Page 72 of Kings of Darkness

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What the actual fuck?

Jangling metal, a rattle like heavy chains dragging, echoes along the corridor outside. Coming closer. When Carlo enters the room, Bruno and Alessio move, turning me away. Carrying me like a sack to the big bed.

Alessio calls over his shoulder, “Did you find enough, Carlo?”

“I doubt it. She’s a tough one. We may have to get more.”

Bruno asks, “Did you bring bottles?”

“Yup,” Carlo says. Then there’s a crack. A pop like a gunshot. “No glasses, though.”

“That’s okay.” Bruno chuckles. “We’re not going to be very civilized about any of this.”

“We can just pour it on her,” Alessio agrees.

Carlo sprays me. A chilly foam soaks me. He sprays it on my blouse. On my legs. In my face. It’s chilled Champagne.

“You think this might calm her down? Make her more placid and agreeable?” Bruno reaches out quickly with one hand. I try to use the chance to make a break, but he’s too fast for me.

When his hand returns, he has a heavy pair of cuffs.

“NO!” I’m shouting and giggling. Laughing and shaking at the same time.

“Yes,” Bruno says, fastening my wrist to one corner of the bed. “We’ll be able to do whatever we want with you.”

“No!” But yet, ‘Yes, do me, take me, I’m yours.’ I can’t even control my voice to make words now. Thinking what they might be planning to do to me, I’m dissolving hopelessly and happily into hysteria.

Carlo shakes up the Champagne to make it fizz. He squirts and pours it over me as Bruno and Alessio wrestle and wrangle me out into the shape of a shaking jumping-jack.

Four sets of heavy handcuffs pull me wide. The cuffs are short, and the four posts of the bed are a long way apart. My arms and legs spread out straight, at full stretch across the soft silky comforter.

When I’m securely fastened, the three big men stand back to admire their handiwork. I pull and struggle. It’s no use. They nod, satisfied with their achievement.

“So far, so good,” Bruno says. Standing at the three sides of the bed, they all nod solemnly.

Then they all dive on me. Carlo pushes up my skirt. I jerk and shake as he soaks my thighs and my already drenched panties in cold Champagne. Then he rips my panties. My hips buck and tremble as he licks and laps Champagne from my pussy.

After they take pleasure in ripping my lovely blouse, Bruno and Alessio nibble my ears and throat, they open the clasp at the front of my bra, they lick my tits, and they nip with their teeth and suck on my nipples. As soon as they make me hot in one place, they splash chilly Champagne on it and make me clench and twist.

All the while, they’re still tickling my sides and anywhere else they can find to make me squirm and squeal and wriggle.

Hands are all over me. Everywhere. I can’t keep track. Tickling my ass, rubbing my thighs, caressing my breasts. Squeezing my throat.

Carlo trills and suckles around my clit, my mound and my wings like he found the cheat codes. His tongue flexes, long, thick and strong. It’s unbelievably sensitive. Every merciless circle, every dizzying suck, each cruel swipe and tender flick and shove is smack on target.

His fingers, along with lots of other fingers, slip and slide and probe and poke into my pussy and my ass. It feels like I’m going to break apart.

I don’t know how much of this I can take. I try to tell them to stop, to plead with them, just to let me have a break, but I can’t get the words out. My pulse is quick and hot. My breath rises.

An avalanche starts in my thighs, then quivers all the way up in my chest, through my hardening buds. My arms flex and tense, currents roll through me like a rainstorm. My senses spasm. The avalanche is at a massive tipping point. Carlo’s tongue trickles and thickens, high inside me. Too high I can’t take it.

A crashing waterfall sets off blasts and crackles, all through my limbs and coming together in my core. I’m calling, shouting, but my voice is distant. Lost. I need to hold them. All of them. Being spread out is unbearable. I can’t take any more.

Carlo’s mouth feels like he’s swallowing me whole. From the inside.

I’m soaked. Torn apart, ripped into shreds. Shaking and delirious. One more burst. But as the rising roll begins, I can sense, this one will be even bigger. My pussy opens and quakes, gripping onto Carlo’s tongue.

All three of my big princes are sucking on me, and I’m exploding. Crashing. Bursting. Imploding and splashing, all at once. Everything. All at the same time.

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