Page 14 of Lost in Yonkers

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“We will do what we can,” Hurricane offered, “what’s up?”

“Wren is gone,” he almost whispered. “We had a fight this afternoon and my mother had to go to her treatment and then we had to meet with her doctors. When I got back home, she was gone.”

“Maybe she just went out for a drive or over to a friend’s place,” Reacher said.

“She doesn’t have any friends up here. After she got here, she was placed on bedrest and didn’t get to meet anyone. Plus, her stuff was cleaned out of our closet—she’s really gone and I’m worried,” Yonkers admitted.

“Where do you think she went?” Hurricane asked.

“I’m not sure,” Yonkers said. “I’m afraid that she might have traveled back to Huntsville, or at least started for Alabama. But in her condition, I’m terrified that she’s on the side of the road, having our baby all alone. I should be with her, but I’m afraid that I fucked thinks up good this time.”

“How so?” the new guy asked. “Oh, I’m Chains, by the way,” he stood and offered Yonkers his hand and he shook it.

“Good to meet you Chains, I’m Yonkers,” he said. “I patched in from the Royal Bastards down in Huntsville, Alabama, but I’m originally from here. To answer your question, I didn’t tell her that I loved her. I just couldn’t give her the words.”

“Do you fucking love her?” Hurricane asked.

“I do,” he admitted. “Fuck, why is it so easy to tell you three that, but not Wren?”

“Because you’re afraid that you’re going to fuck things up and if you say those words to her, and hurt her, it will gut you,” Reacher said. He wasn’t wrong, but those words of wisdom didn’t help Yonkers much now.

“Do you think she went home?” Hurricane asked.

“I don’t know, but I plan on finding out,” Yonkers said, feeling a new determination.

“How will you do that?” Chains asked.

“I’m not sure, but I think that starting with her brother, Blade is my best bet. I’m going to run guys, but I really appreciate you talking this all out with me,” Yonkers said.

“That’s what we’re here for, man,” Hurricane said, “anytime.”

Yonkers knew that it was time for him to stop wallowing in his own self-pity and do something about getting Wren back. He knew that it was a long shot, but if he played his cards right, he might just win her back. The problem was finding her, but he knew one person who would know where Wren was—Blade. The question was, would his old friend help him or tell him to go to hell when he asked?

It had taken three fucking weeks to reach Blade by phone. He knew that his friend was avoiding him, but short of driving to Alabama to break down Blade’s front door, he was out of options.

“What do you want, Yonkers?” Blade answered his cell.

“Just tell me where she’s at man,” Yonkers begged.

“Why the hell should I do that?” Blade asked.

“I fucked up and I want to tell her that I’m sorry. If you don’t tell me where she’s at, I won’t be able to do that. I need to see her and my daughter, please,” he said. He’d beg his friend all day long if he’d give him answers about where Wren was hiding with his daughter. She had snuck away in the middle of the night and didn’t bother to tell him where she was going.

“She doesn’t want to see you, man,” Blade said. That wasn’t going to stop him.

“Wren told me that she wanted to go back home to have the baby, so I know that she’s in Huntsville, but I checked with the hospitals, and she’s nowhere to be found. I’m losing my mind here, man,” he admitted.

“She said that you didn’t want to be a part of her, or the baby’s lives,” Blade said. He didn’t need to be reminded about how stupid he had been with Wren. She told him that she loved him, and he just stood there like a fucking idiot. When she asked him what he wanted from her, he was a fool and told her that he wanted nothing from her, but what he really meant to say was everything from her—with her. He left her no choice but to run away into the night without any word about where she was going.

“At least tell me if she and the baby are all right,” Yonkers begged.

“They are both fine,” Blade said, “and, for what it’s worth, your daughter hasn’t been born yet.”

“Wren was due a week ago,” Yonkers reminded.

“Right, and apparently, your kid is as stubborn as you both are. She’s refusing to come, and Wren is about out of her mind trying to come up with ways to get the baby out.” Yonkers chuckled to himself at the thought of his woman begging their kid to get out of her body.

“If you had to put up with her day in and day out, you wouldn’t be laughing, man,” Blade grumbled.

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