Page 11 of True North

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“I have no idea what to say or do around anyone anymore,” she whispered. “I can feel how badly he wants me to remember him, but I don’t. The doctor said I might never remember this past year and where will that leave us? He’s obviously in love with me—or Jenn.” She barked out her laugh at just how stupid that all sounded. “It’s almost like I’m two people and the me I am now doesn’t remember the person I was a week ago.” Jace squeezed her hand in his and she looked up to find him smiling down at her again. For some strange reason, he made her feel safe and protected.

“How close were we exactly, Jace?” she questioned.

Jace laughed, “Not close like that, Toni. And eww,” he teased.

“Geeze, thanks.” She feigned being hurt, but she could tell he didn’t mean anything by his comment.

“No, I don’t mean it that way. We’re more like brother and sister, or best friends. You and I could tell each other anything and I have to say, I miss that.” Jace stopped walking and wrapped his arms around her, giving her a big bear hug.

“I’m sorry. My memory loss seems to be hurting everyone around me,” she whispered into his ear. “That’s why I have to go.” Jace pulled free from their hug, and she didn’t miss the anger on his handsome face.

“No fucking way any of us are going to let you just leave, Toni,” Jace barked. “You and Nico are meant to be together. You said you can tell he loves you? Well, I’ve never seen two people more in love than the two of you. It was like you were made for each other.” Jace took her hand into his again and started on the path up to Nico’s house, from the beach.

“But what happens if I can’t ever remember him?” she questioned. “What do I do then?”

“Just give the professor a chance. You’re good for him and he adores you. Get to know him again and let him try to help you put the pieces of your life back together, Toni,” Jace pleaded. She stopped and looked up at the big blue beach house, to the top floor that housed her and Nico’s apartment. She wondered if Jace wasn’t right. She had nowhere else to go, no money, and she was pretty sure her ex was hiding some deep, dark secrets. Toni knew she could use Nico’s help and he said he wanted to give her a hand with putting the pieces of her life back in order.

“Fine,” she said, “and, thank you, Jace.” Toni wrapped her arms around Jace’s big body and Heather came out onto the porch and cleared her throat to get their attention. From the death stare that Heather shot her, she wasn’t too happy with Toni for hugging Jace. Did Heather think she was cheating on Nico?

“Hey, honey.” Jace smiled up at her and gave a half-wave. Heather looked over his body, seeming fixated with his bare upper torso, but didn’t bother with a greeting. She made a “humph” sound and turned on her heel to walk back into the house.

“What did you do to her?” Toni asked. She knew it might not be any of her business, but from the reception Heather had just given Jace, she was sure he’d done something to earn it.

“I fucked up and I have no idea how to fix things with her, Toni. That woman drives me fucking nuts, I want her so bad. But she won’t give me the time of day. I’ve tried everything,” he grumbled. Toni stifled her giggle, not wanting to give him the impression she was heartless but watching the two of them circle each other was proving to be fun.

“I’m going to stick around,” she said. “I can’t promise that Nico and I will end up together, as you’re hoping, but I won’t rule that out, either.” Jace picked her up and twirled her around, causing her to scream and giggle. When he put her down, she felt a little dizzy and stumbled right back into a solid wall of man—Nico.

She knew exactly what it felt like, to have her body pressed up against his. He wrapped his arms around her, causing her to shiver. “You need to be careful with her, asshole,” he growled. “She’s still recovering from her head injury.” Jace smiled over at the two of them as if silently telling her “I told you so.” Toni stuck her tongue out at him, causing them all to laugh.

“I’m back on duty in fifteen minutes,” Jace said.

Toni nodded. “Thanks for the talk.” Jace disappeared down the path back to the beach and Toni realized Nico still had his arms around her body. She liked the way he seemed to need a constant connection. At night they even shared a bed, since his house was tiny and there really wasn’t a comfortable option in the way of another place to sleep. She told herself that night after night while her body was pressed against his, sending her mixed signals. Honestly, she liked the feel of him in bed next to her. It gave her comfort having him close, and that was something she gave up trying to explain or rationalize.

“So, what did you two gab about?” Nico whispered against the shell of her ear, making her shiver.

“Nothing, and everything. He said I should stay and give you a chance to help me remember this past year,” she admitted.

Nico stilled behind her. “Was there an alternative plan you were considering?” he asked. She nodded, not wanting to lie to him. She at least owed him her honesty; he’d done so much for her already.

“Yes,” she said. “I was going to tell you I have to go, but Jace convinced me to stick around.” Nico turned her in his arms and the anger and hurt in his eyes were nearly her undoing. She hated it when he looked at her the way he was as if she had disappointed him in some way.

“I’m sorry, Nico,” she whispered. He dipped his head down, crushing his mouth against hers before she could get the rest of her apology out. He wasn’t gentle, like the other kisses he’d snuck. This one was passionate and demanding and made her brain fire on all cylinders as if they were trying to remember the whisper of a dream. It was everything she had ever dreamed a kiss should be and everything she hoped love would feel like. Nico licked into her mouth, and she moaned, loving the way he deepened the kiss, taking control. By the time he pulled away from her, they were both panting and breathless. Toni could tell he was using a good deal of his restraint not to take more from her and honestly, she wanted to give him more.

“You aren’t going anywhere, baby. You belong here with me, and we’ll work on everything until you remember your place,” Nico barked. “It’s here—with me, in case you haven’t figured that out yet.” He winked at her and smacked her ass, turning to head back up to the house.

“Oh yeah,” he said, turning back to face her, “I came out to tell you Heather ordered lunch and it has been delivered. She came out to tell you herself, but Jace had her all hot and bothered.” Nico turned and walked into the house, leaving Toni standing on the porch, dumbfounded by the big, sexy, unexpected scientist. He wasn’t anything she was planning on and everything she hoped to find, all wrapped up in one hot-as-sin package. Toni just hoped like hell she could figure out this memory thing before too long because sooner or later, she was going to jump into bed with Nico Andrews and this time, it wouldn’t be for sleeping.


Toni spent the rest of the afternoon in the kitchen, making his favorite—gumbo. He smiled when she sat his bowl down in front of him. “Someone is awfully happy about dinner,” she teased.

“Well, whether you remember this or not, gumbo is my favorite,” he said, shoveling a spoonful into his mouth and moaning at how good it was. “This is your best yet,” he said around another spoonful.

“It helps that I remember my mother’s recipe now.” Nico saw the sadness in her eyes and wondered if she’d finally be ready to tell him about her mother. He asked, but she said she didn’t like to remember her mom, it brought back too many sad memories. He wanted to know everything about her, even the sad days from her past. Nico knew Toni was holding back around him and he just wished like hell she’d let him in.

“Was your mom a good cook?” he asked, trying for casual. Toni stopped eating and he worried she would withdraw, but she didn’t.

“Yes.” Toni nodded. “My mother was a better baker though. She made all of my birthday cakes and made my day so special.” Toni looked down at her gumbo, the sadness back in her blue eyes.

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