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I swallow hard, my throat clicking. "Yeah, well. Maybe I want to do something special, did you ever think of that? Maybe I want to spoil you a little, treat you the way you deserve to be treated."

Eli's breath catches, his fingers curling into the fabric of my shirt. "And how do I deserve to be treated?" he asks softly, his gaze heavy-lidded and full of heat. "Like a precious orchid under glass? Or like a wildflower swaying in the wind?"

Fuck. The image those words conjure, of Eli splayed out amidst a tangle of wildflowers, his skin gleaming with sweat and his hair haloed in slams into me like a freight train, desire spiking through my veins like a drug.

"Like both," I rasp, my voice rough and raw with want. "Like everything, Eli. You deserve everything I can give you, and more. Let me...let me show you. Let me give you a perfect fucking day, one shining moment outside the madness of our lives."

Eli's eyes flutter shut, a shuddering breath escaping his parted lips. When he opens them again, they're blazing with a fierce, almost desperate longing. "Yes," he whispers, his hand sliding up to cup the back of my neck. "Yes, Nico. Take me away from all of this. Make me forget, just for a little while."

It's all the permission I need. I capture his mouth in a searing kiss, our teeth clacking and noses bumping in our eagerness. Eli opens for me instantly, his tongue sliding hot and slick against my own as he arches into my touch.

I walk him backwards until his shoulders hit the wall, my thigh sliding between his legs to press against the hardening bulge of his cock. He whimpers into my mouth, his hips rolling against me in desperate little circles. It's fucking intoxicating, the way he comes alive under my hands, the way he melts and molds against me like he was made to fit there.

I deepen the kiss, my tongue plundering the hot, slick cavern of his mouth as my hands roam restlessly over his body. I slip them beneath the hem of his shirt, skimming over the smooth, heated skin of his back before dipping lower to cup the firm globes of his ass. Eli moans into the kiss, arching into my touch like a cat in heat.

Emboldened by his response, I tear my mouth from his to blaze a trail of hot, open-mouthed kisses down the column of his throat. Eli tips his head back with a gasp, his fingers tangling in my hair as I latch onto the sensitive skin beneath his ear. I suck and nibble at the spot, worrying it with my teeth until I'm sure I've left a mark. A brand, a claim, a visible reminder that he's mine.

"Nico," Eli pants, his voice thready and desperate. "Please, I need...I need..."

"Tell me," I growl against his skin, my hands kneading the firm muscle of his ass. "Tell me what you need, baby. I'll give it to you, anything, everything..."

"Your mouth," he gasps, his hips bucking against my thigh. "I need your mouth on me, please..."

Fuck yes. I drop to my knees in a heartbeat, my fingers making quick work of his belt and zipper. I tug his jeans and boxer briefs down just enough to free his straining erection, the hard, velvet-smooth length of it slapping against his belly.

I take a moment to admire the sight of him, flushed and leaking and so goddamn beautiful it makes my chest ache. And then I'm leaning forward, my tongue darting out to lap at the bead of moisture at his tip.

Eli cries out sharply, his hips jerking forward as if pulled by a string. I pin him to the wall with a forearm across his hips, holding him steady as I take him into my mouth inch by torturous inch.

He's hot and heavy on my tongue, the taste of him salty-sweet and intoxicating. I hollow my cheeks and suck hard, swirling my tongue around the sensitive crown before sinking down until the head of his cock nudges the back of my throat.

"Oh fuck," Eli sobs, his fingers scrabbling for purchase on my shoulders. "Nico, your mouth, it's so...fuck, it's perfect, you're perfect..."

I moan around him in response, the broken desperation in his voice stoking the flames of my own desire. I bob my head in a steady rhythm, taking him deep and then pulling back to tease the tip with flicks of my tongue.

Eli writhes against the wall, his thighs trembling and his abs clenching as he fights the urge to thrust into my mouth. I can tell he's getting close by the way his moans pitch higher, his fingers tightening almost painfully in my hair.

Part of me wants to push him over the edge, to taste his release on my tongue and feel him shatter apart in my hands. But a bigger part of me wants to make this last, to draw out the sweet, agonizing build of pleasure until he's a babbling, incoherent mess.

So I pull off with a filthy, wet pop, licking my lips to chase the taste of him. Eli whines at the loss, his hips twitching forward in a futile search for friction.

In a flash, I'm back on my feet, spinning Eli around to face the wall. I press up against his back, my still-clothed erection nestling into the cleft of his ass as I grind against him desperately. Eli pushes back into me with a moan, his hands scrabbling for purchase on the smooth surface.

I reach around to wrap my fingers around his spit-slick cock, stroking him in time with the roll of my hips. My other hand slides down to tease at his entrance, circling the furled muscle with the pad of my thumb.

Eli gasps and clenches around my finger, his head dropping back onto my shoulder. "Please," he pants, his voice ragged and wrecked. "Nico, please, I need you inside me..."

Fuck, the temptation is overwhelming. To just kick his legs apart and sink into the tight heat of his body, to claim him wholly and irrevocably. I'm so hard it hurts, my cock throbbing in the confines of my slacks.

But before we can get too carried away, I force myself to pull back, my breathing ragged and my heart thundering in my ears. I turn him around so we’re facing each other again, my cock painfully hard as I tuck his straining erection back into his boxers, his whine making my shaft twitch.

"Wait," I pant, pressing my forehead against his sweat-dampened nape. "Not here, not like this. I want...I want to do this right, Eli. I want our first time to be perfect, to be everything you deserve."

Eli makes a soft, desperate sound, his fingers digging into my shoulders. "It will be," he rasps, his eyes fever-bright and glazed with desire. "It will be perfect, Nico. Because it's with you. That's all I need, all I want. Just you."

Fuck. The naked adoration in his gaze, the raw, unbridled's almost enough to shatter my resolve. But I cling to it stubbornly, determined to give Eli the romance and tenderness he deserves.

"Tomorrow," I promise, brushing a soft, lingering kiss over his lips. "I'll pick you up at noon, and we'll spend the whole day together. Just you and me, no distractions, no interruptions. And then...then I'll take you home, and I'll show you just how much I want you. How much much I feel for you."

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