Page 46 of Old Girls on Deck

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Our waiter returned and two narrow glasses filled with amber liquid were deposited on our table.

‘What have we here, Patrick?’ Evelyn said as she sat down.

‘Two Long Island iced teas, madame,’ the waiter said with a little bow. ‘Top of page two, as requested.’

Evelyn clapped her hands. ‘Oh good, I like those. “An act of mixological atrocity favoured by college students and wastrels” someone called them. And rather potent, so perhaps we should have some more nibbles to soak up the alcohol.’

Personally, I would have thought we needed a bath sponge or a loaf of bread each, but Evelyn was made of strong stuff and sampled her drink with enthusiasm before calling the waiter back and asking for some more snacks.

‘So, your Eddy. What’s he like?’ she said at last, nibbling around a large crisp.

I thought for a moment. ‘Kind, hardworking, generous. We’ve already established he’s handy. He likes Devon and Cornwall for holidays, he’s a very good driver and he enjoys it. He’d eat Sunday lunches and Jaffa Cakes every day if he could get them. And I’m beginning to realise he might not be quite as comfortable with retirement as he pretends.’

‘I don’t think many men are,’ Evelyn said, ‘they need something to do, other than follow us from room to room. I occasionally hinted we could do some work on the garden, after all we had nearly an acre including an orchard, but Douglas used to say gardens were for sitting in or looking at, but definitely not for working in.’

‘Well, that’s true,’ I said, ‘I think I will try and persuade Eddy to travel more, as you suggested. I’m enjoying this experience so much, and I’m sure he would too. Once I talk him round. Perhaps not a cruise, but yes, a road trip? He would definitely like that, and I have tens of thousands of points from my supermarket shopping which I could use for the air fare.’

Evelyn nodded her approval. ‘What a great idea. Go to New England. It’s absolutely delightful, as long as you don’t try and drive in Boston, which Douglas said was the most terrifying place he’s ever driven. But Vermont and New Hampshire, and Maine are lovely. And we spent some time in Washington DC, which is a place built for exploring. And who wouldn’t like a place with the world’s biggest obelisk? Now then, my alcohol levels are well topped up, and it’s time for my enormous bed.’ She collected up her handbag and an evening stole which she had folded neatly on the seat beside her, and then she stopped. ‘It’s awful being alone in a double bed. I still can’t get used to that. I might have complained about the snoring when Douglas was alive, but I’d give anything to hear it again. Silly, isn’t it? I still make the bed with four pillows when I only need two. And I still sleep on my side of the bed. I don’t suppose that will ever change.’

I thought back to the many times I had dug Eddy in the ribs to stop him snoring and then in an exasperated huff traipsed off to the spare room. No, I wouldn’t like that, I was sure of it. And going by the feedback from Diana, I snored too, and yet Eddy had never complained. He just said I was ‘breathing heavily.’

‘Yes, it must be difficult. And it’s probably the same for Diana. I sometimes wonder how she has coped.’

Evelyn gave me a look. ‘Take it from me, you will never realise how strong you are until there is really no alternative. Good night, dear. Stay here and finish your drink. I know it’s only nine thirty but I’m off to my bed. I’ve got to a good bit in the book I am reading. The heroine has somehow found herself on an island with the duke who sounds very rugged and masterful. And she got caught in a tropical storm trying to escape his piercing gaze and sensual mouth, and her clothes are soaking wet. Well, we all know what happens next, at least I hope so. I do love a good romance. I can’t get on with books that make one miserable. And I see some familiar faces just coming in, so I shall make good my escape. I don’t think you will be on your own for very long. Thank you for a lovely evening. I shall sleep like a tot tonight. And Jill, remember – just count your blessings, you still have Eddy around to annoy you, you have something to work with.’

‘It’s busy here, isn’t it? Mind if we all join you in your little booth?’ Thelma said a few moments later, sliding in beside me in a cloud of Opium perfume.

Almost immediately I found myself wedged in the middle of the four of them, and then there was a great deal of fussing about with menus and discussion about what everyone wanted. At last, Les and Ken went off to the bar and Thelma turned to me.

‘Honestly, the early show tonight was marvellous. Terrific routines, the chap who did the Michael Jackson moonwalking on the first night was the Joel Grey character. You know, Emcee, quite convincing in a sanitised way. As though he had been eating oatmeal before the performance rather than rusty nails. So how did you get on with Lady Evelyn? We saw you in here earlier, deep in conversation. What’s she like? I would so like to chat to her, but I keep missing her.’

She didn’t wait for a reply.

‘And I saw your friend, the captain’s widow earlier, she was in the Puccini with a man?—’

I could feel my hackles rising. Diana was so much more than just the captain’s widow.

‘—did you know about that?’

‘Yes, of course I did, actually she’s my sister, she…’

A tall, rather florid man came and stood next to the table. Thelma flashed him a smile that showed she had a smudge of lipstick on her teeth.

‘Ah Gerald, there you are.’ She turned to me. ‘This is another shipmate of ours. He’s very interesting, he used to work for his local council, in charge of something.’

‘Public works department,’ Gerald said proudly, sticking his thumbs into the pockets of his waistcoat, ‘highways division and maintenance.’

‘So, fixing potholes then?’ I said.

‘People think that’s all there is to it, my ex-wife did but I can assure you it isn’t,’ he said, tersely and proceeded to launch into a long and mind-numbing explanation about the dispute between a county council and a district council, that apparently he had single-handedly resolved.

Meanwhile Ken and Les returned with five new drinks which left Gerald looking disappointed, until I reassured him I hadn’t finished the one I had in front of me and he was welcome to mine.

I lasted nearly an hour, hearing about their various careers, their children, the problems Thelma’s daughter was having with her landlord, and the idiocy of Gerald’s divorce lawyer until I made my excuses and left with promises to see them again very soon.

Safely back in my cabin, I took off what was left of my make-up, washed my face and changed into my pyjamas, which were new, decorated with rosebuds and still giving me pleasure. I posed for a moment in front of the mirror. Well, compared with the scratty old nighties I usually wore they were a definite improvement. I wondered for a moment what Eddy would think of them.

Then I sent a message to Eddy, read the newsletter for the following day’s activities and got into bed.

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