Page 20 of Lost in Yonkers

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“I’m calling to see how my mom is doing. I just talked to her, and she sounds good, but I believe that’s because I just told her about her granddaughter. I called you to see how she’s really doing.”

“She has her good and bad days,” Reacher said. “She told me that she was approved for an in-home care nurse, so she won’t have to go back and forth to the hospital so much. She sounded happy about that. Other than that, she’s sleeping a lot and eating a little bit, here and there, when I beg her too. I like your mom, man,” Reacher said.

“What the fuck does that mean?” Yonkers growled into the cell phone.

“It means that I think she’s a great person, and I think that you worrying about her is good too. You two seem close, and I admire that, man. I wish my own mom was still around for me to take care of, but she’d been gone a long time now.” Hearing the sadness in Reacher’s voice when he talked about his mom was something that Yonkers wasn’t expecting.

“I’m sorry that you lost your mom, and I’m sorry that I jumped down your throat. I appreciate you being there for my mom until I can get back to New York,” Yonkers said.

“No problem, and not to sound like a prick again, but when will that be?” Reacher asked.

Yonkers chuckled and shook his head at his friend, even though he couldn’t see him doing so through the phone. “You really are a piece of work, man,” Yonkers teased.

“Thanks,” Reacher grumbled.

“We should be able to get back up there in about four to six weeks, depending on when Wren is released by her doctor. She had an easy delivery, so the doctor is hopeful that it will be around four weeks, but she wants to be cautious. Plus, we want the baby to have her first check-up at the pediatrician before we head north.”

“Got it,” Reacher said. “Don’t worry about your mom, just concentrate on your woman and kid. I’ll take good care of your mom for you.” Yonkers wanted to ask Reacher what he meant by that again, but he knew that his friend was only trying to get a rise out of him. He wanted to get back to Wren and the baby, so he’d let that comment slide—for now.

“Thanks, man,” Yonkers said, ending the call. He wasn’t sure if moving to New York was the right call for his new family, but he had to admit, he was looking forward to being back home for a while—even if it was to take care of his sick mother.

One Month Later

Yonkers wasn’t sure that moving back to New York was good for his new little family, but he had to be there for his mother, and having Wren support him was everything. Still, it was harder to leave Huntsville this time, and that had everything to do with their friends and family back at his club. He wanted to show her how much she meant to him, and Reacher and his mom helped him to pull off the best surprise to do just that.

“I can’t wait to settle Kris into her nursery,” Wren said. When they were living in the new house, just down the street from his mom, they had prepared the nursery for the baby. In Huntsville, all they had for Kris was a bassinet and a few other necessities that Trixie and Blade had gotten for the baby. The rest of their stuff was still in the nursery in New York.

“I think that she’s going to love her room,” Yonkers agreed.

“I feel as though I might be able to sleep for years,” Wren said around a yawn. They had just spent the better part of a week packing up her apartment and the little place she had been renting from Trixie. Her entire life was being moved to New York, along with a few things that he still had back in Huntsville. They were making a huge move and he just hoped like hell that it worked out.

“I’ll get a few of the guys from my new club to come over to help me out, getting everything into our house. You just concentrate on Kris and getting some rest,” he insisted.

“But what about unpacking?” she asked.

“We will get that done in time,” he said. “I just need you rested for this weekend.”

“Why, what’s happening this weekend?” she asked. He wanted to spill the beans and tell her about the makeshift little wedding that he, his mom, and Reacher had thrown together, but he also wanted to keep it a surprise.

“Um, Mom’s arranged a little welcome home party for us. You know she’s dying to see you and Kris,” he said.

“Well, she can come over today, if she’s up for it. But that’s super sweet of her. Who’s coming?” she asked. “I need to make sure that I’m ready for whatever she has planned.”

“Just some of the guys from the club,” he said, leaving out the part about Blade and Trixie making the trip up from Huntsville and staying with his mother. It was a little white lie that Wren was sure to forgive once she realized what was happening.

He had found a Royal Bastards chapter in Yonkers with Savage’s help. It was a new MC, and he was happy that they allowed him to join but being low man on the totem pole again felt awkward. He really liked the guys and the new Prez of the club seemed pretty cool. Hurricane wasn’t someone he ever wanted to fuck with, but all in all, the guy seemed fair. Yonkers was just happy that he had a new club base to call home while he and Wren lived in New York. The Royal Bastards were his brothers and having them in his life made him feel complete.

The new club is also where he met Reacher. He was new to the Royal Bastards, having just patched into the Yonkers chapter, and he was a good guy—especially since he was willing to help out with Yonker’s mom.

They pulled up to their house and Yonkers cut the engine of his truck. “Not much has changed since we’ve been gone,” Wren whispered.

“Well, we’ve only been gone for about seven weeks,” Yonkers said. “I’m guessing that Reacher and my mom came over to check the place a few times. If I was a betting man, I’d gamble that my mother came over to clean the place too.”

“In her condition?” Wren asked. “I hope that she didn’t.”

“You don’t really know my mother, but there would be nothing stopping her from cleaning our home if she knew that we were coming back with the baby. Nothing is too good or too clean for her granddaughter,” Yonkers said. “Let’s go in and get settled. Then, I’ll call mom and see if Reacher can bring her over. I think it would be good for us to stay home for a few days, to let Kris get used to her new room.”

“Agreed,” she said. “Plus, I plan on staying in sweatpants and a t-shirt for at least a week, so it would be best for her to come here.”

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