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“Faith, duck!” I scream.

She throws herself down, and a moment later, gunshots go off. A couple of ceiling tiles are knocked out, crashing on the floor behind us. “Holy crap, that was close,” she breathes shakily.

I catch the phone as she drops it, and then use it to show what's going on. The viewers are in the tens of thousands now, I just hope that we're not about to stream our own deaths. If nothing else that has to be against the terms of conditions.

“Guys,” I say right at the screen, aiming it so they can see what's left of the doors behind us. “I don't know if you're watching, but we're on the third floor. West… west?” I look over at Ella who nods quickly. “West studio. They've broken down the door, but Scrapper, Bull and Mad Dog are keeping them out for now. But we need help, quick, or we're going to have to find some kind of way out of here. So um… please hurry?”

Another bullet and it skims the top of the phone, knocking it out of my hand. I scream in surprise as Faith dives for it. “It's okay!”

I drop to my butt, making absolutely sure none of me is sticking out.

“Mila!” yells Scrapper. He must've heard my scream.

“I'm fine, I'm fine!” I yell back.

“If we get out of this, can I borrow your bikers to do a round of, let's call them performance reviews with my people?” seethes Ella. “No one else knew we would be here, and I thought I picked a good crew. Obviously someone is talking, and that’s not something I’m going to put up with.”

“I'm sure they'd be happy to,” I confirm.

“Girls, we have to move,” yells Bull while Mad Dog fires a couple of rounds through the wrecked doorway. “Anywhere we can go from here?”

Faith and I look at Ella. If anyone knows, it's her.

She wets her lips. “If we can get out that door, the hallway that branches left leads to an office wing. There might at least be a lot of places to hide there. If we're lucky, we can get out the fire escape.”

Scrapper grins. “Good thinking. We're gonna try to make an opening, okay? Everyone, get over here and prepare to run.”

Keeping low, we follow the walls until we're standing right by the door frame behind Scrapper. Bull and Mad Dog are on the other side, and Scrapper's found a fire extinguisher, big enough that he's hauling it with two hands.

“Ready?” he yells. “Better fucking be.”

He throws the fire extinguisher through the door. Immediately a gun fires, and then the whole hallway is packed with dense white smoke.

“Go,” Bull barks, and fires a couple of shots down the hallway.

We go.

I throw myself through first, tightly followed by Faith and Ella. Behind us, the crew is following close. I cover my face with my arm, trying not to breathe in too much of the fire extinguishing dust. Someone coughs, a gun goes off and someone swears. I just hope it's not one of ours. No time to check.

I run like my life depends on it, because it does. God, I hope I did the right thing by digging into all of this. And that I just don't get myself, and others, killed.

We burst out of the cloud, but the door at the end of the hallway looks heavy and is shut. “Keep going,” Ella barks. “I have a keycard.”

I let her pass, and she swipes through the reader next to the door. A couple of quick taps for her code and the door clicks. Thank God. I push it open, followed by Faith, Ella and the crew. Then we hold it open, waiting for our biker bodyguards and trying to ignore the gunshots going off in the smoke. As the extinguisher smoke continues to spread, it gets harder and harder to see.

“Scrapper!” I yell. What's taking them so long? “This way! Come on!”

“I hope you're seeing this,” Faith says behind me, presumably into the phone. “We're just waiting for our heroes to come out of the?—”

Bull charges out of the smoke, dragging Mad Dog after him. “Outta my way!”

We step aside so he can get by, and it's impossible to ignore the bloody streak being left behind on the polished floor. Crap, crap, crap. “Where's Scrapper?”

Bull's expression goes tight. “Dunno. I lost him in the smoke. Someone, help me get Mad Dog stabilized so I can go back for Scrapper. Anyone good at first aid?”

A couple of the film crew jump in, probably just happy to not be as useless as I feel.

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