“I’m sure everything will work out, Nico,” she said. Nico paused midway up the stairs when his father and mother appeared on the large screened-in porch. Toni almost wanted to say the same words back to him, but she knew they wouldn’t matter. She saw the determination on Nico’s handsome face, and she knew there would be no way that he would back down and leave with his tail between his legs. He saw his relationship with his parents as a challenge and she was beginning to see Nico liked a challenge. He was determined to see them through, and she had a feeling that was how he felt about his visit home. Nico would see it through to the end.

“Just breathe,” she whispered.

“Thanks, honey, but I’m fine,” he lied.

“I was talking to myself.” She giggled. Nico chuckled and she was happy she could do that for him, be what he needed in the moment.

“Thanks, baby. I needed that,” he whispered in her ear. She couldn’t help herself, she turned and kissed his cheek, not caring that his parents were watching them both, seeming to scrutinize their every move. She wouldn’t let Nico’s parents or anyone else tell her what she should or shouldn’t do, that wasn’t who she was.

“Nico!” His mother beamed. She seemed so happy to see her son, even pulling him into her arms to squeeze tight. His father was less enthusiastic about having his only son home, dryly saying his name and holding out his hand for a stiff handshake. Nico obliged, but Toni could see the disappointment in his eyes. She wondered if his parents could see that same desire she saw in their son’s beautiful brown eyes. Whenever she looked into them, she saw all of Nico’s desires to be loved and accepted and now was no different. He wanted that from both of his parents and her heart ached for him. She knew what that felt like. She had felt that same way about her relationship with her father, especially after her mother passed away.

“Mom and Dad, this is Toni,” he introduced her. “My girlfriend,” he quickly added.

“Well, it is so nice to meet you, Toni.” His mother pulled her in for an awkward side hug. Toni smiled and nodded, not sure what to say.

“A pleasure, Toni,” Mr. Andrews said. He wore the same bland expression he had when he greeted his son and she almost wanted to giggle. She was starting to see where Nico got his serious side from. She had only been with Nico for a couple of weeks now, but sometimes, he was so serious she wanted to laugh. Another wave of déjà vu hit her, and she felt a little lightheaded. Nico dropped his bag and pulled her against his body.

“Easy, honey, are you all right?” he asked.

Toni tried to smile, but Nico didn’t look as though he was buying it. “Honestly, I’m a little light-headed. I’m probably just tired from the long drive. I’d love to lay down if that’s all right,” she said.

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