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She pulled me back into the conversation, and I was able to reassure him that allowing me to buy his LLC and every umbrella company underneath was a good idea. By the time we left, he promised me that he’d give me his final answer within forty-eight hours. I accepted that and hoped he wouldn’t take that full amount of time.

By the time the meeting was over, I was mentally and emotionally exhausted. I was hoping Cheyanne didn’t want to see the city tonight. Thankfully, she was just as tired as me. We ended up going back to the hotel, and as soon as I undressed and got into bed, I went straight to sleep.


Two Days Later


Chandler was losing his shit, and it was the cutest thing I’d seen in a while. As he paced in front of me, I could only smile. With us having over nine thousand square feet in this suite, he’d chosen to unravel in front of me. For a while, I continued to eat my fruit and ignore him. When I couldn’t take it anymore, I set the fruit down and called his name. His movements stopped as he looked at me.


“Will you sit down!” I yelled playfully through my laugh.

“I can’t. I’m too anxious. This man really taking the full forty-eight hours to call me.”

“That’s just a tactic. I know he’s already made up his mind.”

“I agree. It’s still frustrating.”

I stood and told him, “Go put on some clothes. Maybe getting out of the suite will do you some good.”

Yesterday, we took advantage of what the hotel had to offer by getting massages and having a private wine tasting before dinner.

“Where are we going?” he asked. “I’ll call for the car.”

“Hmm… let’s go with the flow. I have a few places in mind. To start, we can do the typical tourist sightseeing stuff, and I can show you some of my favorite places. Then maybe we can shop and end the day with a dinner cruise on the Thames River and hit up a couple of bars.”

He gave me a smile as he left, saying, “Yeah, you really like it here.”

I chuckled as I headed toward my room because that was true. About thirty minutes later, we were heading out, dressed casually for the day.

I knew he had a lot on his mind, so I kept him talking on the ride. As I suggested, we went to a few tourist staples before hitting up two different malls. We ended up buying so much we had to go back to the suite to get rid of our bags. That was cool because it allowed us to shower and change for the dinner cruise. I loved a good boat cruise, mainly because I loved being on and in the water. Just as we were getting ready to head out, Chandler got a phone call.

“This is him,” he said, hopping out of the Rolls Royce quickly and slamming the door.

I watched him intently—the clenched jaw, dark eyes, powerful stride. Though my intention was to gauge how the conversation was going, I couldn’t deny how beautiful this man was. All it took was that smile for me to know Jacobs agreed. Chandler disconnected the call and beat his chest, then looked toward the sky.

A comfortable smile rested on his lips as he got back in the car.

“Well?” I asked, needing him to say what I already knew.

“He’s on board.”

“Yay! Congratulations, Chandler!”

“Thank you, Chy. I honestly wouldn’t have been able to do this without you. He found you to be quite charming.”

“Glad I could help.”

“We have to celebrate.”

“What’re you thinking?”

He thought over my question for a while before saying, “What’s one place you’ve never gone that I can take you to experience?”

My head shook as I looked out of the window. I focused on the cars we passed instead of his eyes. “This is your moment, Chandler. You don’t have to take me anywhere.”

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