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He nods, focusing on the beer in his hand.

Mack puts a hand on his shoulder. “You did fucking good, man. It’s not like before. You saved her.”

Reaper’s whole body shudders. “And that's what I needed to talk to you boys about. She’s good for us. I want to keep her.”

“How do you mean?” I think I know where this is going, but wanna be sure I'm not reading him wrong.

“I fucking like her. A lot. She's so God damned strong, determined, got her heart in the right fucking place. She's fucking beautiful… and she seems to like my broken ass. If she'll have me, I wanna see where this is going.”

“I think we all feel that way,” says Mack, his brows narrowing. “Is that gonna be a problem?”

“Not on my account. I trust you assholes with my life. We do everything else together. If there's anywhere on this whole planet that's fucking full of examples of how this can work, it's the Screaming Eagles motherfucking MC. I want her to be happy, and if she’ll have us, I think we can make that happen.” He pauses to look at me and Mack in turn. “So if you guys wanna say something about it, now's the time.”

“I'm in. I'm fucking surprised you thought it was even a question. Besides, she gets into so much fucking trouble that she’s going to need at least three of us to keep her breathing.” I grin at them, trying to lighten the mood, but they glare back. “Too soon? Look, she needs all the help she can get right now, and no matter what happens, we’re not letting her face it on her own, right?”

They both nod.

“So if she’ll still have us when this is over and done? Fuck yeah.”

Mack nods. “She's made it pretty clear that she likes being with all of us. We like being with her. Why the fuck would I try to break up something that works? If I'm gonna share a woman with anyone, it's gonna be with you two fuckers. And yeah, she deserves to be happy. The three of us can do that for her. So yeah, count me in.”

Reaper nods like he expected no less. “Good. I figured, but I wanted to hear it. Take turns watching her until she wakes up? Who's up first?”

I raise my hand. “I'll go. And Reaper, go the fuck to sleep. You look like a zombie.”

“You should’ve seen me this morning,” he grumbles while Mack chuckles.

“I'll make sure he makes it,” Mack says. “C'mon, mud boy.”

We split up outside the door, and I slip into Mila's room quietly so I don't wake her.

She looks peaceful. Comfortable. Gorgeous.




I’m floating. Not quite asleep, not quite awake. Did I die? Am I drowning in the river?

Except I'm dry. Warm. Something's covering me, but it's not water or Reaper’s damp t-shirt. My eyes are crusted over, so I rub them clear, but I'm afraid to open them. What if this is just a dream and I’m delirious?

Am I dead?


“Morning, sleepyhead.”

My eyelids wrench open, and I'm staring up into a familiar, smiling face. “Mack!”

“Fuck, beautiful, I thought you were gonna sleep for fucking ever.”

I sit up so fast I get a head rush, but his big arms go around me, holding me steady before I realize that I'm butt naked. I don't care. He's seen me. “I thought I'd never see you again.”

“You doubting Reaper?”

“Is he okay? Please, say he's okay.” Happy tears soak the front of Mack’s shirt.

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